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Asif Ali Zardari arrested after IHC rejects bail extension plea

a very good topi drama----------- bu NAB

tomarrow the basterd will be sitting in chorrion ka addah------------pakistani parliment
It is not fault of the NAB.
Jab Choron ko vote do ge tu ye hi hoga.
Choron ka adda kis ne banya! Zara sochye.
Arresting or sending someone to gallows will not bring anything better try to get all the black money illegally tranfer by corrupt govt. Official military officer politicians and businessman giving them indemnity . This will may brings billion of dollars to economy.

That would be the ideal situation, but unlikely to happen. Unfortunately much of the looted wealth is stacked abroad. It is difficult to get this money back. Although the government should try to negotiate with nations where this money is transferred.
i think after this if looted amount is not recovered people trust will be ended on institutions .It is last chance for establishment and govt to recover amount and revive economy
How naive of you!how will they recover the looted money? Is there any mechanism in place?why do you think the money which you are calling looted can be proved so in a court of law? All these are superficial measures..nothing will come out of it...when the total society is corrupt , arresting one here and one there will not yield any results..the change comes slowly when the politicians are sincere and honest...PTI itself has loads of corrupt politicians.
Some of our laws are pretty screwed up including pre-arrest bail. Every criminal (rich or poor) must spend a night in jail and appear before the judge for the bail hearing and that too only for minor / unintentional offences. Financial fraud must be declared a seiorus crime and punishable by death. Other-wise this will never stop.

Islamabad HC has rejected Zardari's bail extension plea.

Zardari can be arrested today by NAB.
Can the Pak State really leverage the conditions to get out of the mess? Only time will tell as it will be the resultant reflection of the collective will of the Pak folks. I, a Dost of Pak, for one is more hopeful than anytime in the past since the “trend-line” is in Pak’s favor....
Same punishment should be given to the corrupt like the one Rome gave to the slaves, that rebelled. Motorway from Lahore to Islamabad is a good choice

Lets start lining them up...



Making a martyr out of him.good strategy.
Yes... Let all start worshiping him like DALITS instead of punishing him... Lol... Grow a pair...
Making a martyr out of him.good strategy.

How naive of you!how will they recover the looted money? Is there any mechanism in place?why do you think the money which you are calling looted can be proved so in a court of law? All these are superficial measures..nothing will come out of it...when the total society is corrupt , arresting one here and one there will not yield any results..the change comes slowly when the politicians are sincere and honest...PTI itself has loads of corrupt politicians.
Looted money may or may not return but it is important to punish those who looted it

Looted money may or may not return but it is important to punish those who looted it
It's more important to crush their heads.Punishment means few years down the road,one of Jumboori Govt and it's all Gone.
As many Pakistanis start doing jhinga lala, demonstrations and destroying properties whenever they perceive religion is in danger and rest of majority become apologists and start justifying the acts, but don't talk about to implement the punishment for corruption prescribed in undisputed Quran?

The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and strive to spread corruption through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter. Quran 5:33

But as usual, Pakistanis & "Ulmas" redefine the meaning to suite themselves. And we have people who shamelessly says "Khata hai tu lagata bhi hai".
Some of our laws are pretty screwed up including pre-arrest bail. Every criminal (rich or poor) must spend a night in jail and appear before the judge for the bail hearing and that too only for minor / unintentional offences. Financial fraud must be declared a seiorus crime and punishable by death. Other-wise this will never stop.

Yeap. That is the practice, you are under remand, next morning you are produced in front of a magistrate, who can grant a bail or order further custody for interrogation.
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