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Asia's Great Naval Rivalry

Baiscally to summerize this instead for me to reply individually, India is afraid that PN acquire an CBG, yes you can claim that Pakistan doesnt have financial mean or Subs are more effectives to counters CBG..all your arguments have already been used by U.S to deter China from developping & acquiring the aircraft carrier. but PLAN didn't that the bait. For over a years U.S know China has intent to acquire a blue water navy force...and Aircraft carrier is one of the main component...so they have tried to misleading china into wrong direction by saying that Aircraft carrier is a seating duck, obsoleted naval war components, expensive that will ruin chinese economy, subs and cruise missile are more effectives...all kind of bullsh1ts to dicourage China form acquire it.

And I'm very realistic by saying that PN should get aricraft carrier and form a CBG to effectively counter Indian navy...because that last thing Indian navy want is go head to head against other CBG, you guys just want to keep your advantage over enemy.

I has never said that PN should get it NOW...what I said is that PN will eventually acquire once China master the technology to shut some people mouth saying that Paksitan navy is not in the league, and for Finacial viability,as I explained that if there is an strategic interest then China won't hesitate to finance Paksitan CBG such if Pakistan help escort chinese merchant ship or provide China a short cut to transport energy across Pakistan to Xinjiang and avoid malacca strait...all this waste money can go directly to Pakistan Navy CBG's pocket.
Baiscally to summerize this instead for me to reply individually, India is afraid that PN acquire an CBG, yes you can claim that Pakistan doesnt have financial mean or Subs are more effectives to counters CBG..all your arguments have already been used by U.S to deter China from developping & acquiring the aircraft carrier. but PLAN didn't that the bait. For over a years U.S know China has intent to acquire a blue water navy force...and Aircraft carrier is one of the main component...so they have tried to misleading china into wrong direction by saying that Aircraft carrier is a seating duck, obsoleted naval war components, expensive that will ruin chinese economy, subs and cruise missile are more effectives...all kind of bullsh1ts to dicourage China form acquire it.

And I'm very realistic by saying that PN should get aricraft carrier and form a CBG to effectively counter Indian navy...because that last thing Indian navy want is go head to head against other CBG, you guys just want to keep your advantage over enemy.

I has never said that PN should get it NOW...what I said is that PN will eventually acquire once China master the technology to shut some people mouth saying that Paksitan navy is not in the league, and for Finacial viability,as I explained that if there is an strategic interest then China won't hesitate to finance Paksitan CBG such if Pakistan help escort chinese merchant ship or provide China a short cut to transport energy across Pakistan to Xinjiang and avoid malacca strait...all this waste money can go directly to Pakistan Navy CBG's pocket.

So you want Pakistan to acquire CBG through the assistance of China to confront Indian Navy. Why do you even need to do that ... why not just take the maritime responsibility of Pakistan and field your CBG in Arabian sea. It would be easier for you. Your wet dream is to engage India into a conflict through a proxy like pakistan and remain in the good books of the world community.

Military might is something to be earned through nation building but your idea is to prop and inflate pakistani navy without any contribution of its own... A country which has not been able to produce a frigate on its own been entrusted with a CBG ... great thinking mate
So you want Pakistan to acquire CBG through the assistance of China to confront Indian Navy. Why do you even need to do that ... why not just take the maritime responsibility of Pakistan and field your CBG in Arabian sea. It would be easier for you. Your wet dream is to engage India into a conflict through a proxy like pakistan and remain in the good books of the world community.

Military might is something to be earned through nation building but your idea is to prop and inflate pakistani navy without any contribution of its own... A country which has not been able to produce a frigate on its own been entrusted with a CBG ... great thinking mate

There is not need for China to play the dirty game to use Pakistan against India...China can handle India along either on Land or at sea, I just responded to those think that Pakistan is not in the league of Asia's Great Naval Rivalry..if you care to read my first post...

I LOLed for you second part, how much you nation has contributed in military design and manufacturing..most of weapons are bought from abroad..you guys are not much better than Pakistan ...those carriers that your navy used right now are bought from England...so please don't trumpet India's achievement.
No problemo...China and Pakistan are not in the such rush!!! to discuss CBG...China need at least to adress all the Varyag's problem and form an operation CBG...then we can start talking of helping Pakistan to get it own CBG..as my first post..I did say

"Wait until China help Pakistan to form a carrier battle group ".

your dreams of giving Pakistan a CBG make me laugh just because you bought and refurbished a uncompleted soviet aircraft carrier does not mean your the s*** make one indigenously first we are doing that with the Vikrant class carriers at Kochi shipyard and btw Pakistan does not even operate a destroyer they have a 30 ship navy the chances of them getting a aircraft carrier is like Estonia becoming a military superpower dreams are dreams reality is reality
There is not need for China to play the dirty game to use Pakistan against India...China can handle India along either on Land or at sea, I just responded to those think that Pakistan is not in the league of Asia's Great Naval Rivalry..if you care to read my first post...

I LOLed for you second part, how much you nation has contributed in military design and manufacturing..most of weapons are bought from abroad..you guys are not much better than Pakistan ...those carriers that your navy used right now are bought from England...so please don't trumpet India's achievement.

GRSE, MDL, HSL, GSL and many other shipyards that build ships for the Indian navy the Shardul and Brahmaputra class warships in service with the IN are 2 fine examples of indigenous warship building stealth frigates like the Shivalik class and stealth destroyers like the Kolkata class are also being completed we are not the Phillipines with a navy whose fleet compromises of U.S gifted warships the Indian navy is arguably the most professional and straight forward arm of our services

most but some are indigenous hell at least we are aiming for indigenization while you guys copy copy copy make a fighter jet that does not require a foreign design or foreign help then talk
Well every action has equal and opposite reaction!

We may be slow in this but If you try to act smart in our backyard! Don't expect us to sit Idle either,...Simple as that! Period!

Wait until China help Pakistan to form a carrier battle group : Pakistan Navy help protect Chinese merchants ships pass through India :lol:and we will build a varyag class carrier and provide DF-21D to Pakistan to counter any foe in Indian Ocean :D...Pakistan should has a great voice in Indian ocean.

If ever you people will do so then do expect India helping Vietnam to form a CBG in south china sea, with a parmanent Indian navel base in vietnam(Already offered by veitnam). Vietnam navy needs to protect Indian merchant ships pass through south china sea.And we will provide Brahmos cruise missile to Vietnam to counter any Foe in South china sea...Vietnam should have a Great voice in South china sea with Japan,south Korea,phillipi and rest of other small countries there with the help of NOT only India but US,europe and Australia as well :pop:

How's this smart a$$ ??:rolleyes:
If ever you people will do so then do expect India helping Vietnam to form a CBG in south china sea, with a parmanent Indian navel base in vietnam(Already offered by veitnam). Vietnam navy needs to protect Indian merchant ships pass through south china sea.And we will provide Brahmos cruise missile to Vietnam to counter any Foe in South china sea...Vietnam should have a Great voice in South china sea with Japan,south Korea,phillipi and rest of other small countries there with the help of NOT only India but US,europe and Australia as well

How's this smart a$$ ??
Come on man one port call is all we gave they came down bullying us... They sure know the consequences of this ball game.
There is no rivalry unless someone wins and other looses..

The old Mcdowell Add..still inspires me. :tup:
There is not need for China to play the dirty game to use Pakistan against India...China can handle India along either on Land or at sea, I just responded to those think that Pakistan is not in the league of Asia's Great Naval Rivalry..if you care to read my first post...

I LOLed for you second part, how much you nation has contributed in military design and manufacturing..most of weapons are bought from abroad..you guys are not much better than Pakistan ...those carriers that your navy used right now are bought from England...so please don't trumpet India's achievement.

IN is different from IAF, comparing IN with PN is just a joke. Our navy have experience in Indian ocean. We have problems with terrorism and intruders into our land and Evil eyes. but u have problem with India and Indian name...... US itself can handle u n Pakistan, it doesn't mean US will surely attack you.
couple of P8i and bramohs missiles r need to destroy the hopes of hostile nations.:butcher:
You said it Brother. That will get their knickers in a twist.
hey dude, do u remembered that 80% of ur navy was destroyed by the IN in 1971 war. The karachi port was ablazed by our IN. if u not remembered just review ur grt navy history once. don't mess up with us.
GRSE, MDL, HSL, GSL and many other shipyards that build ships for the Indian navy the Shardul and Brahmaputra class warships in service with the IN are 2 fine examples of indigenous warship building stealth frigates like the Shivalik class and stealth destroyers like the Kolkata class are also being completed we are not the Phillipines with a navy whose fleet compromises of U.S gifted warships the Indian navy is arguably the most professional and straight forward arm of our services

most but some are indigenous hell at least we are aiming for indigenization while you guys copy copy copy make a fighter jet that does not require a foreign design or foreign help then talk

LOL talking about Copy, first you Indian dare not to copy because you guys afraid of sanction and retaliation from the suppliers such Russia or European countries so that deter you from copy. Second, you don't know how to copy because if the copy items didn't meet the desgin requirements then the entire military harwares might not work, you guys are afraid of failure... so basically speaking you guys are just a bunch of gutless cowards that know how look down chinese's copies while you don't dare do anything...what a laugh
couple of P8i and bramohs missiles r need to destroy the hopes of hostile nations.
you ever heard of DF 21 ? The world doesn't end at BR you know !

hey dude, do u remembered that 80% of ur navy was destroyed by the IN in 1971 war. The karachi port was ablazed by our IN. if u not remembered just review ur grt navy history once. don't mess up with us.
We didn't have proper a navy then and our forces were divided between 2 parts 1000's of km away ... Try that misadventure now and we shall teach you a lesson ... Remember you turned back after mobilizing millions of troops in 2001 lol
GRSE, MDL, HSL, GSL and many other shipyards that build ships for the Indian navy the Shardul and Brahmaputra class warships in service with the IN are 2 fine examples of indigenous warship building stealth frigates like the Shivalik class and stealth destroyers like the Kolkata class are also being completed
Do you even have a idea what Chinese have build even amidst sanctions ( even if they copied because it doesn't matter at the end of the day ) ? Now compare it with the measly efforts you have done even with all the foreign assistance and ToT's !! China didn't get a complete CBG , they have developed it , fitted it with new sensors and radar ( current Varyag equipment was obsolete by today's standards ) .. Have you done anything like that ? Should i remind you of Russians ripping you on CBG deal ( how the price increased and what not ) :rofl:

most but some are indigenous hell at least we are aiming for indigenization while you guys copy copy copy make a fighter jet that does not require a foreign design or foreign help then talk
The defense hardware is not put into a photo copy machine to copy ... Reverse Engineering requires brains and money ... It not as easy as you people like to say ... Yes , I am well aware of your indigenization efforts because that remains the reason that LCA is still being developed after decades and has no hopes of being operational soon lol
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