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Ask a question about Pakistan.

Yeah I know man. It's the toughest climb of the planet, much more tough than Everest and Kanchenjuga. It's definitely a dream for me. :)

Well pakistan doesnt have K2 n Co. only we have lot of different n beautiful areas.

Visit Pak the beautiful or Pakistan in Pictures threads.
when will Pakistan leaves the issue of KASHMIR.......??????
Most have! Except of course for the likes of Hafiz Saeed and Co, Zaid Hamid and Pakistani posters on PDF!!! :smokin:

The Kashmir issue is like flogging a dead horse in Pakistan. Check out the fact that no political party in Pakistan raised the Kashmir issue during the recent elections. It's no more a vote catcher like what it used to be earlier.

Why? Because there are more pressing domestic problems in Pakistan. It's roti, kapda aur makaan first. Then comes terrorism followed by skyrocketing prices due to inflation due to the falling rupee. Then there's the sectarian strife where Sunnis are pitted against the Shias, followed by the Balochistan problem. Finally, the Establishment has realized that the Kasmiris want nothing to do with Pakistan seeing the state it is in.

The JuD and the Difa-e-Pakistan consisting of 40 militant groups need to keep the Kashmir issue alive to survive as otherwise no one is going to contribute to their Public Limited Company. They're exploiting local sentiments for donations most of which go into the pockets of these douche bags.

Now does that answer your question? You don't need Aeronaut to do so! :smart:
Most have! Except of course for the likes of Hafiz Saeed and Co, Zaid Hamid and Pakistani posters on PDF!!! :smokin:

The Kashmir issue is like flogging a dead horse in Pakistan. Check out the fact that no political party in Pakistan raised the Kashmir issue during the recent elections. It's no more a vote catcher like what it used to be earlier.

Why? Because there are more pressing domestic problems in Pakistan. It's roti, kapda aur makaan first. Then comes terrorism followed by skyrocketing prices due to inflation due to the falling rupee. Then there's the sectarian strife where Sunnis are pitted against the Shias, followed by the Balochistan problem. Finally, the Establishment has realized that the Kasmiris want nothing to do with Pakistan seeing the state it is in.

The JuD and the Difa-e-Pakistan consisting of 40 militant groups need to keep the Kashmir issue alive to survive as otherwise no one is going to contribute to their Company. They're exploiting local sentiments for donations most of which go into the pockets of these douche bags.

Now does that answer your question? You don't need Aeronaut to do so! :smart:

The political parties have never raised it in election campaign even in history.

This thread is about questions regarding pakistan n pak members r supposed to answer them.
Are Pakistanis united as one people?
Why Pakistanis never put their country first?(allways care about other muslims)
How is this government going to change the economic situation?
What is the role of the armed forces in governing and decision making?
I have many more questions.
1) Overall at this tough situation nobody can realistically remain united in one nation.
2)Its Islam my friend that teaches us to care for everyone.
There was a reason why we were helping Ottoman Empire when Arabs betrayed them.
3)Situation is very bad n all of the problems can be solved in just 5 years. Thats the time period of Gov to stand before next elections.
4)The role is ''leading from the front''. And its good too as civilian Govs like in the past have failed themselves in the eyes of Pakistanis.
Well pakistan doesnt have K2 n Co. only we have lot of different n beautiful areas.

Visit Pak the beautiful or Pakistan in Pictures threads.

I have visited those threads... they are just awesome!! The pice are very beautiful!!
1) Overall at this tough situation nobody can realistically remain united in one nation.
2)Its Islam my friend that teaches us to care for everyone.
There was a reason why we were helping Ottoman Empire when Arabs betrayed them.
3)Situation is very bad n all of the problems can be solved in just 5 years. Thats the time period of Gov to stand before next elections.
4)The role is ''leading from the front''. And its good too as civilian Govs like in the past have failed themselves in the eyes of Pakistanis.
1-Isnt there a way or at least attempts to try to unite all?
2-Yes care for others but first be in the position to be able to care for others(who cares about you?)
3-Can or will be solved?
You have so many mineral deposits yet you import many things you could produce inhouse why?
Happens often in the National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar. In 2007-2011 batch there were two from Pakistan, both from Punjab. :)

hey brothr u live in jalandhar :D or u jst studied there? :D
1-Isnt there a way or at least attempts to try to unite all?
2-Yes care for others but first be in the position to be able to care for others(who cares about you?)
3-Can or will be solved?
You have so many mineral deposits yet you import many things you could produce inhouse why?

1)Yes there have been but all seem to go in vain in these tough times.
2)correct n we r trying that as well.
3)Actually i wanted to say that in just 5 years problems not all of them obviously cant be solved.
But anyways we r going in right direction n people r confident that we will be eventually successful in it.

Yes thats true but for that to happen the security has to be cleared first. U dont want to see terrorists blowing mines dont u:azn:
Are Pakistanis united as one people?

We are a multicultural country, so it depends on what you mean by "people."
However all Pakistanis have a strong sense of unity when it comes to our "Ideology."

Why Pakistanis never put their country first?(allways care about other muslims)

That is not correct,that we put other Muslim nations first. However Pakistanis, feel very strongly about other Muslim nations and they are seen as our natural allies and friends.

How is this government going to change the economic situation?

It remains to be seen,however the hopes aren't that high as our economic situation is tied to our security cloud.

What is the role of the armed forces in governing and decision making?

There is no role for the Armed forces,however every time in the past they have intervened it has resulted in disaster for Pakistani society. Majority of Pakistanis want democracy and they don't like military stepping in.

I have many more questions.

We are happy to answer ALL of your questions.
Ok then it's quite far... I asked one of my friend... though he never visited GB, guessed 5-6 hours, but I had doubt... hence asked.... one more question.... K2 first base camp is near to Skardu right ?

It is not that near to Skardu. I think you might have to go to Askole valley from Skardu. Then from Askole you would have to travel to K2 base camp.

Askole - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For your interest here is an Indian who somehow made it to GB.

Forbes India Magazine - A Short Drive Through the Karakoram

So I think you should give it a try. Who knows you might succeed and might share a few interesting stories with us here at defence.pk. :)
Are Pakistanis united as one people?
Why Pakistanis never put their country first?(allways care about other muslims)
How is this government going to change the economic situation?
What is the role of the armed forces in governing and decision making?
I have many more questions.

1- No (its a long debate).

2- Its linked to the first question and is due to the fact that Pakistan army effectively encouraged a very jehadi culture which did not recognize the legitimacy of a democratic govt. Now we have many groups who are not willing to accept the constitution or even the state. Then there is the usual fiasco of Irani/ Saudi proxies. Another recent phenomenon is of groups who would bleed Pakistan to death for Afghanistan, sadly one hears few voices for Pakistan itself.

3- Govt is trying to overcome the energy shortage, if they can successfully pull it off things will improve a lot. Then there is the terrorism issue which I seriously believe will only be solved when Army wants it to (most probably after American withdrawal).

4- They suck at it and are not willing to pass the power to more able alternatives. Defense and Foreign affairs to a very large degree are handled from there even today but the situation is slowly changing. Plus like Egyptian army Pakistan Army is also involved in real estate and other business ventures and like Egyptian army is getting too big for its boots. One example of how this has destroyed Pakistani economy is that Pakistan Railways was always in profit until a military dictator gave the most lucrative and profit making venture to an Army organization (freight). From that point onwards Pakistan railway has been in constant decline and running in loss amounting to hundreds of millions.
We are a multicultural country, so it depends on what you mean by "people."
However all Pakistanis have a strong sense of unity when it comes to our "Ideology."

That is not correct,that we put other Muslim nations first. However Pakistanis, feel very strongly about other Muslim nations and they are seen as our natural allies and friends.

It remains to be seen,however the hopes aren't that high as our economic situation is tied to our security cloud.

There is no role for the Armed forces,however every time in the past they have intervened it has resulted in disaster for Pakistani society. Majority of Pakistanis want democracy and they don't like military stepping in.

We are happy to answer ALL of your questions.
One people,all ethnicities together for the nation.
What did your friends and allies do for you lately?(im asking cause i would like to know)
What a perspective,from the answer you gave one might think another 5 years to be waisted.
How does the future for your nation look in your personal opinion?
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