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It is not that near to Skardu. I think you might have to go to Askole valley from Skardu. Then from Askole you would have to travel to K2 base camp.

Askole - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For your interest here is an Indian who somehow made it to GB.

Forbes India Magazine - A Short Drive Through the Karakoram

So I think you should give it a try. Who knows you might succeed and might share a few interesting stories with us here at defence.pk. :)

Man........ hope your words come true!! It's a dream of mine!! :)
We are a multicultural country, so it depends on what you mean by "people."
However all Pakistanis have a strong sense of unity when it comes to our "Ideology."

That is not correct,that we put other Muslim nations first. However Pakistanis, feel very strongly about other Muslim nations and they are seen as our natural allies and friends.

It remains to be seen,however the hopes aren't that high as our economic situation is tied to our security cloud.

There is no role for the Armed forces,however every time in the past they have intervened it has resulted in disaster for Pakistani society. Majority of Pakistanis want democracy and they don't like military stepping in.

We are happy to answer ALL of your questions.

r u sure abt army part?:lol:
One people,all ethnicities together for the nation.

No we don't have a singular ethnic identity as Arabs,Persians and Turks do. We are a very multicultural society with 5 regional, 1 national and 1 official language.

What did your friends and allies do for you lately?(im asking cause i would like to know)

Depends on what "doing" means. It also depends on if we WANT any help. They have supported us diplomatically on Kashmir,they have voted for us to become a UNSC temporary member a number of times. They have aided us in the times of war and natural calamities.

What a perspective,from the answer you gave one might think another 5 years to be waisted.

It does look like that unfortunately.

How does the future for your nation look in your personal opinion?

* Near future: Bleak, not too different from today.
* Long term future: Bright as the sun.

r u sure abt army part?:lol:

I believe he was asking about if Army has a constitutionally guaranteed role in politics or not.
1- No (its a long debate).

2- Its linked to the first question and is due to the fact that Pakistan army effectively encouraged a very jehadi culture which did not recognize the legitimacy of a democratic govt. Now we have many groups who are not willing to accept the constitution or even the state. Then there is the usual fiasco of Irani/ Saudi proxies. Another recent phenomenon is of groups who would bleed Pakistan to death for Afghanistan, sadly one hears few voices for Pakistan itself.

3- Govt is trying to overcome the energy shortage, if they can successfully pull it off things will improve a lot. Then there is the terrorism issue which I seriously believe will only be solved when Army wants it to (most probably after American withdrawal).

4- They suck at it and are not willing to pass the power to more able alternatives. Defense and Foreign affairs to a very large degree are handled from there even today but the situation is slowly changing. Plus like Egyptian army Pakistan Army is also involved in real estate and other business ventures and like Egyptian army is getting too big for its boots. One example of how this has destroyed Pakistani economy is that Pakistan Railways was always in profit until a military dictator gave the most lucrative and profit making venture to an Army organization (freight). From that point onwards Pakistan railway has been in constant decline and running in loss amounting to hundreds of millions.
1-This issue should be solved or it will lead to the devide of the countrY(thats what they want)
2-Sunni/Shia again also in Pakistan?
3-lets hope so
4-so,there is hope
Do you think when the US leaves Afghanistan you will be better off?if yes,reason/if no reason.
Dont you think the Taliban could cause trouble in Pakistan to after the NATO leaves?
Do you think when the US leaves Afghanistan you will be better off?if yes,reason/if no reason.
Dont you think the Taliban could cause trouble in Pakistan to after the NATO leaves?

Some tribals believe that America is occupying Afghanistan and they must fight so once America leaves these people will no longer have any excuse. But on the other hand TTP (Talibans of Pakistan) have conducted operations against Army and they openly ridicule the state and Pakistani constitution. They have also claimed that their Ameer is Mullah Omar (the head of Afghan Taliban) if Taliban in Afghanistan do come to power after American withdrawal TTP will be their weapon not Pakistan's. Writ of state does not exist in the area where TTP is in power so we might as well say that for all practical purposes Afghan talibans will be ruling that area.
They actually did. in 48 and 65.

It was u who failed to achieve war objectives in 65.

In 48, Indian army was not even there when you got in. In 65, our objective was to keep Kashmir with us and we did that. I don't think we wanna get into this. I was replying to a particular post.

Are Pakistanis united as one people?

Yes & No ! See our Nationalism is based around any one ethnicity or linguistic group but around the notion that 'Muslims are One Nation' ! At any rate nothing else would work in Pakistan either because we've got hundreds of different ethnicities & linguistic groups in Pakistan. Heck the largest ethnicity in Pakistan - the Punjabis - whereas they number closer to 100 million (thats more than the entire population of Egypt or nearly more than the entire population of most GCC countries combined) they stand at only 50-55% of Pakistan's population & even they aren't ethnicically homogenous with them having millions of sub-ethnicities that, over the years, have become assimilated in the Punjabi Identity !

At the same time No we're not united as one because whenever you get bad governance & politics there are elements there who pit one ethnic group against the other & thats what breeds disunity; we've got the same issues as the Kurdish-Turkish Issues that like the Kurds in Turkey we've got countless millions who are more than happy calling themselves Pakistanis but a handful of individuals (a few hundred to a few thousand) who're creating hell for the State ! Additionally we've got the Sunni-Shiite divide in full-swing these days too. Naturally very bad governance on part of the State compounds the problem manifold.

But by & large there exists ethnic-harmony in Pakistan. My ethnicity for example - the Kashmiris - stand at less than 3-5% of Pakistan's population but we're ruling the country right now ! :lol:

Why Pakistanis never put their country first?(allways care about other muslims)

Pakistanis do put their country first its just that because our Nationalism is based on 'Religious Unity' naturally we're a lot more inclined towards feeling fraternal ties with Fellow Muslim Countries ! Unfortunately they aren't always reciprocated & the two Muslim Brothers of ours have been playing their Sunni-Shiite BS right here in our midst along with a few Pakistani sell-outs & ideologues that has ripped apart the social fabric of our society !

Thankfully still most Pakistanis are coming around this realization that our Muslim Brothers aren't all that Brotherly ! Certainly China has helped us the most & it isn't even a Muslim Majority or an Islamic Country - Naturally most Pakistanis hold fraternal feelings for them.

How is this government going to change the economic situation?

Dunno but it'll sure as hell be a lot better than the last one who managed to rake up more debt in their 5 years than what every other Government in Pakistan did in their past 65 combined ! :bad:

What is the role of the armed forces in governing and decision making?

The Armed Forces has an over-active role in Pakistan's Political Sphere much like it did in Turkey in the past & like the Turkish Armed Forces it seems to have learned that democracy is the only way forward ! At the same time everytime the Pakistani Army stepped in & toppled the Government - The People were with them !

I have many more questions.

Ask away & I'll try to answer ! :smart:
Really? Then why didn't Taliban agree to a Pakistani demand of recognizing Durand Line?

They may not recognize Durand Line, but they will not support war between Afghanistan and Pakistan either.

That's just how it is.
Do you think when the US leaves Afghanistan you will be better off?if yes,reason/if no reason.
Dont you think the Taliban could cause trouble in Pakistan to after the NATO leaves?

Kardes there isn't a win-win situation for us anyway ! If Afghanistan is stabilized - They're going to continue destabilizing us in Baluchistan by giving our separatists sanctuaries & the TTP that are fighting us have sanctuaries & some say even tacit support by the Afghan Government !

If it is destabilized than we're foOked still because we'd have an influx of Afghan Refugees in Pakistan again like in the '80s & the '90s....we've still got between 4-6 million of them in Pakistan & they've hated us to the core well before the Taliban or anything of the sort ! We'd also have rising militancy & religious extremism in Pakistan thats going to destabilize Pakistan further.

So the future is bleak !
They may not recognize Durand Line, but they will not support war between Afghanistan and Pakistan either.

That's just how it is.

Relationship between Afghanistan and Pakistan will never be normal unless they recognize Durand Line. Its not about supporting war when they officially take the stance that Pakistan is occupying their land. This simply means ISI can not control Taliban.
1. That was strange.
2. Military dictatorship has let you down Umair. They have messed everything there. Wouldn't that be nice if you give democracy a chance?

Oh mister we know better as we live here n its us yr talking about.

Just look at the track record n u will see the difference.

1. That was strange.
2. Military dictatorship has let you down Umair. They have messed everything there. Wouldn't that be nice if you give democracy a chance?

Oh mister we know better as we live here n its us yr talking about.

Just look at the track record n u will see the difference.
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