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Ask your question about Iran

What is the Iranian national dress?
Most Persian diaspora or liberal persians dress up just like other westerners, while in Iran, there are some who dress up in Chadors. Maybe, I'm wrong but neither of these represents a way of dressing that is quintessentially persian.
When will Iran become secular? Are'nt Iranians scared about a possible American assult and would move:-(? How would the Perso-Arabic script be replaced..
What is the Iranian national dress?
Most Persian diaspora or liberal persians dress up just like other westerners, while in Iran, there are some who dress up in Chadors. Maybe, I'm wrong but neither of these represents a way of dressing that is quintessentially persian.

There's no such thing as national dress in Iran, but there are many ethnic groups in Iran which have their own clothing
Chador is a Persian clothing btw
When will Iran become secular? Are'nt Iranians scared about a possible American assult and would move:-(? How would the Perso-Arabic script be replaced..

Don't even think about it..
I have few questions:
1) How would Iranians feel if, in case of a revolution, Syrian special forces came in and started shooting random protestors?
2) Why don't you allow Sunni Masjids in Tehran?
3) In case of an Israeli-US strike against Iran, would Iran retaliate by striking Saudi oil facilities, and thus dragging GCC to war?
4) Do you expect protests or a revolution in next year's "elections"?
5) Is Ahmadinutjob trying to duplicate the Russian presidential fiasco of Putin-Medvedev by appointing Esfandiar Rahim Mashaei ?
I have few questions:
1) How would Iranians feel if, in case of a revolution, Syrian special forces came in and started shooting random protestors?
2) Why don't you allow Sunni Masjids in Tehran?
3) In case of an Israeli-US strike against Iran, would Iran retaliate by striking Saudi oil facilities, and thus dragging GCC to war?
4) Do you expect protests or a revolution in next year's "elections"?
5) Is Ahmadinutjob trying to duplicate the Russian presidential fiasco of Putin-Medvedev by appointing Esfandiar Rahim Mashaei ?

1) you can ask this question from Bahraini people :coffee:
2) Just in Arabic - Hebrew Propaganda
3) Maybe ! we have Big Balls & you ?
4) No , ( question or wet dream ??? )
5) First : Dr.Ahmadinejad (illiterate Saudi) Second : Impossible in IRAN , we are not a Dictatorship like KSA
We are Biggest in Middle East


I like the angular muscular look of Dena. Something like our Chevrolet Optra Magnum.​
Do you guys have your own version of social networking sites?
Caspian sea has oils but Iran can't use it, on the other hand Iran can use the Caviars of the Caspian sea (one of our very important exports)
I mean for example Azerbaijan can use the oil but not Caviares, Iran is vice versa

Very interesting. I have seen a program on National Geographic about Iranian caviar collectors (fishermen?). Supposed to be of very high quality and highly prized in the West. So much so that most of the poor fishermen on the program had never actually tasted it and their bite from the tin by the TV host was their first!

Why this arrangement (oil vs caviar)? Is there a legal treaty or something?
What cities are you looking to visit?

I really don't have a clue. Depends on how much leave the adults can manage.

We want to do the main Zoroastrian pilgrimage places of course, but somehow I want thow e kids to see much more of our ancestral land than just what remains of our ancestral religion.

You may think this is sentimental mush, but most Parsis who travel abroad, whenever our flights overpass Iran, we crane our necks to look out of the window, and somehow the names of the cities passing underneath give us a vicarious thrill of somehow being there.

Silly, but that's how I have felt every time I fly to Europe.
1) you can ask this question from Bahraini people :coffee:
2) Just in Arabic - Hebrew Propaganda
3) Maybe ! we have Big Balls & you ?
4) No , ( question or wet dream ??? )
5) First : Dr.Ahmadinejad (illiterate Saudi) Second : Impossible in IRAN , we are not a Dictatorship like KSA

you are the only Iranian who I don't value his post. you cant answer one question properly. I just laugh at your posts rather taken them seriously. :lol:.
Can you bring a proof that India helped Iraq?India never supported Iraq during the war,they stayed neutral,just like Pakistan,but we are not shouting that:'Look!Pakistan stayed neutral,they are our enemy!'
Ok,what have other 'Islamic' countries done for Pakistan regarding Kashmir??What have they achieved?Saudi Arabia has even bigger relation with India than Iran.What is your opinion about that?
Iran also helped Pakistan in 1971 war,gave its bases to PAF,against U.S drone attacks,Taliban,terrorism.
Please my friend,think logically.Other Pakistani members certainly don't think like you.

Iraqi support of Baloch rebels:

- In the 1950s, Iraq provided support for Baluchs against Tehran. Rebel leader Dad Shah was very famous in Iraq’s media. He was killed in 1957 but Iraqi support continued. The Shah of Iran was unable to stop the civil war in Iranian Balochistan immediately after the death of Dad Shah. Iranian forces successfully put down the rebellion at the start of 1960s. Many Baluchis went underground and reorganized. In 1968, with the help of Iraq and other Arab nationalist leaders, the Baluch once again revolted. The revolt ended in 1975 when the Shah persuaded one of the main Baluch nationalists and tribal chiefs to negotiate. In 1970s, ties with Iraq became stronger by supporting Baluch separatist groups on both sides of border.

- From 1973 to 1977 Iraq aided the Baluchi revolt in Pakistan, the Balochistan conflict. In February 1973, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto dismissed the Balochistan provincial government and arrested three main Baluch nationalist leaders because of arms discovered in Iraqi embassy. Pakistan's government also announced an Iraqi/Soviet plan to break up Pakistan and Iran. With the help of the Shah, Pakistan crushed the insurgence in Balochistan in 1977 and exiled Baluch nationalist leaders who had been in prison since 1973; some migrated to Afghanistan, Gulf states and UK. In the 1980 Iran–Iraq War, Iraq once again supported the Baluch to keep Iranian forces busy on their eastern front aiding Iraq on the western front. In June 1991, Saddam Hussein removed one of his most honourable commanders General Wafiq Samarrai because of his ties with Tehran. In 1994, General Samarrai revealed that Iraqi Intelligence Service relations were very well established on both sides of the border. During the Iran–Iraq War Iraqi intelligence had an office in Dubai run by Baluchis.

Iraqi support of Baloch rebels - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Arms discovery in Iraqi Embassy

The 1973 Arms discovery in the Iraqi Embassy in Pakistan refers to an armed conflict between the State of Pakistan and the Iraqi Embassy situated in Islamabad. The conflict ended with a successful special military operation led by Pakistan's Special Service Group (SSG) and the Pakistan Army Rangers. Following the incident, the Iraqi Ambassador and his staff were expelled from Pakistan as personae non gratae.
Arms discovery in Iraqi Embassy (Pakistan) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Because of your Iraq conflict, we had to face our Baloch issue. We gave you intelligence and we protected your land as well. Pakistan did lots of other things for you too. Don't forget the fact that we also gave you nuclear technology....

Brother, may i remind you, India is openly supporitng baloch rebels today in the 21st century for independence. Imagine what would happen if your part of region wants to split by influence? Become aware that you too are in indirect danger....

@ Other issues:
Pakistan has done a lot for other Muslim world. We sent our forces to fight against Israel, gave military training and brought unity. And yes btw, Pakistan is ranked as the country with most peace keeping troops in the U.N. Where ever there were issues, we were there to bring peace.
The Saudis are the worst lot. The 9/11 attack was done by them and what Pakistan got was a terrorist symbol. I'm similarly not too impressed with Iran's efforts to support Pakistan. Why couldn't you guys be like Turkey that banned diplomatic relations with India at one point over Kashmir and still doing so now with economic barriers? Even when India is on America's side, why are you dying to keep them with you?

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