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Asia's Great Naval Rivalry

Well every action has equal and opposite reaction!

We may be slow in this but If you try to act smart in our backyard! Don't expect us to sit Idle either,...Simple as that! Period!

If ever you people will do so then do expect India helping Vietnam to form a CBG in south china sea, with a parmanent Indian navel base in vietnam(Already offered by veitnam). Vietnam navy needs to protect Indian merchant ships pass through south china sea.And we will provide Brahmos cruise missile to Vietnam to counter any Foe in South china sea...Vietnam should have a Great voice in South china sea with Japan,south Korea,phillipi and rest of other small countries there with the help of NOT only India but US,europe and Australia as well :pop:

How's this smart a$$ ??:rolleyes:

We expect you to do that...If we dare to play game in Indian Ocean, we're not afraid India to come to south China sea. Even if India don't come..the U.S will do your Job any way to edge against China...Infact we would like more India to help Vietnam and other south asia countries to build CBG than U.S :lol: In pacifc, your India navy is nothing compare to Japan and U.S..so you're free to bring your 3 CBG to south China sea :welcome:

As I expected, You indians are just a bunch of gutless cowards...each time you lost your arguments or having nothing to say then try to bring up U.S, Europe and western countries as moral support :lol: I have encounter so many arguements such

If China invade Vietnam than Nato will come rescue the S.O.S Vietnam
If China invade the world then Aliens will come to help us beatten the Evil Chinese :lol:
If China invade India...who else you guys want to call for help?..buch of gutless
your dreams of giving Pakistan a CBG make me laugh just because you bought and refurbished a uncompleted soviet aircraft carrier does not mean your the s*** make one indigenously first we are doing that with the Vikrant class carriers at Kochi shipyard
Really ?



Vikrant class aircraft carrier

Work on the lead vessel of the class started in 2008, and the keel was laid in February 2009. In 2007, eighty percent of work on the carrier was expected to be completed before a launch in 2010,[2] but by October 2010 only two of the 21 blocks had been completed.[3] The first carrier of the class was expected to enter service by 2012,[4] but was delayed by a year reportedly due to the inability of Russia to supply the AB/A grade steel As a result, Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) created facilities to manufacture the steel in India.[5]. In August 2009, the military purchasing publication Defence Industry Daily reported that the service date had slipped to at least 2015

You are late even when you started first because Russia couldn't supply the equipment on time :rofl: Its not surprising for me taking into account the delays most Indian projects experience ( hint : LCA )
There is not need for China to play the dirty game to use Pakistan against India...China can handle India along either on Land or at sea, I just responded to those think that Pakistan is not in the league of Asia's Great Naval Rivalry..if you care to read my first post...

I LOLed for you second part, how much you nation has contributed in military design and manufacturing..most of weapons are bought from abroad..you guys are not much better than Pakistan ...those carriers that your navy used right now are bought from England...so please don't trumpet India's achievement.

I understand you have no idea of the frigates, subs, destroyers that India manufactures... so when you no clue about what you are talking about ,, i suggest you should chill ... tada
Really ?
Vikrant class aircraft carrier

Work on the lead vessel of the class started in 2008, and the keel was laid in February 2009. In 2007, eighty percent of work on the carrier was expected to be completed before a launch in 2010,[2] but by October 2010 only two of the 21 blocks had been completed.[3] The first carrier of the class was expected to enter service by 2012,[4] but was delayed by a year reportedly due to the inability of Russia to supply the AB/A grade steel. In August 2009, the military purchasing publication Defence Industry Daily reported that the service date had slipped to at least 2015

You are late even when you started first because Russia couldn't supply the equipment on time :rofl: Its not surprising for me taking into account the delays most Indian projects experience ( hint : LCA )


but was delayed by a year reportedly due to the inability of Russia to supply the AB/A grade steel. As a result, Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) created facilities to manufacture the steel in India.[5] In August 2009

Son, if u want to compare PA and IA, please do. Even PAF vs IAF is tolerable.

But please realize that IN is in a different league
I understand you have no idea of the frigates, subs, destroyers that India manufactures... so when you no clue about what you are talking about ,, i suggest you should chill ... tada
China has already developed most of the mentioned things amidst sanctions which you are planning to develop now :rofl:

WHAT ??? :disagree:
I understand you have no idea of the frigates, subs, destroyers that India manufactures... so when you no clue about what you are talking about ,, i suggest you should chill ... tada
Someone wished to be woken up :)
To contain India PAK will do anything it can. That mindset gives a trump card to china against India on contrary neighbours of china are matured and they are not obsessed with anit china policy so it makes things difficult for India.
I understand you have no idea of the frigates, subs, destroyers that India manufactures... so when you no clue about what you are talking about ,, i suggest you should chill ... tada

Indeed I admit that I don't know much about Indian indigenious Frigates, subs, destroyers....but one thing for sure that most high tech sub-systems such guns, sonar, radars...mostly are bought from abroad...so make an empty ships to house foreign weapons system and fire control...does that consider as Indian military achievement?...and I LoLed that you still need grat AB/A steel from Russia for your Vikrant...do you need Russian Pen and Paper too to make your drawing :lol:
Indeed I admit that I don't know much about Indian indigenious Frigates, subs, destroyers....but one thing for sure that most high tech sub-systems such guns, sonar, radars...mostly are bought from abroad...so make an empty ships to house foreign weapons system and fire control...does that consider as Indian military achievement?...and I LoLed that you still need grat AB/A steel from Russia for your Vikrant...do you need Russian Pen and Paper too to make your drawing :lol:

why would india use not so efficient weapons and other techs on its ships when better ones are available in foreign,it is trying to match the tech level of these countries,it will take time to develop
its not like one day you start R&D and the other day you have sophisticated radar,guns,etc
Indeed I admit that I don't know much about Indian indigenious Frigates, subs, destroyers....but one thing for sure that most high tech sub-systems such guns, sonar, radars...mostly are bought from abroad...so make an empty ships to house foreign weapons system and fire control...does that consider as Indian military achievement?...and I LoLed that you still need grat AB/A steel from Russia for your Vikrant...do you need Russian Pen and Paper too to make your drawing :lol:

wrong again. BEL Ajanta is the main EW system for every IN warship DRDO developed sonars like APSOH (Advanced Panoramic SOnar Hull mounted),
HUMVAD (Hull Mounted Variable Depth sonar),
HUMSA (Follow on to the APSOH series; the acronym HUMSA stands for Hull Mounted Sonar Array),
Nagan (Towed Array Sonar),
Panchendriya (Submarine sonar and fire control system).

don't comment on thins you do not know about we aren't cavemen in naval technology in fact thats the strongest area of our indigenous defense base Indigenous stealth ships like frigates destroyers corvettes + many many more other ships are on the menu for our navy the Navy gets the majority of the chunk for defense spending besides the fact that SAIL provided the steel for those ships and not Russia adds on to the indigenization and this is just the tip of the iceberg many many more future ships and technologies are still to arrive

---------- Post added at 08:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:33 PM ----------

LOL talking about Copy, first you Indian dare not to copy because you guys afraid of sanction and retaliation from the suppliers such Russia or European countries so that deter you from copy. Second, you don't know how to copy because if the copy items didn't meet the desgin requirements then the entire military harwares might not work, you guys are afraid of failure... so basically speaking you guys are just a bunch of gutless cowards that know how look down chinese's copies while you don't dare do anything...what a laugh

we don't copy crap because we don't settle for substandard knockoffs like you guys most of your military equipment are copies of Soviet or Russian military equipment we don't copy because we want to make things on our own India license produces but we sure as hell do not copy and i like how you admitted to copying :lol
Do you even have a idea what Chinese have build even amidst sanctions ( even if they copied because it doesn't matter at the end of the day ) ? Now compare it with the measly efforts you have done even with all the foreign assistance and ToT's !! China didn't get a complete CBG , they have developed it , fitted it with new sensors and radar ( current Varyag equipment was obsolete by today's standards ) .. Have you done anything like that ? Should i remind you of Russians ripping you on CBG deal ( how the price increased and what not ) :rofl:

The defense hardware is not put into a photo copy machine to copy ... Reverse Engineering requires brains and money ... It not as easy as you people like to say ... Yes , I am well aware of your indigenization efforts because that remains the reason that LCA is still being developed after decades and has no hopes of being operational soon lol

Really ?



Vikrant class aircraft carrier

Work on the lead vessel of the class started in 2008, and the keel was laid in February 2009. In 2007, eighty percent of work on the carrier was expected to be completed before a launch in 2010,[2] but by October 2010 only two of the 21 blocks had been completed.[3] The first carrier of the class was expected to enter service by 2012,[4] but was delayed by a year reportedly due to the inability of Russia to supply the AB/A grade steel As a result, Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) created facilities to manufacture the steel in India.[5]. In August 2009, the military purchasing publication Defence Industry Daily reported that the service date had slipped to at least 2015

You are late even when you started first because Russia couldn't supply the equipment on time :rofl: Its not surprising for me taking into account the delays most Indian projects experience ( hint : LCA )

i can her those lips kissing that a$$ from all the way over here :rofl:

and what measly efforts? you guys cannot even make a bike chain by yourselves the fact that you guys have not made 1 naval ship so don't talk. go and look at all the ships IN has see how many of them are made in Indian shipyards and no not through TOT but indigenously our warship industry is very well developed we've made stealth ships nuclear submarines and are making an aircraft carrier of our own and so what? we still got the aircraft carrier Russians may have raised the price but thats come to bite them in the a$$ they're delays and excuses have turned us towards Israel France USA and other western nations which i like myself since we do not have to put up with delays

and as for LCA its our design our airframe yeah it took a hell of a time because your daddy USA sanctioned us at the last moment adding on the economic problems in 1991 resulted in cut of funding 10 years were lost to the LCA program because of sanctions and economic problems yet we still managed it to get it to fly in 2001.... first flight was in 2001 IOC in 2011 if the time between economic crisis and sanctions is considered LCA really only took 10 years to develop granted it may use a foreign engine but developing a fighter engine from scratch is not easy we had to do it under spartan conditions oh btw i still take honor in that rather than having bought a Soviet fighter design paying for half of the project and calling it a joint fighter when not even 1 Pakistani system is on it.

and way to change the source :rofl: :rofl: ^ those guys above beat me to it but whatever listen if your going to rebut me at least be honest otherwise stay in your corner and don't speak
and as for LCA its our design our airframe yeah it took a hell of a time because your daddy USA sanctioned us at the last moment adding on the economic problems in 1991 resulted in cut of funding 10 years were lost to the LCA program because of sanctions and economic problems yet we still managed it to get it to fly in 2001.... first flight was in 2001 IOC in 2011 if the time between economic crisis and sanctions is considered LCA really only took 10 years to develop
Lame excuse ! The LCA program was started in the 80's You got sanctions in 1998 not before it ... If you are telling me that sanctions hampered the progress of your fighter , then it raises serious question on indigenousness of your fighter which already uses major systems imported from foreign countries ... Is it operational yet like JFT ? Economic crisis is bullshit since even Pakistan was passing through the same in 90's and was under sanctions after the nuclear tests in 1998 yet we managed to co develop and make the JFT operational in record time And how come some sanctions hurt you since you buy all the major tech from Russia ?... I always thought it was USA which imposed sanctions on us not Russia :rofl: Almost 3 decades and still not operational ! Wonderful !!!

The TOI correctly states that the real induction of the first 40 Tejas jets will begin only towards end-2013, with the first two squadrons becoming fully operational at the Sulur airbase (Tamil Nadu) by 2015 or so, a full three decades after the LCA project was first sanctioned to replace the ageing MiG-21s.
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