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Assad forces kill a Saudi and Free Army takes family to Jordan

Sorry my last part of post was to Syrian Lion but I could not quote his post and now I see that he is banned? Why?
Sorry my last part of post was to Syrian Lion but I could not quote his post and now I see that he is banned? Why?

He called you a terrorist, insulting posts will not be tolerated, even by you.
Let him call me a terrorist for just being a Arab spectator, LOL if that makes his day. I will let the moderators deal with things here I just thought that it was something wrong with my computer since I could not quote him. Now I know why.
Guys don't get personal here, no one is a national representative here. Try to keep your topics off limits from each other's person.
If Alasad has no support , then, Why does the west, and GCC refuse dialogue? why do they refuse Elections under the UN monitoring? Some will say its to late, I say late better than never. If the west, gcc, and puppet opposition cared about Syrian people, they would have done anything to stop the bloodshed, at least support election and/or dialogue. Instead the west, gcc, and outside opposition support more bloodshed by encouraging fighting and killing Syrians.

How can Alasad still be in power? If majority of Syrians rose up against Alasad, Alasad would have been gone long time ago... no power on this earth can overcome the will and the power of the people... in addition , the Syrian Army is the Syrian people, so then why there is still an army? which will lead to these questions...

Why there is still Syrian Army? We all know that about 70% of Syrians are Sunnis (or under the Sunni category) thus that means 70% of the soldiers are Sunni, wouldn't be easy for that soldier to turn their guns against the government? Yes there are defectors, but those defectors are nothing, and most known defectors run and leave the country and now live in Turkey, Jordan, Qatar and Europe and etc, they play no role inside Syria.

Why doesn't NATO start a war against Syria? Turkey and other Arab countries have requested many times for an invasion and war against the people of Syria, just like in Libya, however NATO always refused? Why? Does NATO know that Alasad has the majority support? does NATO know that Alasad Army is still united? Isn't easy for NATO to just attack Syria since Syria is already at war?

Why does F$A, outside opposition ask for foreigner fighters and foreigner support ( why do they want the west support? don't they have the people of Syria support?), if they claim that Syrians are with them? Many sources from the west and the east, provide evidence that F$A is mainly composed of Alqaeda and foreigners ( need links?, look at my previous threads) terrorists from Europe, Australia, Arabs, and Turkish are fighting in Syria...

Why is there something called "outside opposition"? many claim that F$A control 70% of Syria, why doesn't the outside opposition return to that 70% controlled by them?

Again your Question itself are wrong , Its already too late for any dialogue or Election. Assad armed forces have spilled too much blood of Syian civilians , The best time of dialogue was in 2011 when public have started protest against regime , At then your own Establishment have chosen the same path massacre as watever they had done in 1980's and still following the same path . You guys really mis-calculated the intensity of protest this time , and as result your nation direct fall into a civil war . Syrian Lion , Your own answers/ behaviour have proved that your establishment consist a Pro-massacre mentality .

Al-assad policey over opposition had simply helped him alot to maintain his government in Syria , Plus Your Military have always played a major role in your internal and external politics to contain the regime in every case and Yes, as you said that 20% of Syria do supports Al-assad. But current conflict have already weaken Regime hold in most parts of Syria and result can be seen that Al-Assad is ready for peace talk now , Opposotion have already demanded save exit for him . You have to understand that things will not remain same forever , at-last you have to accept someone else , Assad would not be there forever .

As far as Libya is concerned then it will recover , It would take atleast one or two decade but Remember that it was Qaddafi who had financially supported Al-qaeda linked
Groups of Mali . Do you support him? you are linking FSA with Al-Qaeda because it is your opponent but the fact is that your Government itself have supported militia i.e Shabiha and Hezbollah , So that proves your regime a terrorist in front of world . Accept it Mate your regime itself not a saint. but A most brutual one , Your Army is no more capable enough to stand against any other country . your institution are destroyed and now you guys are totally depending on Lebanese and Iraqi militia+ Iranian revolutionary guards and on Remaining loyals. Are you denying the fact that your regime itself is depending on Russian-China Support . Trust me Mate ,Pakistan was the most closest ally of China , But we never fought any war at same time, Its all about interest , Soviat Union even engaged in our neighbour and you know actual players of that time , but they even end up with getting divided into 15 separate nation . See , Its all about interest , All they really do care for are their interest and nothing more then that . they don't care on what happened in Syria . Syria will never get back to prosperity until Al-assad would not be punished for his crimes .
@Rajaraja Chola I want you to read my post .
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Struggling for freedom is not terrorism at all , My question is simple . . What Al-assad have given to Syria in his 40-years Regime Period ?
Hama Massacre in 1982? Hama massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
OR Current Syrian Conflict ?
Al-assad is just a strategic asset for Iranians and Hezbollah , He have nothing positive to do for Syrian Citizens but Impose an Imaginary Regime based Constitution. Second , It was completely heroic act from FSA part that He saved a family who have nothing to do with Conflict. I hope you don't support killings of civilians in the name of terrorism , or otherwise bring some solid argument to prove your point . Don't act like a Sectarian Racist that named others wahhabi and killed them just for their regional interest . Is a Price of life that lower for you?

Wow , you called me a sectarian racist.Now that's cute. The only reason for this war in Syria is that Sunnis can't bear to see a Shia ruling a Sunni majority country. So it's you guys who are sectarian racists . The only reason I support Assad is because the other side has the support of Saudi mullahs , Al-Qaeda and other extremist militant groups. If it was Assad who had the support of such ****ed up people , I obviously wouldn't support him.
Wow , you called me a sectarian racist.Now that's cute. The only reason for this war in Syria is that Sunnis can't bear to see a Shia ruling a Sunni majority country. So it's you guys who are sectarian racists . The only reason I support Assad is because the other side has the support of Saudi mullahs , Al-Qaeda and other extremist militant groups. If it was Assad who had the support of such ****ed up people , I obviously wouldn't support him.
Ah, I just chose wrong words , I meant to say Don't think like sectarian racist and that was a error . I just put act instead of think . Never meant to call you but want you to atleast try to Differenciate things . Secondly , If it was a matter of Shia Ruling over Sunni then they already thrown him away since 40 years ago . Similarly , Pakistan is a Sunni majority nation , but all Consider Jinnah(Shia) as our Founder and father of Nation . Again , Things got worst after Iranian Revolution , When they try to create some influence on other nations. The fact is that most of Indians went to GCC for Jobs and consider it one of the best place to live . Remember I wrote term GCC , Go check how many Indians do live in these nations . Why don't you guys select Iran ,Iraq , Syria , Lebanon ? According to u GCC is Mullah influenced , then why don't indians chose other middle-eastern nations to stay , May be they are least Mullah influenced that impression you are giving here.
Ah, I just chose wrong words , I meant to say Don't think like sectarian racist and that was a error . I just put act instead of think . Never meant to call you but want you to atleast try to Differenciate things . Secondly , If it was a matter of Shia Ruling over Sunni then they already thrown him away since 40 years ago . Similarly , Pakistan is a Sunni majority nation , but all Consider Jinnah as our Founder and father of Nation . Again , Things got worst after Iranian Revolution , When they try to create some influence on other nations. The fact is that most of Indians went to GCC for Jobs and consider it one of the best place to live . Remember I wrote term GCC , Go check how many Indians do live in these nations . Why don't you guys select Iran ,Iraq , Syria , Lebanon ? According to GCC is Mullah influenced , then why don't indians chose other middle-eastern nations to stay , May be they are least Mullah influenced that impression you are giving here.

Ok , Agreed. But do you think Indians go to GCC out of choice? No. They go out of necessity for money. If I get a job offer in the GCC and I get a job offer in the US or Europe for half the salary, I swear right here I would chose US or Europe. Plus , Most GCC countries except Saudi are quite liberal. Countries like UAE , Qatar , Oman are actually quite liberal and good places to live. But that's not the point. They are not doing us a favor by letting us in. We work there as doctors , engineers, accountants ,laborers , truck drivers etc and get paid in return. When they tell us to leave , we leave. They need us just as much as we need them. Plus , these countries are not mullah influenced. GCC rulers don't like to create havoc in their own countries. They chose countries like Syria , Egypt , Iraq etc to spread extremism. But that's not the point of the thread again. The point is , FSA has the support of people like Al qaeda and other extremist groups. It clearly shows FSA is the one guilty of spreading havoc in Syria. I saw several news reports about Saudi Mullahs asking FSA members to rape 14 year old Syrian girls to improve their fighting skills. I would never support these people.
That's a lot of nonsense in just one post there, Sarthak.

So by your logic nobody should support Palestine nor have they any legitimacy since Al-Qaeda prefers them over Israel? What kind of logic is that?

As I said nobody forces Indians to migrate to the Arabian Peninsula. I can only speak for Saudi Arabia but in the last few years HUGE investments have taken place that will make foreign labour a footnote in the upcoming years.

Al-Assad is supported by terrorist groups like Hezbollah, Iraqi Shia militias and other Shia militias in Lebanon. All which are terrorist groups as well according to the West.

Indians and others are welcome but nobody forces them or any other foreigners for that matter - so I don't really see the problem. Hundred of thousand South East Asians are satisfied with their lives and don't want go back. Of course there are unfortunate incidents like everywhere else but overall foreigners can't complain given the salary. Taxes are not even a issue like it would be in the West and you are not THAT far away from home. Only a few hours in a plane.
Ok , Agreed. But do you think Indians go to GCC out of choice? No. They go out of necessity for money. If I get a job offer in the GCC and I get a job offer in the US or Europe for half the salary, I swear right here I would chose US or Europe. Plus , Most GCC countries except Saudi are quite liberal. Countries like UAE , Qatar , Oman are actually quite liberal and good places to live. But that's not the point. They are not doing us a favor by letting us in. We work there as doctors , engineers, accountants ,laborers etc and get paid in return. When they tell us to leave , we leave. They need us just as much as we need them. Plus , these countries are not mullah influenced. GCC rulers don't like to create havoc in their own countries. They chose countries like Syria , Egypt , Iraq etc to spread extremism. But that's not the point of the thread again. The point is , FSA has the support of people like Al qaeda and other extremist groups. It clearly shows FSA is the one guilty of spreading havoc in Syria.

Saudi Arabia is kind of Holy Land for Muslims , But other nation of GCC are also close to Saudi Arabia , why don't they stop any non-believer at their? Plus why do you need any other home land when you have India to live . Eygpt cannot be said a victum , but A democratic country , but the Difference b\w Eygpt\Tunasia and other spring effected countries is that they don't fall into civil war and never anyone have hijacked their country for 40 years and financialized terrorist groups like Qaddafi and Al-assad did . Al-assad is an open supporter of Hezbollah and Shabiha Militia. and qaddafi , then may be this would help you .
Now just be rational and answer me , If few hundred foriegn fighter corrupted the FSA struggle against regime in your view then Syrian Army is also using Hezbollah , Iraqi militia , Iranian revolutionary Guards against opposition . Why you don't see them on same plane. Just a question.
He called you a terrorist, insulting posts will not be tolerated, even by you.

He respresents a Syrian Point of view here in pdf. I don accept his language now though. But u can pardon him this one time? This discussion is incomplete without him buddy.
Theres no such thing as Assad and his forces being terrorists, this is just the sunni vs shia war which is being fueled by both sides Iran and the GCC, Turkey and the superpowers have their own plan in it aswell.

Sharing links from Al jazeera and Press TV say nothing, both are far away from being neutral.
Some even try to hide it by "Remove dictators", we can start in the GCC.
Let me explain some simple things. Saudi Arabia is the land of the Arabs and citizens of that country today (Saudis). We make our own rules and have our own culture. If people do not like that they are free not to visit. We will change gradually when the people will be ready. Foreigners have no idea how much our society has changed in the last 50 years for both the better and the worse. It is a gradual process. We are proud and ancient people (people who study the history of the Arabian Peninsula will know this) who are mainly conservative to this day and we adhere to Islam which is our main guidance of life. But this does not prevent us from modernizing or reaching the same level of technology and science as others. In the past our Arab world was far ahead of Europe. Today - due to many factors the Muslims lands are a bit behind but we are moving at a very high speed. I can say that I am proud of this and when I hear ignorants I just ignore them mainly but sometimes it's hard.

Democracy/progress for us is not opening brothels, discos left and right, same sex-marriages, churches/Jewish temples whatever places of worship next to our holy Islamic land (Makkah and Madinah).

People can worship what they want in their private and in their compounds. Maybe this will change in 100 years but at least I hope that Makkah and Madinah will not turn into a circus.

Also we are not going to India and demanding people to stop worshipping Hindu Gods and other things.

Each country has it's strengths, weaknesses and own culture/religion.

It's really that simple. The constant propaganda against Saudi Arabia from some groups/people is getting really tiring and becoming some short of obsession and paranoia. Let us deal with the problems we have on our own first since change comes from within and let us advance at our speed and on our terms not terms imposed by us by foreigners.

Most Saudis actually want Islam to play a leading role in their life. Islam is not Al-Saud's Islam. Nor the Holy Qur'an or the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (saws).

Personally I have no problem with living in the US (as I currently do due to studies) but there are probably other people Saudis and non-Saudis who would fell uncomfortable in such a society and prefer there own whatever that might be.

Also Saudi Arabia is a huge country and a diverse country which a big young population and many different ideas and views. Stop generalizing others. There are actually, belief it or not, Saudis who are not Muslims, who do not belief in a God and who do not support the government or rulers and many other things. LIKE IN EVERY SINGLE SOCIETY.

Hope this helps some people understand a few crucial points. If not then I don't know what to do.
Again your Question itself are wrong , Its already too late for any dialogue or Election. Assad armed forces have spilled too much blood of Syian civilians , The best time of dialogue was in 2011 when public have started protest against regime , At then your own Establishment have chosen the same path massacre as watever they had done in 1980's and still following the same path . You guys really mis-calculated the intensity of protest this time , and as result your nation direct fall into a civil war . Syrian Lion , Your own answers/ behaviour have proved that your establishment consist a Pro-massacre mentality .

Al-assad policey over opposition had simply helped him alot to maintain his government in Syria , Plus Your Military have always played a major role in your internal and external politics to contain the regime in every case and Yes, as you said that 20% of Syria do supports Al-assad. But current conflict have already weaken Regime hold in most parts of Syria and result can be seen that Al-Assad is ready for peace talk now , Opposotion have already demanded save exit for him . You have to understand that things will not remain same forever , at-last you have to accept someone else , Assad would not be there forever .

As far as Libya is concerned then it will recover , It would take atleast one or two decade but Remember that it was Qaddafi who had financially supported Al-qaeda linked
Groups of Mali . Do you support him? you are linking FSA with Al-Qaeda because it is your opponent but the fact is that your Government itself have supported militia i.e Shabiha and Hezbollah , So that proves your regime a terrorist in front of world . Accept it Mate your regime itself not a saint. but A most brutual one , Your Army is no more capable enough to stand against any other country . your institution are destroyed and now you guys are totally depending on Lebanese and Iraqi militia+ Iranian revolutionary guards and on Remaining loyals. Are you denying the fact that your regime itself is depending on Russian-China Support . Trust me Mate ,Pakistan was the most closest ally of China , But we never fought any war at same time, Its all about interest , Soviat Union even engaged in our neighbour and you know actual players of that time , but they even end up with getting divided into 15 separate nation . See , Its all about interest , All they really do care for are their interest and nothing more then that . they don't care on what happened in Syria . Syria will never get back to prosperity until Al-assad would not be punished for his crimes .
@Rajaraja Chola I want you to read my post .

Thank you for giving me attention buddy. I never support dictatorship leadership. In short, i used to think, how dictators survive. It finally dawned on me, they depended upon feeding upon lies to the people.
In regarding to Syria, this context can be applicable. And yes, Syria depends on Russia China support. And it was not in a position to retaliate, when Israel conducted an air raid. Its weak now.
And people are getting killed, both by the army and the rebels.
So my question is buddy, what is the Syrian people wants? Or what the international community like us expect in Syria>?
U would mention Assad must give up power. Yes, I second that. But he would again form a party and run for elections. Even if he seeks asylum in another nation, his supporters would form a party. And elections must take place under UN supervision. And if his supporters returns to power, Assad might well as return to Syria. The international community can do nothing about it.
And FSA or any opposition after elections still might refuse to accept Assad.
Well again, strife may start. Its a confusing state it is in.
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