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Assassination Attempt on Imran Khan: One Killed, Multiple Injuried Including Imran Khan - 11/22

When people can love them, they can also hate them, loved ones are hated more for not being truthful and compassionate.

And traitors are hated more than the enemies.
Phir tu Kaptaan ka jumla ghalat sabit ho gaya, kay sher leader geedarr quom ko sher bana dayta hai aur geedarr leader sher quom ko geedarr bana dayta hai

What else can he say? Politics induces certain compulsions. You cannot criticize people at large.
The other thread where I posted has been deleted, understandably.
There was a rather long message I typed there, I believe that encompasses what you, I and several others have been trying to say about how Anti-Army the populace has suddenly become.

Is there some way to copy and paste it here?
Better ask a Moderator to retrieve it.
Ah yes, the optics of an APC standing in front of a crowd. Just what we wanted to see.

The estab really is failing at PR, and this can have dangerous consequences for all of us.

Any sane guy at this point would care more about the institution, and the chaos, and leave his seat or at least initiate the process of transfer, or try and undo the mess he has created.
The problem is quite straight forward.
The Pakistani establishment given its operating structure can in large measure be controlled by a total of 4-5 people.

A few days ago I was talking to a retired (G), and I raised the question, why isn't the institution doing anything. His response was simple. That is not the way the Army works and was almost annoyed at my question. Majority of the military and agencies are pro-IK. But given the nature of how they operate there is nothing that can change what we are seeing today.

Second, IK is making a big mistake. For some reason he thinks the answer is with Voldermort. It is not. It is Voldermort himself who is front and center in this entire process. Looking towards Bajwa to solve this issue, or hold people within the institution accountable is seriously naive. I really think for IK there is more to it, like giving Bajwa an off ramp, and that IK does really believe he can impress on Bajwa morals, ethics and the right thing to do. IK is more an idealist, academic and philosopher than a realist politician.

IK was being informed since last (21) July (confirmed first hand) on what Voldermort was up to (we were seeing some close and critical appointments were going to yes men - not the best men). Voldermort was creating a stronger groundwork where he could do certain things, without feeling much institutional inertia. IK did not listen, and thought he could talk Bajwa out of it. He failed. At the end of it, looking at the Army when it is the Army's script at play puts the entire nation in this tough spot.

Finally expecting the CJP to do anything is another misfire. Nothing will come of that. CJP is just a kettle top, kept by the establishment to let some steam off here and there in order to make certain the entire system does not collapse. CJP and the Courts are worse than even the Executive branch and expecting any grace, or backbone from them is again a failure of understanding the malaise and rot that exists in Pakistan.

I think we are looking at a potential failure of the entire system. Bad days ahead.
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When people can love them, they can also hate them, loved ones are hated more for not being truthful and compassionate.

And traitors are hated more than the enemies.
So true.. A mistreatment/fraud from a relative is more hurtful than by a unknown. and you never forgive or patch up again..
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