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Astola Islan of Pakistan


Jan 19, 2009
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We can actually generate revenue by promoting tourism in Astola Island. A cruise from the Island to neighbouring Middle Eastern countries can also be looked upon. There are many other ways to promote tourism!

File:Astola Island.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why do not we print a calculated deficit to improve our economy like the U.S. did?

The deficit will not directly go in the hands of people rather it will go indirectly through sky scrappers, infrastructure projects, tourism industry etc This way, inflation will be minimum!

If we were a Christian state or a secular one like Turkey, you could easily see tourists on the island. Bikinis etc should be allowed so we can attract tourists!!!!

Wish I was the tourism minister!


I would have revolutionized the industry!
Wish I was the tourism minister!


I would have revolutionized the industry!

But we already have a very capable Tourism Minister. :D


Can't you see he can take tourism industry in Pakistan to sky high. A very capable minister indeed. :D :rofl:
Pakistan has all the potential in the world in many different fields. Tourism is one such area where we have enormous potential for growth. From mountons to beaches to lakes and beautiful cities. What don't we have that is needed for tourism.

Unfortunately the government, security situation and especially the fundamentalist element are an obstacle. We are a nation with everything and yet nothing.

What a shame.
Tourism is a dead subject in our books for a very long time to come. Professionals who are "required" to come here are hesitant, we cannot expect boat loads of entertainment seekers coming here on their own free will. Lets focus on other things that this society needs to do for surviving themselves and focus on entertaining others for money as a far fetched secondary objective, how about we work on getting other teams to play cricket here again before we break out the bikini reforms and champagne. Again this brings out the fact how many of us live in a dreamland talking about ideas which they would rather have others do than themselves. You have to actually be in a country where you would like to implement your "ideas".
As long as there are bombs exploding and political insecurity present, we can kiss bye bye to tourism. No doubt Pakistan has quite literally everything for the tourist but obviously a tourist wants to make sure he doesnt get killed when on vacation!
We can actually generate revenue by promoting tourism in Astola Island. A cruise from the Island to neighbouring Middle Eastern countries can also be looked upon. There are many other ways to promote tourism!

File:Astola Island.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why do not we print a calculated deficit to improve our economy like the U.S. did?

The deficit will not directly go in the hands of people rather it will go indirectly through sky scrappers, infrastructure projects, tourism industry etc This way, inflation will be minimum!

If we were a Christian state or a secular one like Turkey, you could easily see tourists on the island. Bikinis etc should be allowed so we can attract tourists!!!!

Wish I was the tourism minister!


I would have revolutionized the industry!

I don't think only thing which attract tourism is Bikinis.

Its about initiatives your govt. and agencies should take initiatives there will be no sudden march of tourists in pakistan but slowly within 3-4 years you will see the diffrence.

And do you know that the tourism is the biggest employer in the world. Where from a hotelier to guide to taxi drivers to street vendor to govt. everyone earns and get benefited.

But for that you need to tackle all the insurgencies, radicals and terrorists. People visits for fun, frolic and holiday in a peaceful destination only.
Pakistan has all the potential in the world in many different fields. Tourism is one such area where we have enormous potential for growth. From mountons to beaches to lakes and beautiful cities. What don't we have that is needed for tourism.

Unfortunately the government, security situation and especially the fundamentalist element are an obstacle. We are a nation with everything and yet nothing.

What a shame.

The first and foremost step of the new and capable government should be to eliminate all the scum militants. Everyone should obey law, from top to bottom, from general to civilian. We should start a world class university in Gwadar (adjoinign area) and skyscrapers ( no ten story buildings allowed)>> another Dubai. However, sustainable development should be our focus. Students from all over the country will go to that university as it will be world class institution. Business courses should be offered as well. Gwadar should be an open city, liberal to be more precise. Every western norm is present there so we can attract people from other countries. Ferry service from Gwadar to UAE etc
In other words, capitalistic city of Pakistan.
We can go on and on and on---

A two day cruise from Gwadar to Astola Island.

Too much imagination? No, I don't believe in imaginations. Every and anything is possible if we have 'will' to do so!
Astola Island or Haft Talar is a barren island where the fishermen also do not stay for long time. It should remain as it is to protect and maintain endemic life forms such as Green turtles.

Yes, I have read about it. Start a cruise service from Gwadar to Astola Island. People will stay there for a day or so than they can come back. This way we can protect natural habitat!

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We can actually create more employment then the U.S. because we have the room to expand.
Massive investment in infrastructure projects will create employment, business, steel mills will get orders.

I am a 'no-man' in this particular issue but I think we should print a huge deficit as the U.S. did. Indirect flow of money will lift up our people and inflation will be minimum!


Billionaires like Zardari, Nawaz, Mansha etc should invest!!!

Do you know how did the US print stimulus money? Exceeding $900 billion?
If I were the President Of Pakistan, I would have asked China to give us around $200 billion for thirty year time period. $50 billion + straight to 'karz utaro thing' and the rest in different high level projects.

China can give us that money provided we are a capable government.

Note: It is not my wild imagination rather a scenario which is possible if we have the will to do so.


We can come up with a solution in which we don't have to ask for financial help from China.
Tourism is a dead subject in our books for a very long time to come. Professionals who are "required" to come here are hesitant, we cannot expect boat loads of entertainment seekers coming here on their own free will. Lets focus on other things that this society needs to do for surviving themselves and focus on entertaining others for money as a far fetched secondary objective, how about we work on getting other teams to play cricket here again before we break out the bikini reforms and champagne. Again this brings out the fact how many of us live in a dreamland talking about ideas which they would rather have others do than themselves. You have to actually be in a country where you would like to implement your "ideas".

You are missing one thing. Did you go over the thread posted by BezerK? Girls wearing bikinis were mixed with local people here in Pakistan. We were like this before but fanatics in the government changed the situation mainly after scum Zia. Champagne, you must be kidding right? I know several friends who drink alcohol in Pakistan. I am just demanding to legalize those things. People still do everything in Pakistan just behind the wall of social norm.

We should take extreme measures to solve extreme problems.

Extreme problems can only be solved by extreme solutions.
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