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Assad forces kill a Saudi and Free Army takes family to Jordan

Assad isn't very smart at all and obviously lost legitimacy for his one family iron fisted rule.

But the "free Syrians" aren't Angela and certainly aren't nation builders either. I've seen the videos of them fighting; they're not very disciplined fighters anyways they shoot first then aim later

Only Syrian citizens should be fighting a Syrian fight. I think Turkey and Saudi and the West on one hand and Russia and Iran on the other are making mistakes

FSA fighters are mainly defectors from the Syrian army and others are Syrians, a couple of foreign fighters will not change our perception of them. Qaeda and extremism infiltration into Syria was very much expected upon world refusal to directly intervene to help Syrian from the brutal slaughter machine of Al-Assad regime, so what, there is Qaeda in Syria, would the world support this regime to crush Syrians in the excuse of fighting Qaeda?

Any simple person would realize that extremism will rise as long as there is brutality and oppression, and guess what, it is getting worse everyday until whether the world makes a move or the regime falls. the longer fighting goes on, the longer Syria gets cured.
Let him call me a terrorist for just being a Arab spectator, LOL if that makes his day. I will let the moderators deal with things here I just thought that it was something wrong with my computer since I could not quote him. Now I know why.

I didn't insult anyone, and I didn't call you terrorist

Well I remember you writing "terrorists like you" so yes, you actually did - not that I care what a non-Arab and Christian says since we all know that you hate Muslims and Arabs.

Also the moderator must have banned you for a reason.
FSA fighters are mainly defectors from the Syrian army and others are Syrians, a couple of foreign fighters will not change our perception of them. Qaeda and extremism infiltration into Syria was very much expected upon world refusal to directly intervene to help Syrian from the brutal slaughter machine of Al-Assad regime, so what, there is Qaeda in Syria, would the world support this regime to crush Syrians in the excuse of fighting Qaeda?

Any simple person would realize that extremism will rise as long as there is brutality and oppression, and guess what, it is getting worse everyday until whether the world makes a move or the regime falls. the longer fighting goes on, the longer Syria gets cured.

You want more bloodshed ? why don't you support peace??

and F$A are all foreigners





From Chechnya

and much more do some search and you will find more...

Well I remember you writing "terrorists like you" so yes, you actually did - not that I care what a non-Arab and Christian says since we all know that you hate Muslims and Arabs.

Also the moderator must have banned you for a reason.
where did I say that? I posted a pictures of why I was banned, and there was no direct insult and I never called you a terrorist...
you are even denying the truth here :hitwall:

And I'm an Arab, go learn some history, I dont have time to teach you...
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I know that i am doing something right when a supporter of child murderous is all angry.

Only a great thing that fellow Muslims are defending Muslim land from a butcher and non-Muslims who has declared war against Muslims.

Also if Al-Assad (A Arab nationalist) was such a great leader why are you not in Syria right now defending him? Too embarrassed of defending child murderous and people who worship the Butcher and not God?
I know that i am doing something right when a supporter of child murderous is all angry.

Only a great thing that fellow Muslims are defending Muslim land from a butcher and non-Muslims who has declared war against Muslims.

Also if Al-Assad (A Arab nationalist) was such a great leader why are you not in Syria right now defending him? Too embarrassed of defending child murderous and people who worship the Butcher and not God?

You're not making sense, why are there Saudi's living in Europe, and the west?
that argument is invalid...

And the one who are killing children are the terrorists themselves... watch how he praises Bin Laden and 9/11
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Who? 99 percent live in KSA and we are not migrants well unless you can't the millions of Arabs who have been immigrating in the last 2000 years back and forth from our lands - including certain Caliphs who were based in Damascus. My country is not at war. Neither KSA or Yemen. You on the other hand are a big supporter of a war criminal who has killed thousands of children (child killer) but all I see you doing is sitting in the US and spreading propaganda.

Once again if the Butcher is such a good leader why are you not in Syria right now defending him or living there? Was it not you who sad that the Butcher controls all of Syria? Too scared to return because people deal with traitors like you and supporters of child murderous? If that is the case what are you doing in the US?

The same country you constantly criticize?

You really are a sad little hypocrite and 99 percent of all people have figured you out a LONG time ago including ALL the Syrians here who laugh at you.
Who? 99 percent live in KSA and we are not migrants well unless you can't the millions of Arabs who have been immigrating in the last 2000 years back and forth from our lands - including certain Caliphs who were based in Damascus. My country is not at war. Neither KSA or Yemen. You on the other hand are a big supporter of a war criminal who has killed thousands of children (child killer) but all I see you doing is sitting in the US and spreading propaganda.

Once again if the Butcher is such a good leader why are you not in Syria right now defending him or living there? Was it not you who sad that the Butcher controls all of Syria? Too scared to return because people deal with traitors like you and supporters of child murderous? If that is the case what are you doing in the US?

The same country you constantly criticize?

You really are a sad little hypocrite and 99 percent of all people have figured you out a LONG time ago including ALL the Syrians here who laugh at you.

I'm serving my country by being an educated man... unlike these people who teach their kids to love Bin Laden....
and you have no business where I live... I can live on Mars, and that is not the topic here... the topic is terrorism...
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The topic is your hypocrisy, constant propaganda/lies and you defending a mass murderer, war criminals and child murderous. This is the big question. Not people who fight fire with fire.
They are not serious fighters they are not there to win the war.

First of all I think they want to die as soon as possible to go to heaven according to their beliefs.
Yelling Allahu akbar every few seconds, revealing their positions to the enemy and firing without aiming is not trying to win a war.

Some of the FSA are peacefull Syrians trying to keep their neighbourhood safe, too bad most of what I see is crazy secterian terrorists calling for the destruction of Syria, Shias, Iran which 1000km further away.

The best solution is that both sides stop fighting and solve it diplomatically, this will reveal the real terrorists in the FSA cause they will not listen to the FSA commanders.

good idea ?
Thank you for that majoritarian understanding of liberty - it is obvious that those who are themselves alienated from liberty other any in the notion of tyranny of the majority, cannot expected to afford liberty for others.

Assad is no democrat and Syria is no democracy, however the standing of the house of Saud and Qatar is itself so suspect and their relationship to Wahabi terrorism, so intimate, that people may be forgiven for their lack of trust in the House of Saud and Qatar.
Huh , A nation better to be judged from prosperity , and tyranny of the majority exist in those countries where Institution are failed to deliver equal duties for its citizen . GCC nations are not multi-diverse nations , It would have been better If you judged nations on the basis of human development index instead of tyranny of majority which is not existed . But you are much more focused on Sectarian Racism instead of judging a nation on the basis of Performances and If you really are so sane to discuss this religious tyranny then start with Iran where peoples are being executed in front of public just on ideological differences .
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