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At a time when Pakistan Iran relations are tanking, Saudi minister land in Pakistan.

It's high time we learn to play raw politics in international affairs. There are no permanent friends, just permanent interests.
Who gives a crap why they are coming or who's coming, as long as our interests are protected.

Indeed. Saudis will come like flies wherever Iran is in sh|t.

There is no denying that Iran wings needs to be clipped as it is now matter of our national security. If there are willing parties to join in this, to grind their own axe, thats fine. As long as they fully understand that they are doing zero favour to us, and they are in this for their own benefit. After all, Iran is partnering with India out of all nations, to spread terrorism in our soil.
We are free and independent already atleast nobody attacks our country while we are attacking our enemies wherever they are.
correction : you are free and independent until article 5 is invoked.
Time to tell the Saudis we are with them through and through. We'd do everything that could hurt Iran's interests and even Iran itself. Hitting two birds with a single stone. On the one hand, truncating burgeoning Indian influence in the absence of our presence in GCC, and on the other making Iran vulnerable enough fr it to become sensitive to our interests. Not to forge all the monetary benefits we could have until the economy gets into shape and on the road to greater self-sufficiency.

We are not with them, they will be with us, as junior partner. Understanding fully that they are in this for their own interests, doing zero favour to us. The sectarian BS needs to be kept at million mile distance. Purely national interests are at play here, nothing else.
You have to install checks and balances on the Iranian IRGC. Not to destroy Iran. There has to be a cost to their actions.
We already clipping their wings ... here is one example ..we have Jaish al adal to strike inside Iranian borders.


FILE - Iranian border guards purportedly captured by the Pakistani group Jaish al-Adl.

Pakistan confirmed Thursday that its security forces have rescued five abducted Iranian border guards, saying efforts to recover other captives are ongoing.

An anti-Iran Sunni militant organization known as Jaish al-Adl kidnapped a group of 12 security guards a month ago in the southeastern Iranian border city of Mirjaveh and took the captives to the Pakistani side of the porous frontier between the two countries.

Tehran demanded Islamabad help recover the men.

“With concerted efforts of the Pakistani LEAs (law enforcement agencies) and armed forces, five abducted Iranian guards have been safely recovered,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Mohammad Faisal announced in Islamabad.

He added the Iranians are in good health and the Pakistani military-led “concerted efforts” to recover the other guards were continuing.

The Pakistani statement came hours after the chief commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari, disclosed to reporters that the five guards were free and hosted by authorities in the neighboring country.

Jaish al-Adl claimed responsibility for the October 15 kidnapping and demanded release of its prisoners in Iran in exchange for the abductees.

The incident occurred in Sistan-Baluchistan province, which has a long history of violence by separatist militants. It borders Pakistan’s sparsely populated province of Baluchistan.

The Iranian province has been the scene of clashes involving Iranian forces and militants as well as drug traffickers.

Iranian separatists say their violence is retaliation for what they call Iran’s oppression against Sistan-Baluchistan’s predominantly Sunni population.

Pakistan and Iran share a more than 900-kilometer-long border.

Tehran alleges that militants involved in terrorist attacks in Iran use Pakistani territory to plot them. The allegation remains a source of tension in Islamabad’s otherwise friendly and traditionally close relationship with Tehran.

The Pakistani military has recently deployed thousands of additional troops on the border to boost security. Islamabad has previously captured and handed over to Tehran leaders and members of anti-Iran groups.


Iran: Jaish Al-Adl claims deadly Sistan and Baluchestan attack Feb. 13 /update 1​

Jaish Al-Adl claims responsibility for Sistan and Baluchestan suicide bombing attack February 13, killing at least 20 IRGC personnel on the Khash-Zahedan Road​

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Saudi and allies are soon launching a massive operation to eliminate Houtis once for all...the visit is to give Pakistan a chance and seek their support in providing military support (Raheel Sharif is already coordinating).....This will give Pakistan dollars and help breaking some isolation among OIC nations...also since now establishment can always blame Iran in light of recent attacks, going to Saudis (breaking so call neutrality between Saudi/Iran) will not be a problem.


Iranian-Indian sponsored terrorism in happening inside Pakistani soil, and you think Pakistan will fight Iranian proxies in Yemen? Its outlandish and silly out right. You dont need to deal with Iranian proxies in the theatre in which we have no dog to fight, rather screw Iran within Iran, on its own soil. Ofcourse, the prospect of screwing Iran on its own soil is million times more mouth watering to GCC then anything else.

Iranian land across Pakistani border, the sistan province has always been Iran underbelly. Lot of options to exercise.
The topic title doesnt match the news story. Where is the evidence that Iran is sponsoring these attacks? This is no more than a silly conspiracy theory.

Our state institution just recently nabbed 13 harames working for Iran from Karachi. Along with many crimes, they were providing support to Baluch terrorists.

For past one month , we are hearing news that terrorists are getting killed inside Iran.

You people are so dumb, that even Pakistani Shia hazaras were getting killed by Indian terrorist Kulbashan, while he was working from Iranian soil! Uzair Baluch got Iranian nationality as well.
correction : you are free and independent until article 5 is invoked.
Turkiye can also invoke article 5 if it's under attack so it's good and yes we're independent.
  1. Rebuild Jindullah, place it under direct command of the ISI. Bring in retired SSG officers to command them, arm and train them properly, get Arabs, Americans and Jews to fund it. Let it lose on the IRGC, they should be facing casualties on a daily cycle, take out Chahbahar, destabilize its GLOCs with Afghanistan. Target Sistan and Ahvaz. Iranian Sunnis deserve a country inside Iran and Iranians deserve to taste their own medicine.
  2. Support the Taliban to build water canals out of dams built on shared rivers with Iran, choke the Persians from whatever little supply of water they get from Afghanistan.
  3. Start drilling for oil & gas in the shared hydrocarbon belt on the Pakistan, Iran border. Distribute the tender among American companies.
  4. Declare full support for Azeris seeking independence from Persian occupation in Northwestern Iran, to join Azerbaijan.
  5. Arm Azerbaijan with Ballistic Missile capabilities, able to thwart any Persian threat of aggression.
  6. Block all smuggled Iranian goods into Pakistan, from oil to chocolates. They'll suffer an annual loss of over $600m.
  7. Convert the entire coast of Gwadar into a military garrison, deploy a Corps sized force next to Iranian border, deploy additional Squadrons and build Ballistic Missile sites, targeting every city of Iran, just in case they think its cakewalk.
  8. Sit down with Americans, Arabs, British, Turks, Azeris, Iraqis to support containment of Iranian nuclear program and to eventually overthrow the Mullah regime.
Iran has declared hostilities against Pakistan, they're supporting terrorists in Balochistan for years now. It is time to turn the keys on the Persians and show them their proper place.

In hindsight, giving Rigi brothers to Persians on platter was a big mistake by Pakistan.

These Persian act the same way Afghan nationalists do. Same delusions of grandeur. We tried our best to be friends with Afghans, even our founding father Allam Iqbal went to them before Pakistan independence, so we can be good neighbours. But no, both Afghan and Persians are kuttey ke dum. After decades of patience, Afghanistan fate was sealed in 70s when we decided enough is enough. I feel we have reached the same crossroads with Persians. Need to make another Afghanistan out of Iran.
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If Turkiye had not been part of NATO, it would have lost its northeastern provinces. It would lose all control over the straits in that time, or worse, the whole strait areas would pass under the control of an international commission, or perhaps even a soviet one.

What happened to non-aligned countries? Examine examples from Central Asia to other parts of Europe and even the Balkans. Nations lost not only their independence, but also their history and demographics. Today's popular topic is Crimea. How many people know that the these lands' mutually recognized transfer from this Ottoman state to the Russian tsarism depends on the conditions? All of these conditions have been violated. But already the entire Turkish Muslim demographic in the region is dispersed and above all Russia is a nuclear/global military power, what can you do?

The Ottoman state, the predecessor of the Turkish state, actually lost its power and collapsed in the early 19th century. However, the reason why this state lived for another 100 years was that the fight for sharing its lands was not over. Russia at one end of this story and England at the other. How the Ottomans entered the last war; their two battleships seized by Britain and thanks anger for this, They became part of the Great War as a victim of a German conspiracy.. As England and Russia want, against them. Frankly, I do not want to explain this deep historical background and psychology in detail here and take the subject out of context, but simply, maybe you can understand what the Russian threat means with this summary. (*Turkiye managed to stay away from the second world war. But by having the threat that one side will start an invasion every day and feeling the whole economic collapse of the world war, the people survived by being tested with hunger.)

Why is Turkiye a part of NATO and how can Turkiye be a part of NATO... Since you are only asking these questions from your own perspective, you cannot develop the right perspective. If you want to develop relations with Russia as two sovereign states and neighbors, you have to intimidate the Bear. Otherwise, you cannot be even a part of any military alliance, even when 1/3 of your country is occupied, like Ukraine.
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But all evidence is showing that the terrorism in Baluchistan is from Indian sponsored terrorists from Afghanistan, but you and your fellow hindjew soldiers keep blaming Iran. Pakistan has good relationships with Iran and we have a great future partnership in all fields including, trade, connectivity, education, defense, cultural exchanges and regional peace.

Terrorism in Balouchistan and Karchi is funded by India and Iran, where do you think Kulbhosan Yadav came from?
Who was behind Uzair Baloch? some agents where recently captured from Karachi with links to Iran.
Sorry I misread.

Exactly, We should be aiming to be leaders of Muslim world, not second fiddle to oil drunk GCC. Biggest exporters of doctors and engineers also
Aim all you like, but not on an empty stomach.
I am of the opinion, that the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is not our problem.

Not surprisingly, Saudi Arabia is fighting a proxy war with Iran.

We share more in common with Saudi Arabia than say the sectarian Shia Iran.
Al aqsa is the problem of every Muslim.
Arabs hate us Iranians hate us. F them both
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