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ASEAN breaks deadlock on South China Sea, Beijing thanks Cambodia for support

They were pretty well in agreement until China bought out the two cheapest countries in Laos and Cambodia.

Laos and Cambodia is not the cheapest countries. China did protect Cambodian royality and balanced Vietnamese mighty in Laotian affairs. If China can buy them, why America and Japan the more rich nation can't buy them?
Laos and Cambodia is not the cheapest countries. China did protect Cambodian royality and balanced Vietnamese mighty in Laotian affairs. If China can buy them, why America and Japan the more rich nation can't buy them?

You probably outbid them. Chinese business interests have been heavily active in Laos and Cambo for a long time. Only now have they so publicly come out and gone against the consensus opinion of ASEAN.

There is a huge gap between their economical growth and their growth in prestige and influence. If influencing Cambodia and Laos is all they could managed, I wouldn’t consider that something to be cheerful about.

ASEAN reach agreements by consensus, so stopping ASEAN from mentioning something is easy, just bribe one member to oppose the others. On the other hand, influencing ASEAN to say something positive is the real test, and I doubt China has the power/influence to make that happen anytime soon. Again, they should ask themselves why they don’t have any influence over the whole block, but only over 2 small nation of Laos and Cambodia.

They could have had all of ASEAN on side if they played the game more diplomatically. I guess they are looking towards a more divide and conquer strategy.
You probably outbid them. Chinese business interests have been heavily active in Laos and Cambo for a long time. Only now have they so publicly come out and gone against the consensus opinion of ASEAN.

They could have had all of ASEAN on side if they played the game more diplomatically. I guess they are looking towards a more divide and conquer strategy.

"Chinese business interests have been heavily active in Laos and Cambo for a long time."
This is how the partners forge and mutual cooperation happens. America has military base in Philippines, so America have been heavily active in the Philippines, Japan invest money in the region, so it has influence here.

By the way, "the consensus opinion of ASEAN" is pushing the DOC forward, most ASEAN nations agree to it.
The truth as I see it is PCA is neither related or back by UN as reported by abiased news agency Reuters.

Another truth is India cannot enter the NSG because she is NOT in compliance whether US choose to bend the rule or the truth for her or not.

In fact India needs NOT to beg for special favour from any nation including China, just signed and ratify the NPT.

Why didn't India want to sign the NPT?

Because the answer is quite obvious India has every intention to breach the NSG rules once more.

If that is NOT hypocrisy and self interest, what is?

India is not begging it.It is asking it and its called diplomacy.Not occupying an island it as you are trying to do in SCS.
China was the only country which didn't allow the debate to be started.Yes there were some reservations as to the process.Russia,Australia didn't have any problem.Switzerland,N Zealand,Brazil and others wanted discussion on it and develop procedures for India's entry,which is going to happen now under Mexico.So stop spreading lies.

On the first day,China was the only country which didn't allow the discussion to start until very late that night,it relented with the condition that no decision will be taken on this matter.And China is asking India to sign NPT because,it will mean India has to forego use of nuclear weapons which is an impossible for India to accept.BTW,who is supplying missile and nuclear technology to North Korea and Pakistan.It is asking India and Pakistan to be accepted at same time into NSG,well knowing that Pakistan is ready to sell nuclear technology to any one who is willing to pay which includes middle east countries,Libya,etc. And you are doubting India's credentials,which is far better than yours who stole F35 technology,copied Su27 and copied anything they can lay hand on.Thats why no European country sells you any arms,doesn't allow you in MTCR,even Russia is now changing its policy of selling you latest technology.
There is a huge gap between their economical growth and their growth in prestige and influence. If influencing Cambodia and Laos is all they could managed, I wouldn’t consider that something to be cheerful about.

ASEAN reach agreements by consensus, so stopping ASEAN from mentioning something is easy, just bribe one member to oppose the others. On the other hand, influencing ASEAN to say something positive is the real test, and I doubt China has the power/influence to make that happen anytime soon. Again, they should ask themselves why they don’t have any influence over the whole block, but only over 2 small nation of Laos and Cambodia.

LOL you guys don't understand the slightest thing about us.

Who cares if ASEAN releases a positive statement about us? What tangible benefits or assets does that confer to us?

It's enough that we blocked it, because that means we can continue to build tangible assets of real value in the South China Sea, not just islands and military bases... but soon... floating nuclear reactors. :cheers:
Okay dood.

Democracy is great. All hail the fool proof power of democracy and god strike down the evil reds!

The indian paradise seems to have no famine, no fringe parties fighting in the jungle, no deviant ideologies. Apparently those things happen only in red china.

India is stronk.

Might is ALWAYS right. Ask every great power in the history of the world.

If might is not right, 'India' wouldn't even be a country since the British used their might to conquer those tiny little kingdoms in South Asia and glued it together and gave you an artificially created country called 'India'.

UNSC veto power is given to countries with independent foreign policies, not to 3rd world countries where half the population still defecates in the open.
Well said. I've never seen any country since recorded history ever became a superpower by begging. Perhaps India and Vietnam is trying to set a precedent?
Well said. I've never seen any country since recorded history ever became a superpower by begging. Perhaps India and Vietnam is trying to set a precedent?
Speaking of begging, that Viet has been sucking up to the US for years. Always talking about US will give Vietnam AB destroyers for FREE :rofl:, give permission to build nukes and what not.... Years have passed since he made that claim and well Vietnam got nada so far :lol: , okay Obama lifted the arms ban but does that mean anything at all? Americans ain't stupid, they will never give them anything state of the art because it's a Communist government and the fear of Russian technicians able to obtain US technology. The ban is just a symbolic gesture and nothing more.
Pentagon is Trembling and Panic
USA is declining much faster than Predicted

John Kerry with his knees Trembling and Knocking under the table told
in so many fancy words ... ... that basically USA is afraid of CHINA.
USA is backing off from Confronting PRC

Do you think the above is a Hype and Boasting ?
Well check the news below ... ...

About 1 month ago, Ashton Carter using much Bravado
( Ash Carter who is the Dumb and Dimwitted white Anglo Saxon american )
had already threatened to militarily Attack CHINA if PRC does not accept the verdict
of private ( 30 million fee ~ Not UN ~ ( USA + Japanese ) Farcically fabricated ) ruling on SCS.

Guess what happen below ... ... ??

:dance3: :omghaha: :enjoy: :sarcastic: :dance3:


USA blinks and cries because usa is poor now, and usa does not have Money
to Pay their USN and USAF in war with CHINA

US secretary of state pledges to encourage Philippines
to resume talks with China over maritime disputes

:yahoo: :lol:

some quotes below ... ...

US Secretary of State John Kerry said on Tuesday it was time to “move away from public tensions and turn the page” over South China Sea disputes, pledging he would encourage the Philippines to resume talks with China.

Kerry’s comments in the Laotian capital Vientiane followed China’s joint statement with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) on Monday over their maritime territorial disputes.

... ...

Kerry said Beijing and Manila had indicated their willingness to engage in talks after the ruling was delivered, and that he would encourage new Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte when they meet in Manila today to engage in dialogue and negotiations with China to resolve the disputes.

China has said it would ignore the tribunal ruling, which it deemed illegitimate.

A senior US government official said National Security Adviser Susan Rice told Chinese officials on Monday that countries should work to reduce tension in the South China Sea, ... ...


:taz: :taz:

Beware of some subtle ( LIES and SPINS and DISHONESTY ) from scmp.
There are many british workers and some Indian slaves of United Satan in SCMP.
The Stupidity of ALIBABA MA Yun from not FIRING and Terminating most british SCMP workers.
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You are brainwashed as like a robot repeating no sense. The shocking speech can't attract attention for long. Crazily attacking others' ideology don't make you sound like a human.

Communism society is a social goal human never expierenced. The Communism society is based on high-level prosperous economy, technology, science, abundant consumption materials, no bias, no racism, no sexism, no war, the real social equality, the real world harmony.


comrade! enjoy the communism ... but don't mistake it for an ideology. It is a mere tactic. A few powerful people use military power and absolute control over the population. Yes you will get fed clothed and even housed as long as you behave, like a willing slave....even that thanks to the money made by making cheap goods to be sold in a capitalist market such as the USA. But what you lose is the human experience. But then you don't care. As long as you are fed - like anyother specie. kudos!

Drama queen.

I should report your ignorant *** for calling Chinese sub human.

Democracy cannot work in China so quickly as the historical inertia of thousands of years of imperial authoritarian rule as well as a structured Confucian order is too ingrained in a mass of humanity.

The indian example is a perfect representation of failed democracy adopted too early by a population unqualified to elect the best candidate. If a population EVER elect the best candidate.

see what happens when the brain and mind are allowed to enjoy its potential? In one post you criticise me fpr what I said but you repeat exactly whaat I said ...ie China cannot develop into a democracy due to mindset; which clearly shows you do consider it a loss. So why not openly admit it?
there is a complex condisention with regards to uncle sam whom think they are the smarty pants but the Chinese have been playing all aspects of war millennia before US came into being.
You got it, but there are those who think US is the master of the art of war. :rofl: The US and his 14 allies got their *** kicked in the Korean War and Americans couldn't win the Vietnam War either all due to Chinese involvement. To this day all delusional faggots thinks US can defeat China very easily. If that were the case how come US doesn't have the guts to invade DPRK while our neighbor keeps testing nukes and missiles one after another :lol:. In order to save face Americans tried to convince the world they will punish DPRK severely by adding another sanction (how lame is that?)
We're staying neutral but our Foreign Office released a statement calling for the observation of 'rules'.


Oops, here it is in English


It is something to cheer for them. ASEAN influence is cheap because of those two.

As you know, the legal case of PH could affect to Vietnam interest too, but Vietnam recognizes the jurisdiction right of the Court and confirm they would follow the rule, no matter what affect.

You could see the peaceful acts between PH and VN soldiers among those islands ( Northeast cay , South west cay )
China even criticise that peaceful acts.


As I know China has NONE in Spratly island before 1988. They snatched some reefs by force and massacre in 1988 from Vietnam; and others from PH since then until now
and now they asked for ENTIRE of Spratly, and Luconia and Jame Shoal of Malaysia, Natuna EEZ of Indonesia,
As you know, the legal case of PH could affect to Vietnam interest too, but Vietnam recognizes the jurisdiction right of the Court and confirm they would follow the rule, no matter what affect.

You could see the peaceful acts between PH and VN soldiers among those islands ( Northeast cay , South west cay )
China even criticise that peaceful acts.


As I know China has NONE in Spratly island before 1988. They snatched some reefs by force and massacre in 1988 from Vietnam; and others from PH since then until now
and now they asked for ENTIRE of Spratly, and Luconia and Jame Shoal of Malaysia, Natuna EEZ of Indonesia,

That's total bullsh1t, after ww2, all islands in SCS were under KMT jurisdiction with US protection, when US realized that Chinese communist won the civil war, they encourage South Vietnam to steal its from China and asked Taiwanese gorverment to give up these islands if they want US protection against communist...

Islands that Vietnam steal from us shall be the one that we will take back and we will not hesitate to repeat 1988 event.
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MIGHT is RIGHT is Totally WRONG Belief

:bounce: :bounce: === === === === ===

MIGHT is RIGHT is a Self Destruct belief
MIGHT is RIGHT is NOT Sustainable
In front of weaker nations ~ Being ARROGANCE is totally STUPID and WRONG
USA / many americans is showing the world its Arrogance.


Does Chinese need to copy and clone americans ?

In front of weaker nations ~ many Chinese shall be much more Humble and Kind.

:yes4: :yes4:

Do not fall into the Nasty Traps that have been set up by Japan and United Satan
and their Devoted Slaves from India, Myanmar, Southern Vietnam, and Filipino, ... ...

My Chinese Brothers and Sisters.
Please do not take any personal offense.
Please expand your mind deeper and wider ... ...

To Many, Many Chinese Brothers and Sisters

Let's make 1B1R reality as soon as possible.
Let's do our part by getting involved and proactively participate by supervising our
fellow Chinese everywhere and gently remind them the basic requirement of
Politeness and Bowing gestures when dealing with all ASEAN Brothers and Sisters
( from Poor Street Sweepers to Top Executives personnels ).

Let me explain below ... ...

:angel: :angel: === === === === ===

For the sake of PRC and Chinese Thousand of Years Survival

Please if I could beg and plead with you when you are travelling overseas / abroad ... ...
in front of All our ( ASEAN ~ CAMBODIA, LAOS, THAILAND,
) Brothers and Sisters

Please expand your mind deeper and wider ... ...
STOP your ARROGANCE attitude immediately, and please do these much more frequently

Be much Friendlier, and Sincerely Smiles wider, and be much Humbler,
and show your Humility much more by ... ...

1) Bowing much more frequently by lowering your Shoulder
2) Again be much less aggressive, be much Friendlier, and Sincerely Smiles wider, and be much Humbler.

:yes4: :yes4: === === === === ===

Please do NOT underestimate all these small physical Gestures.
They go a long, long, long way in improving personal relationship with our ASEAN Brothers and Sisters.
Don't be surprise if our ASEAN Brothers and Sisters will quickly reciprocate your Friendly and Humble gestures.

:yes4: :yes4:

There is no question ...
Our ASEAN Brothers and Sisters ( 90+% ) of them are Super Humble, Super Friendly, and Super Kind.
If you are willing to expand your Mind deeper and wider, you all will agree that I am stating the Real Truth above.

Thanks so much for pondering my suggestions above.

If you disagree with me, then please do not be Shy and Timid.
Please vigorously challenge me on the above.
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That's total bullsh1t, after ww2, all islands in SCS were under KMT jurisdiction with US protection, when US realized that Chinese communist won the civil war, they encourage South Vietnam to steal its from China and asked Taiwanese gorverment to give up these islands if they want US protection against communist...

Islands that Vietnam steal from us shall be the one that we will take back and we will not hesitate to repeat 1988 event.

KMT come to disarm Imperial Japan soldiers in North Vietnam too. That doesn't mean they have sovereignity of North Vietnam.
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