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Asia's Great Naval Rivalry

Wait until China help Pakistan to form a carrier battle group : Pakistan Navy help protect Chinese merchants ships pass through India :lol:and we will build a varyag class carrier and provide DF-21D to Pakistan to counter any foe in Indian Ocean :D...Pakistan should has a great voice in Indian ocean.

First of all equip them with a decent destroyer,then talk about the elephant(CBG).
every bit of money spent by india on the armed forces is a robbery from the poor and starving masses.

but thats OK because what india really needs is more imported killing machines that sit and rust doing nothing.

Cliched words .. from the Red Book ?
First of all equip them with a decent destroyer,then talk about the elephant(CBG).

No problemo...China and Pakistan are not in the such rush!!! to discuss CBG...China need at least to adress all the Varyag's problem and form an operation CBG...then we can start talking of helping Pakistan to get it own CBG..as my first post..I did say

"Wait until China help Pakistan to form a carrier battle group ".
No problemo...China and Pakistan are not in the such rush!!! to discuss CBG...China need at least to adress all the Varyag's problem and form an operation CBG...then we can start talking of helping Pakistan to get it own CBG..as my first post..I did say

"Wait until China help Pakistan to form a carrier battle group ".

Ya I am waiting for the inevitable:lazy:

Dont forget to wake me up,but dont do that after eternity,I will not be staying that long.
Wait until China help Pakistan to form a carrier battle group : Pakistan Navy help protect Chinese merchants ships pass through India :lol:and we will build a varyag class carrier and provide DF-21D to Pakistan to counter any foe in Indian Ocean :D...Pakistan should has a great voice in Indian ocean.
So China will make CBG for pakistan rather acquiring for it!!!
By the time our LRCM would be ready:lol:
So China will make CBG for pakistan rather acquiring for it!!!
By the time our LRCM would be ready:lol:
Even if they do, it would have a very little impact because by then we would be on a great position to counter them.
every bit of money spent by india on the armed forces is a robbery from the poor and starving masses.

but thats OK because what india really needs is more imported killing machines that sit and rust doing nothing.

Amusing that the above statement coming from nation which was spending probably a fortune on mega expensive projects like ICBMs , nuclear submarine when its people were suffering from every kind of problem.

So spare your sympathies for your gullible allies.

---------- Post added at 04:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:05 PM ----------

LOL, that is why we won't agree. Different perspectives.

Anyway, I have no issue with India arming itself. They are sending their hard earned money to the West, in order to buy all that hardware, which means they have less money to invest in making their economy more competitive.

So by implication you mean Pakistan is ..................i thought the friendship was deeper than ocean and sefdlfsdklfn.......least you can do is support them :P
With our having Shaurya hypersonic cruise missiles with mach8 terminal velocity,2000+km ramge and single digit CEP can takeout any CBG that does not have an Indian flag will be under grave dgnger in IOR be it chinese or any one else.Besides each Super 30MKI will carry upto 3 Air launched Brahmos AShM.That means only a squadron of these beasts will be more than overkill to destroy the whole PN.So think before you post.
Wait until China help Pakistan to form a carrier battle group :

And is suppose you"ll also help them maintain one i.e supply of $s

Pakistan Navy help protect Chinese merchants ships pass through India
China has hoverships now wow! :woot:

:lol:and we will build a varyag class carrier and provide DF-21D to Pakistan to counter any foe in Indian Ocean :D...Pakistan should has a great voice in Indian ocean.
First induct them into your navy.
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