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Asif Ali Zardari arrested after IHC rejects bail extension plea

Congratulation Pakistan. expect him to be in luxury 5 star hospital soon or maybe lohar court will give him bail.
Then burn n.a.b...wht the purpose of wasting money there.??
how many dollars has nawaj returned till now? why because nab dint heir job properly and judiciary dint had the balls to give a clear verdict!
Did anyone see Zardari's evil laughter whilst coming out of NAB court?
Zardari already said, if its not me, there will be bilawal and if bilawal is not there then asifa....meaning we will never get rid of these blood sucking leeches
As many Pakistanis start doing jhinga lala, demonstrations and destroying properties whenever they perceive religion is in danger and rest of majority become apologists and start justifying the acts, but don't talk about to implement the punishment for corruption prescribed in undisputed Quran?

The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and strive to spread corruption through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter. Quran 5:33

But as usual, Pakistanis & "Ulmas" redefine the meaning to suite themselves. And we have people who shamelessly says "Khata hai tu lagata bhi hai".

Man, anything related to religion or any philosophy which comes out from Pakistan or South Asia, should be discarded.
Asif Ali Zardari was remanded in the custody of the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) for 11 days.
We don't want arrests, we want convictions and verdicts. Zardari should be forced to return the billions of dollars of Pakistani money he has robbed throughout his life-time alongwith a total end to his and his family's political career
Niazi Scum=Hang till death
Better then Altaf scum hhas a links to India during lots of strike MQM Had paralyze whole Karachi, He used name Muhajirs to his crapy politics and their party don't/didn't work for the betterment of Muhajirs and for the people of Karachi, He is a traitor of Muhajirs, he is the criminal @Syed Hammad Ahmed
Awaam ki cheekein to asal me Niazi hi nilalwaraha hai. Uske jaane ka waqt ane wala hai
And who is the responsible for current position of Pakistan, the answer is (PREVIOUS GOVTS ) which took to much loan from IMF, IK is not responsible for current situation of Pakistan @Syed Hammad Ahmed
I hope Niazi is arrested too.
He is far far far better then of that traitor of Muhajirs ALTAF @Syed Hammad Ahmed

this is not nonsense but fact last time zardari was released from jail by musharaf and when he allowed zardari to leave country ,if at that time he was not released we would not in such miserable condition like which we are experiencing now but when cj iftikhar chaudry gave decision against him he imposed emergency for his personal interest but never used this power to end corruption
Why you support ZARDARI/NAWAZ/ALTAF they are traitors of Pakistan and looted Pakistan, they have so much money looted from Pakistan if their all looted money bring back to Pakistan, Pakistan will be clears all loan in future @Yaseen1
when your brain is unable to understand what is said then avoid replying such posts
And why you support those scums thieves/traitors, who bring all problems that Pakistan currently facing @Yaseen1
what is your proof that i support them.I have only highlighted the causes which lead these people to come to power and loot money and in addition to punishing corrupts we should also focus on the cause which allowed them to raise to power otherwise they will again come in form of new personalities which may be more worst than those who have already caused damage to country in last 10yrs
Better then Altaf scum hhas a links to India during lots of strike MQM Had paralyze whole Karachi, He used name Muhajirs to his crapy politics and their party don't/didn't work for the betterment of Muhajirs and for the people of Karachi, He is a traitor of Muhajirs, he is the criminal @Syed Hammad Ahmed

And who is the responsible for current position of Pakistan, the answer is (PREVIOUS GOVTS ) which took to much loan from IMF, IK is not responsible for current situation of Pakistan @Syed Hammad Ahmed

He is far far far better then of that traitor of Muhajirs ALTAF @Syed Hammad Ahmed

Why you support ZARDARI/NAWAZ/ALTAF they are traitors of Pakistan and looted Pakistan, they have so much money looted from Pakistan if their all looted money bring back to Pakistan, Pakistan will be clears all loan in future @Yaseen1

And why you support those scums thieves/traitors, who bring all problems that Pakistan currently facing @Yaseen1
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