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Asif Ali Zardari arrested after IHC rejects bail extension plea

Asif Ali Zerdari is an institution in his self. A leader, a gangster, a murderer, a loafer, and what not, all in one.
I hate him, may be not, but I admire him. He will come out, as always, and will roar again, in jungle of corruption, and will lead the path again. Witnesses will either be bought, or will be murdered.
I am saying all this, because I know, it is impossible to have those people, who clear the man eating bushes like Zerdari, in Pakistan under current circumstances. First step of all that will be to create atmosphere. And for creating such atmosphere, people must be educated through media on daily basis. Divided people are sheeps nothing more.
What I am writing, I don't know, but that's what I really felt.

@DESERT FIGHTER @Yaseen1 @Kakaspai @Dubious @ghazi52 @graphican

Good, now you should cast the first stone. Pakistan has to start somewhere, and Pakistanis to start learning the modernism. Nothing better than current situation.
All Crooks behind bars. Imran the perfect conduit.
Imagine how he must be feeling after hearing slogans of jiye bhutto when he was being arrested? Benazir must be very happy in her grave tonight
Excellent news coming out of Pak today. Just waiting now for M Ilyas Khan of the BBC to report these arrests as an "attack on democracy" or "Pakistan's descent into authoritarianism" or some other crap. If he can't come up with some negative spin he will stay quiet I imagine.

Islamabad HC has rejected Zardari's bail extension plea.

Zardari can be arrested today by NAB.

Arresting or sending someone to gallows will not bring anything better try to get all the black money illegally tranfer by corrupt govt. Official military officer politicians and businessman giving them indemnity . This will may brings billion of dollars to economy.
If wishes were horses, beggars would ride!!

IK and PTI rules in KPK for 5 years and the gov of that time despite strongest opponent of PTI could not bring up single case of corruption against him. You will see, these five years under Prime Minister Imran Khan would be the FIRST in our history where other parties wont be able to accuse him of corruption. Just wait and see sir.

Well said, sir.
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