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Asia's Great Naval Rivalry

every bit of money spent by india on the armed forces is a robbery from the poor and starving masses.

but thats OK because what india really needs is more imported killing machines that sit and rust doing nothing.
Oh!i forgot commies spent on their armed forces is a robbery from multi billionair chinese citizen ,in simple words Commies are robin hoods of china :lol:
Indians are rightfully defending themselves from China and Pakistan.

LOL, that is why we won't agree. Different perspectives.

Anyway, I have no issue with India arming itself. They are sending their hard earned money to the West, in order to buy all that hardware, which means they have less money to invest in making their economy more competitive.
Bl[i]tZ;2085338 said:
That is an expected move - China could eventually help Pakistan build a CBG (time is the key here). There are a few reservations though -
1. Pakistan's economy is in shambles and CBG operations are costly.
2. Any such moves may throw New Delhi closer to Washington's arm.

1. Even Pakistan's economy is not strong as India...when china use Gwadar port and use pakistan rail way, we will pay them for the service and not only that China will help increase trade to boost pakistanis economy...If Pakistan help China to connect pipe from Iran to Xinjian..we will more than happy to pay them...so all these moneys will pays for the CBG

2. Do we care??

And why would Pakistan need a cbg?? their navy is only for protecting its own shores not for dominance, according to their naval planners they dont even need a destroyer as of yet(they have none and no plans for one either) and you are talking about a CBG.

They need CBG to have great voice in Indian Ocean...without a great naval force...they will be at mercy of India CBG...only CBG is the Answer to CBG. China know that and the reason we accelerate the development of CBG...Initially U.S.A is trying to deter China from developing CBG by sending a fault signal by saying that CBG is obsolete in new naval warfare...trying to misguide China in the wrong direction...then realize the China didnt take the bait...then now they're selling the China aircraft carrier threat across Asia.
We've already had 1 war with you guys and 3 with the pakistanis - is it too crazy to think that we might be in for another one and preparing for it?

Not crazy at all, perfectly rational in fact.

And given that we are geostrategic rivals, not really a bad thing either.
1. Even Pakistan's economy is not strong as India...when china use Gwadar port and use pakistan rail way, we will pay them for the service and not only that China will help increase trade to boost pakistanis economy...If Pakistan help China to connect pipe from Iran to Xinjian..we will more than happy to pay them...so all these moneys will pays for the CBG

2. Do we care??

They need CBG to have great voice in Indian Ocean...without a great naval force...they will be at mercy of India CBG...only CBG is the Answer to CBG. China know that and the reason we accelerate the development of CBG...Initially U.S.A is trying to deter China from developing CBG by sending a fault signal by saying that CBG is obsolete in new naval warfare...trying to misguide China in the wrong direction...then realize the China didnt take the bait...then now they're selling the China aircraft carrier threat across Asia.

Well Gwader port is not in use by China and Pakistan been waiting for you to take it.
1. Even Pakistan's economy is not strong as India
That's what I said. No where near it and disparity increasing every other day.

...when china use Gwadar port and use pakistan rail way, we will pay them for the service and not only that China will help increase trade to boost pakistanis economy...If Pakistan help China to connect pipe from Iran to Xinjian..we will more than happy to pay them...so all these moneys will pays for the CBG
So you're saying that whatever money you could gain by providing Chinese access to Pakistan's infrastructure - you'll use it for CBG. I wish you luck.

2. Do we care??
You've very shallow idea about the diplomatic dance in the region. China had strongly protested about Indian Navy's exercises with US, Japan, Australia etc.

The later partnership will depend on how much willing China is to play its proxy Pakistan against India.

They need CBG to have great voice in Indian Ocean...without a great naval force...they will be at mercy of India CBG...only CBG is the Answer to CBG.

Where do you live in? India has operated aircraft carrier since 1961. Forgot the bombing of Chittagong harbour by INS Vikrant in 1971 Bangladesh Liberation War.

China know that and the reason we accelerate the development of CBG...Initially U.S.A is trying to deter China from developing CBG by sending a fault signal by saying that CBG is obsolete in new naval warfare...trying to misguide China in the wrong direction...then realize the China didnt take the bait...then now they're selling the China aircraft carrier threat across Asia.

US operates 10 super carriers, China is building its first carrier. Don't overstate yourself.
LOL, that is why we won't agree. Different perspectives.

Anyway, I have no issue with India arming itself. They are sending their hard earned money to the West, in order to buy all that hardware, which means they have less money to invest in making their economy more competitive.

Valid point! We should be more self-sufficient but there is a technological gap between what the West has and where we are. This is work in progress. As the gap bridges, we should dependent more and more on indigenous products.
why would Pakistan need a CBG? it dont have that much coastline. i mean oh come on

---------- Post added at 07:10 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:07 AM ----------

we are right on path buddy, just a matter of 5 years
So you want Pakistan to do all the dirty work for you?

No..it's win-win, Pakistan protect our merchant ship..the got a CBG and deter other CBG in vincinity.

Well Gwader port is not in use by China and Pakistan been waiting for you to take it.

Wait and see, Gwader port is at very strategic location...China just didn't reveal it intention yet.

Bl[i]tZ;2085390 said:
That's what I said. No where near it and disparity increasing every other day.

1-So you're saying that whatever money you could gain by providing Chinese access to Pakistan's infrastructure - you'll use it for CBG. I wish you luck.

2-You've very shallow idea about the diplomatic dance in the region. China had strongly protested about Indian Navy's exercises with US, Japan, Australia etc.

3-The later partnership will depend on how much willing China is to play its proxy Pakistan against India.

4-Where do you live in? India has operated aircraft carrier since 1961. Forgot the bombing of Chittagong harbour by INS Vikrant in 1971 Bangladesh Liberation War.

5-US operates 10 super carriers, China is building its first carrier. Don't overstate yourself.

Bl[i]tZ;2085394 said:
Valid point! We should be more self-sufficient but there is a technological gap between what the West has and where we are. This is work in progress. As the gap bridges, we should dependent more and more on indigenous products.

1- What ever money that Pakistan needs for CBG and to operate it...China can come up with a financial plan and agreement with Pakistan, there is several way to get money.

2- Lol where you get that China protest about that kind of exercice, you're trumpeting the importance of India ..we Chinese got use with those stupid exercice nothing else that make some kind of courtesy force demonstration...

U.S-Korea-Japan excercie
U.S singapore..
U.S-India:lol: you name it

3- India can partner with whom ever you want, at 60s and 70s you partner with U.S.S.R againt China, Now Russia is not longer the same as U.S.S.R, you kick them out and start to suck up with U.S.A, Pakistan is our all weater friend for over 60 years despite the fact they're much weaker than India, we don't just discard a weak friend and suck up with potential adversary.

4- that comfirm my initail statement, Pakistan need a CBG to counter CBG.

5-yes U.S has more CBG than China, that's the fact...if they want to bring the entire fleet and U.S armada to pacific..that's fine we us..if U.S has no better thing to do :lol:. When China has CBG is better than nothing..at least we have a slim Chance than have no chance at all to face enemy...sure you can call that overstate
its not like that my friend, economy it more complex then you think. if we can have our hands on the latest tech, its worth every bit of it.
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