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Assocham wants India to bypass Pakistan for gas pipeline with Iran

how many times more you (ind-iran) will bash pakistan over this pipeline ? go make it pakistan is stopping you guys ?

Tell me about it! If Iran and India really want this pipeline then for goodness sake go for it instead of having a pakistan bashing fest every month or two. If we are so irrelevant and weak a country then grow some balls and build this freakin pipeline.
India also due to its "petty compulsions" denied Pakistan International Airlines two times for years its flights over India.
in return we make air india bankruppt because thier 80% traffic fly over pakistan :rofl:

and then india one sided open its skies for pakistan:lol:

upon closure
India, Pakistan to re-schedule air routes
India may have to suspend or divert all its west-bound flights from New Delhi to the Gulf, European and US destinations, aviation experts said.

and then
India Will Reopen Airspace to Pakistani Commercial Flights
Asia: Other sanctions remain, but New Delhi says it will consider additional conciliatory gestures as tensions over Kashmir ease.
June 11, 2002|
NEW DELHI — In a cautious gesture to Pakistan, India's government announced Monday that it will reopen its airspace to Pakistani commercial flights, but it left several other significant sanctions in place.

For now, Indian airports remain closed to Pakistan International Airlines flights, diplomatic sanctions are still in place, and several hundred thousand Indian soldiers continue to be on full alert along the border.

Pakistan welcomed India's announcement to reopen its airspace as a positive move.

"This is a step in the desired direction, but a lot more needs to be done," Foreign Ministry spokesman Aziz Ahmed Khan told the national news agency, Associated Press of Pakistan.


India is expected to take more steps after U.S. Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld pays a visit due to start today.

pak to lift ban on overflights soon — Air India, IA to save time, fuel
Our Bureau

New Delhi , Nov. 30

PASSENGERS flying Air India from and to India, especially Delhi to the Gulf, Europe and the US, can soon look forward to a shorter flight to their final destination.

The proposal, if and when implemented, will also benefit Indian Airlines. India and Pakistan have closed their respective air space for use by aircraft registered in either of the two countries since January 1, 2002.

"If the proposal materialises it will be a very welcome step from AI's viewpoint. The implementation of the proposal will help the airline save on fuel and travel time particularly for passengers boarding the aircraft from Delhi. We will be in a position to start operating through Pakistani air space within 48 hours of the Directorate-General of Civil Aviation notifying the decision," an AI official said.

Senior Government officials added that the announcement of the Pakistan President would greatly facilitate the talks. "Now that the President has made the announcement, there will be very little left to discuss. The talks are likely to focus on when over flights can resume. In the first instance, air services will be established to points to which the airlines were operating when contact was snapped last time," official sources said.

However, officials indicated that nothing is likely to emerge tomorrow.

"Tomorrow is merely the formal opening of the talks, after which the Pakistani team will be going to Agra," official sources said.

The decision is expected to help IA as well since the airline had to make some changes in the international flights it operates from the north to avoid the Pakistani airspace.

"The Delhi-Lucknow-Sharjah flight's detour adds about 75 minutes to the flying time while the change in the route of the Delhi-Amritsar-Sharjah flight increases the journey time by about 35 minutes," the officials said.

It is said to have been forced to cease operating to some international destinations as the longer route made those flights unviable to operate.
but make mockery of Holy prophet (PBUH) by making movies
This guy is a potential terrorist and suicide bomber . i don't want to sugar coat it and i'll explain why in a short .

1- he is a hater :he says Iran is mocking prophet mohammad (PBUH) by making movies . this is interesting . you know why ? because he has NOT seen the movie yet . the movie just hit the screens 3 days ago in Iran and it's yet to get an international unveiling . his assumption is based on the fact that Iran is a shia-predominant country and thus we hate Islam and the prophet more than them juice .

now this get more interesting knowing the fact that Prophet mohammad (PBUH) movie is the most expensive and sophisticated movie any Islamic country has created yet .

Another question : Iran makes movies to change the world's opinion about Islam , what do you do ? what do you do to promote Islam ?

of course daily bombing and terrorism are not exactly the best means to promote sth . not if you live in 21 century .

you've gotta ask yourself this : if let's say an american citizen comes to pakistan , how are you going to convince him to change his/her religion ? what will you show him in your country that has this capability ?

2- he is ignorant : he says that Iran has no muslim friend . funny thing coming from him , you know why ? because pakistan's best friend is China & USA . they provide Pakistan with whatever Pakistan has today : it's means to defend itself , it's infrastructure , it's economy , .....

Pakistan has nothing without China and US . now these 2 countries are not exactly what you call Islamic country , are they ?

another question that can be raised is that what muslim allies does pakistan have besides KSA ? the same KSA that beheads pakistani nationals and treats them like shit ? name 5 muslim countries or Islamic groups that are ready to fight a war for Pakistan . nah , name 5 allies of pakistan in the region .

here is a hint : you've got none . you're all alone . funny thing , the only thing that is providing a means for you to thrive in the region is Iran . all your other neighbors hate your guts .

no dear , Iran has lots of muslim allies . don't you worry .

@Daneshmand @Serpentine @rmi5 @kollang @mohsen @Arminkh @The Last of us @rahi2357 @2800 and others

Hate + Ignorance = Terrorism

i'm sorry that this might hurt , but i just needed to clarify my position towards these terrorists after all the time i read their posts
India also due to its "petty compulsions" denied Pakistan International Airlines for at least two times for years its flights over India.
War time after kargil then restored , Pakistan loses its very easy but big transition taxes by denying India passage secondly pakistan currently has nothing to bring India on the table ,it would have had something in Motor vehicle Act,MFN,& pipeline.but your govt failed to understand it and now India is working on alternatives with no need to bother about Pakistani concerns and if Pakistan indulges in stopping anything you have to deal with not only India but India Iran both.
if Pakistan indulges in stopping anything you have to deal with not only India but India Iran both.

Indian gas pipeline cannot be built on Pakistan's continental shelf. Pakistan-India rivalry is well know to Iranians and rest of the world. We are not going to compromise on this issue. Iran can sell the gas at Chah Bahar port and then its India's problem to transport it. Nobody is interfering in the transaction where Iran sells gas to India we are only not allowing its transport through Pakistan.
India, in all probability, will go under ocean. Modi under all cost will avoid Pakistan

Oh, we forgot superman Modi.

Of course the dude will jump into the sea and build the pipeline single-handedly in 20 days time.

Indians ...... ............ ........... :lol:

As other Pakistanis have already said, if you can, just do it. Talk less and do more. Learn something from Chinese!
So you mean that there ships and helicopters will be like coming and going to/from our territory Without asking us. ?
and we will watch there ships/helicopters crossing our Sea borders ?
It sounds like my neighbor come to my house daily and use my Washroom And that also even without asking me..
@Akheilos , @Zarvan , @Imran Khan ,,, Sir i need your help. educate me Can they (India) lay pipeline in our Sea limits and regularly conduct maintenance operations in our territory without our (Pakistan) permission ??
12 mile is your territory limit after that is eez . You cant stop anybody from travelling there unless you want war. For example china only coul send some fisher to make noise around american ship when they mapped sea bed in their EEZ . Also we parked a ship just outside india territorial water for one year without telling them what we are doing and they only could complaign.
sir jee in ko bolo aik machli to paker ke dikhaay pakistani waters main se :lol::enjoy:these kids can wrrite nuke destroy pakistan here daily but in real life borders are borders :-) if its this easy why we arrest daily dozens of indians from out waters ? until our EEZ they have no right to do any activity without pakistani permission .
Probably you arrest them because they are fishing there or using the ressources there. The pipeline wont use any of your ressources.

beta this is old map after our EEW increased to 350km you need to draw new map now :lol:

Pakistan seabed territory grows by 50,000 square kilometres - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
Thats your continental shelf. Its different from eez or territorial water.
You guys got "Allah," on your flag , but make mockery of Holy prophet

Talking about a movie you haven't seen yet and worse, passing judgement about it. Because screw the logic and human intelligence.

If you are a Muslim, you should know in Islam, accusing someone of something bad, without being able to prove it is one of the greatest sins. As I said, 'if' you are a Muslim, you should know that.

I think Iran should develop closer ties to Pakistan (economic, strategic) than with India.
No offense Indians.

Of course. And Iran being a sovereign country also has full rights to persue it's interests with India too. It's just that these teenage kids think of everything as zero sum game instead of win win. They got hurt by some troll on a forum, solution: let's hate the entire country of tens of millions and wish for it to be hurt economically, politically and so forth all because of some random troll :D

Due to lenient moderation standards of the forum it's being slowly turned into an adolescent pissing contest central.
Iran makes movies to change the world's opinion about Islam , what do you do ? what do you do to promote Islam ?

of course daily bombing and terrorism are not exactly the best means to promote sth . not if you live in 21 century .

2- Iran has lots of muslim allies . don't you worry .

1- The amount of damage Islam suffered around the world because of these scums, is astoundingly astronomical. If you talk to anyone in the West or in non-Muslim countries of the East, for them Islam has become a bloody senseless troglodyte religion which is best to be avoided. All because of these kind of people. They have dragged Islam into the most stinking gutter. And if the people in these countries are not yet openly talking against Islam is because such an action is seen as politically incorrect. Otherwise, you let the people be at ease and forget about political correctness and you shall see that they have started to see Islam as a savage religion.

In all this, Iran under the sanctions spared some money to make a movie, promoting the Prophet of Islam, and who is making the movie controversial? Well the same people who dragged Islam into the stinkiest gutter of the history. They have only one goal. To push Islam and Muslims into savagery. Whether in Syria or in Iraq or in Pakistan or in Afghanistan or elsewhere.

2- Muslims have never been allied among themselves. Whether now or in history. This is just a lie being sold to us wrapped in a sanitized version of history. And they can never be allied with each other either. Since they have nothing to offer each other. When Iran needed treatments for victims of chemical warfare during 1980's, the only countries capable of helping and willing to help Iran were Europeans. These were the same countries which were selling the chemical warfare agents to Saddam to be used on Iranians eg. Germany and UK. No Muslim country had the capability or the willingness to help Iran. Similar is the case with everything else.

Iran should walk her own way and make herself strong. In short, we do not need any allies and it is often the case that others need Iran to protect them. Whether in Iraq or Syria or elsewhere you can see this with your own eyes. In a sense, Iran is the America of Muslim world. When they run out of every other option and they need help, they come running to Iran. When they split the legs of Sudan wide open and put it under sanctions and broke a territory off of it, Sudanese did not go to Saudis or to Russians or to Pakistan. They ran to Iran for help. And Iran did provide whatever it could for example train wagons, locomotives, medical assistance, military equipment and commercial trade etc in order to save Sudan from complete collapse which was the aim of Western countries. As soon as the situation got a bit better, Sudanese left Iranian "alliance". Similar is the case with Palestinians. As is with many others.

These are not alliance. These are all pretty much one way streets. Iran helps these Muslims and Muslims take the help without even saying thank you and as is often the case, they spit on the face of Iran. That is why Iranians should not lose focus. The focus should not be on making and aiming for these fake and useless alliances with Muslims which can not bring anything for Iran (can they give us passenger planes and we launch their geostationary sats? Obviously not). The focus should be to build Iran into a powerful country that if possible and desirable helps Muslims in trouble. The only alliance of Iran can be with another Muslim country that ALSO has built herself into such a strong entity similar to a future Iran. Otherwise, my advice would be to forget about this Muslim alliance BS since no matter how you wrap a BS, it still will stink to heavens. The only arrangement I see is something like Iran being an America of Islamic world. Since no other Muslim country has the ambition to become powerful and simultaneously remain sovereign and independent. The only distant in this regard would be Turkey but Turkey is already part of NATO and is basically by definition can not be in alliance with Muslim world. Perhaps till 1990's another contender was Pakistan, but we all know too well what has been happening to it in the past 15 years.

So, Iran is pretty much on her own.
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