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Asia's Great Naval Rivalry

Sure you cry because India alway envies China-Pakistan All weather friend", we have a stable relation for over 60 year...lol talking about Uncle Sam...that's your next your most reliable friend...Isn't that India alway suck up U.S.A these days???.

1- Yes China can help maintaining CBG with $$$$...if the strategical objectives >>>more important >>>$$$$

2- Yes only have a CBG...India coastland will be wiithin reach...so subjectively yes...it's an hovership :lol:

3- That's what we're doing now...then we have option in future to Induct to Pakistan navy :D

No matter how many Brahmos, fighters or battleships, or subs ...only CBG is the answer to Indian CBGs...it's a worth effort and investment.

Don't live in Fancy world kid.... there no good daddy here and no fairy is coming to dig your broken tooth.
Better open your eyes and post some thing meaningful and realistic.
every bit of money spent by india on the armed forces is a robbery from the poor and starving masses.

but thats OK because what india really needs is more imported killing machines that sit and rust doing nothing.

your comments on CDF are well written and don't contain trolling.

cant you do same here?
Don't live in Fancy world kid.... there no good daddy here and no fairy is coming to dig your broken tooth.
Better open your eyes and post some thing meaningful and realistic.

Well first I don't know what was wrong with my assessement about future scenario: China has capability to build AC and on board fighters, I'm not exaggerate by saying that China could help Pakistan to form a CBG, then if Pakisitan help secure Chinese Merchant ships in Indian Ocean...then to help Pakistan to form a CBG is worth and for the maintaining cost..and Once Pakistan has CBG, it will be a force multipliers..imagine that 24 J-16 take off simultanuously, mean 24 India targets will be opened for attack at the same time...fail or not that's another matter...and only with CBG that India coastal cities will be within that Aircraft attack ranges...

If you rand out of arguments then by calling people KID will not help India's cause.
Don't worry by the time your so called Carrier is operational.... we would have Hypersonic Brahmos with 600+km range 6-8 Mach velocity.... stalked in the weapon bays of the STEALTHY FGFA 5th generation aircraft.... swarming on your CBGs.

My so call carrier? I'm from Taiwan but living in America. Why would Taiwan or America want to confront Indian military? India need to purchase weapons from others to fight its wars. As for Brahmos, it won't be over 300km range as its a Russia export.
My so call carrier? I'm from Taiwan but living in America. Why would Taiwan or America want to confront Indian military? India need to purchase weapons from others to fight its wars. As for Brahmos, it won't be over 300km range as its a Russia export.

Then go through the latest report.IA has told Brahomos aerospace to double the range of Brahmos 2 from current version and they are trying to do that.I have seen you trolling in every indian thread.First try to update yourself pal.hen go through the latest report.IA has told Brahomos aerospace to double the range of Brahmos 2 from current version and they are trying to do that.I have seen you trolling in every indian thread.First try to update yourself pal.
Well first I don't know what was wrong with my assessement about future scenario: China has capability to build AC and on board fighters, I'm not exaggerate by saying that China could help Pakistan to form a CBG, then if Pakisitan help secure Chinese Merchant ships in Indian Ocean...then to help Pakistan to form a CBG is worth and for the maintaining cost..and Once Pakistan has CBG, it will be a force multipliers..imagine that 24 J-16 take off simultanuously, mean 24 India targets will be opened for attack at the same time...fail or not that's another matter...and only with CBG that India coastal cities will be within that Aircraft attack ranges...

If you rand out of arguments then by calling people KID will not help India's cause.
This is simply too much. A cbg is the most expencive formation both to build and operate. At its current iconomic state,PN can't affortd to buy or operate one and don't make yourself fool pal.PRC will never give such a huge amount of donation to pakistan.
Besides,that cbg can be intercepted with our Shaurya hypersonic cruise missiles with a range of 2000+km with a 400 kg warhead,just like your DF21.hinese Merchant ships in Indian Ocean...then to help Pakistan to form a CBG is worth and for the maintaining cost..and Once Pakistan has CBG, it will be a force multipliers..imagine that 24 J-16 take off simultanuously, mean 24 India targets will be opened for attack at the same time...fail or not that's another matter...and only with CBG that India coastal cities will be within that Aircraft attack ranges...

If you rand out of arguments then by calling people KID will not help India's cause.[/QUOTE]
This is simply too much. A cbg is the most expencive formation both to build and operate. At its current iconomic state,PN can't affortd to buy or operate one and don't make yourself fool pal.PRC will never give such a huge amount of donation to pakistan.
Besides,that cbg can be intercepted with our Shaurya hypersonic cruise missiles with a range of 2000+km with a 400 kg warhead,just like your DF21.
Well first I don't know what was wrong with my assessement about future scenario: China has capability to build AC and on board fighters, I'm not exaggerate by saying that China could help Pakistan to form a CBG, then if Pakisitan help secure Chinese Merchant ships in Indian Ocean...then to help Pakistan to form a CBG is worth and for the maintaining cost..and Once Pakistan has CBG, it will be a force multipliers..imagine that 24 J-16 take off simultanuously, mean 24 India targets will be opened for attack at the same time...fail or not that's another matter...and only with CBG that India coastal cities will be within that Aircraft attack ranges...

If you rand out of arguments then by calling people KID will not help India's cause.

I came back after a couple of days and you're still stuck justifying that China will help PN building an AC. Go read the article again its about Chines and Indian navy. Pakistan navy is simply not in the league.

Please stop tormenting all of us with how Pakistan will acquire a CBG with Chinese help. The project has not even been conceived. If they do, when they do come back and explain but till then talk about the article at hand.

PRESENT - India operates an Aircraft carrier and China doesn't.
FUTURE - India is working on two IACs indigenously and will receive one from Russia next year whereas China is working only on one. Other than that there are no official reports of development.

Let me just add - Pakistan doesn't operate a carrier and there are no projects under development and there are no reports of a project proposal.

Well first I don't know what was wrong with my assessement about future scenario: China has capability to build AC and on board fighters, I'm not exaggerate by saying that China could help Pakistan to form a CBG, then if Pakisitan help secure Chinese Merchant ships in Indian Ocean...then to help Pakistan to form a CBG is worth and for the maintaining cost..and Once Pakistan has CBG, it will be a force multipliers..imagine that 24 J-16 take off simultanuously, mean 24 India targets will be opened for attack at the same time...fail or not that's another matter...and only with CBG that India coastal cities will be within that Aircraft attack ranges...

If you rand out of arguments then by calling people KID will not help India's cause.

This is what we call.... yet to learn walking and talking of helping others to run..... 1st have an AC operational in your PLAN fleet then talk of building the future fleet for Pakistan.... by time that future comes.... Indian ships would have high and direct energy weapons...... along with hypersonic stealth drones.... capable evading all possible air defenses... and blowing that costly AC to shitt......

You are a Kid taking of such a nonsense not even Pakistani fanboys/kids.... come out with such ridiculous claims.... speaks volumes about your pathetic IQ and reasoning abilities.... No wonder the next day you might come up saying China would help Pakistan with an Alien spaceship..... such a pity.
And given the biased view of MODS towards trolling by Chinese/pak and INDIAN members on other hand only adds to the problem.
Only a CBG can counter a CBG? Lol? At least the Pakistanis are a bit cleverer...A few subs should provide enough deterrence.
Then go through the latest report.IA has told Brahomos aerospace to double the range of Brahmos 2 from current version and they are trying to do that.

Which is not possible unless we build the propulsion system on our own as well, but as long as that is Russian, he has a point. Only IAF will be able to reach longer distances with Brahmos, by using it from high altitude and the extended range of the fighter itself of course. And since Brahmos is still mainly developed as an anti ship missile, MKIs with this missile will give India a credible deterance against enemy surface fleets.
Chinese subs are a way bigger threat to India than their future carriers, especially because their main purpose will be the defence of the seas around China, with the US and Japanese navy in mind. Only because China and India will have new carriers soon, it doesn't meant that they are meant to fight each other directly, that is just a myth by the media.
Which is not possible unless we build the propulsion system on our own as well, but as long as that is Russian, he has a point. Only IAF will be able to reach longer distances with Brahmos, by using it from high altitude and the extended range of the fighter itself of course. And since Brahmos is still mainly developed as an anti ship missile, MKIs with this missile will give India a credible deterance against enemy surface fleets.
Chinese subs are a way bigger threat to India than their future carriers, especially because their main purpose will be the defence of the seas around China, with the US and Japanese navy in mind. Only because China and India will have new carriers soon, it doesn't meant that they are meant to fight each other directly, that is just a myth by the media.

I believe that between India and China, China is a bigger enemy of India than the other way around. The main concern of China is the western pacific and US has a much bigger presence there. China must also deal with the regional navies of Japan, South Korea and Taiwan. It won't have a chance to deal with anything beyond its immediate vicinity. For Indian Ocean, it uses Pakistan as a proxie to influence the region. The strategic thinkers and media in India appear to be more preoccupied with China a lot more than the other way around. I believe its to sell the news as well as getting funds to build up the defense.

The true rivalry in Asia will be between that of US and Chinese/Russian navy in the coming decades. The Indian navy will be relevant depend on which side it chooses.
I believe that between India and China, China is a bigger enemy of India than the other way around...

...The strategic thinkers and media in India appear to be more preoccupied with China a lot more than the other way around.

I wouldn't mind if they would think like you do, but I doubt that they understimate the current changes in India like that!

On the one side Indian forces are getting stronger and sooner or later will be able to project their power to the east and to pose a credible threat to China, but what's more of concern for China, is the new Indo - US relation, that is growing and has strategic meanings!
While the US supported Pakistan and was against India in the past, China had only to focus on the east, to countries like S. Korea, Japan, Tawain and the USN presense their. Today with the US opening up to India and clearly pushing them to be a counterweight to China (be it in the military sence with US arms and techs, or politically, with the official status of an nuclear power and soon possibly the permanent UNC seat), the chances of a 2 front war for China are rising. In any conflict between China, the US or S. Korea/Japan in the east, India might intervene and with it's strategic location in the Indian Ocean, India would be a big problem for Chinas fuel supply. That's where IN plays the important role, because even if they might not have the numbers of PLAN yet, nor the ability to project their power to the east, around India and the Indian Ocean, their is hardly another force that could comptete with them and PLAN is not able to defend China in the east and fight IN in the west at the same time.
You might not see Chinese media, or strategic thinkers talking about it openly like Indian counterparts, but that has mainly to do with the different ways of expressing news and opinions. The moves that Chinese forces does on the other side, by the force build up in Tibet, accelerated development of carriers and other naval forces, monitoring and gathering datas of the Sea's around India, or even the build up of ports that can offer supply to PLAN vessels in neighboring countries, says what importance they give India today.
every bit of money spent by india on the armed forces is a robbery from the poor and starving masses.

but thats OK because what india really needs is more imported killing machines that sit and rust doing nothing.

So your saying that there are no poor in China ? So India does not have the right to expand its forces but China has the right to threaten everyone in the neighborhood, ya nice logic.
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