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ASEAN breaks deadlock on South China Sea, Beijing thanks Cambodia for support

Dear Viet, have no bad feeling towards you. But only compassion.

Choose as you wish. Spend your youth wisely.

From now if you really can not help yourself, then do ask me why I think what I think.

Then you are free.

Now go on enjoy life.

Good luck!
Can you tell me a bit about you, where you come from, what you do? no need to reveal details, I just want to make a picture.


This is why we have a stringent policy now, so that we can remove people who troll on false identities, another country's flag etc.
As for the details bro, that's exactly what happened. Vietnamese members and several Chinese members gave us things to look at. An investigation was carried out and the admin team met with him. He admitted everything and to his credit left with honour.

I will be visiting China very soon, I cannot wait. Long may you prosper.

When my courtyard house is ready, I shall invite my friends!

Can you tell me a bit about you, where you come from, what you do? no need to reveal details, I just want to make a picture.



Bless you my young brother.

I am student of the Great Tao. The entire world is my homeland. No joke!

I wish to see a true Harmony under the Heavens.

I wish to see a Community of Prosperity emerge in my life time.

I wish to see a Free Asia.

The minds of Asian are captive, enslaved.

They have lost their true values and cultures.

Once the richest, wistest and most innovatie landmass have become poor and weak.

If I can request you... please, read the Tao. Download a PDF. Just read with heart and soul.

Your country has suffered the most through the hands of imperials and trouble makers.

Wish you and your people wisdom and prosperity.
Dear Viet, have no bad feeling towards you. But only compassion.

Choose as you wish. Spend your youth wisely.

From now if you really can not help yourself, then do ask me why I think what I think.

Then you are free.

Now go on enjoy life.

Good luck!

Qiu Chuji

Thats what you should have called yourself.

On another note, Viet used to be a very respectable member. It was after the oil rig incident and the riots in Vietnam that turned him rabid. No he has so much anger in his posts.
Qiu Chuji

Thats what you should have called yourself.

On another note, Viet used to be a very respectable member. It was after the oil rig incident and the riots in Vietnam that turned him rabid. No he has so much anger in his posts.

Wise teacher waits for the cold rains to come... so that the student can reach his warm embrace.

Forbearance and compassion is part of the Way.
Can you tell me a bit about you, where you come from, what you do? no need to reveal details, I just want to make a picture.



Hey get some copies of the books by Derek Lin on the tao.

The tao of success
The tao of hapiness
The tao of joy
The tao of daily life.

All great books.

The Tao Te Ching is difficult to read raw although Derek lin does have a translation - I havent read that one so I cant tell you if its any good.

Read it and calm the soul, make lots of money and be an upright person.
Qiu Chuji

Thats what you should have called yourself.

On another note, Viet used to be a very respectable member. It was after the oil rig incident and the riots in Vietnam that turned him rabid. No he has so much anger in his posts.
I think you got Viet and @AViet confused. AViet is a reasonable Vietnamese.
The Japanese are twenty years too late. They would have a tremendous chance in say, 1995 when Japan's GDP is larger than China. Today, Japan is no longer that relevant in the overall scheme of things.
At the end of the day, money talks, bullsh*t walks!

ASEAN caves in as Japan’s bid to isolate China after ruling fails
By HAJIMU TAKEDA/ Staff Writer
July 27, 2016 at 16:10 JST

VIENTIANE--Japan will likely be forced to rethink its strategy to force China to scale back its territorial claims in the South China Sea after ASEAN dropped the mention of an international court ruling from its joint statement.

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations did not refer to the Permanent Court of Arbitration’s landmark verdict against Beijing’s territorial claims in the July 25 communique.

The development came as a surprise, as Tokyo has stepped up efforts to talk ASEAN nations into teaming up against China by mentioning the July 12 ruling, and reminding them of the aid that Japan had already pledged to the region.

The Philippines, which brought the dispute to the U.N.-backed court, bowed to pressure and withdrew its request to mention the verdict after vehement objections from Cambodia, China’s closest ASEAN ally.

In the Laotian capital, Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida stressed the importance of resolving the sovereignty issue with the use of peaceful means at an ASEAN-related foreign ministers’ meeting.

China’s move to fortify rocky outcrops in the South China Sea has alarmed countries along the sea.

“On the basis of international law, the issue involving the South China Sea should be peacefully resolved,” Kishida said.

But an absence of a reference to the court decision in the ASEAN statement dealt a blow to Japanese diplomacy.

Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga declined to comment on the joint statement on July 25, saying that Japan is not an ASEAN member.

Japan is concerned about an increasingly assertive Beijing in its maritime interests. It is disputing the sovereignty over a group of islets in the East China Sea, and closely watches China’s behavior in the South China Sea, where Beijing is pitted against Hanoi and Manila, among others.

To rein in China, Japan figured that it needed ASEAN on its side.

“It is important for Japan to get ASEAN countries to form a united front as they have a stake in the South China Sea,” a Japanese government official said of Tokyo’s approach.

Kishida said at meetings with his ASEAN counterparts that Japan has already provided their nations with more than 1.7 trillion yen ($16 billion) of a total 2 trillion yen pledged in 2013 in official development assistance over five years.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, too, was doing his part when he visited Mongolia earlier this month for the summit of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM).

According to a Japanese government official, Abe “implored” Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen to go along with other ASEAN countries in pressuring China to exercise self-control.

But Beijing appeared to have undermined the unity of ASEAN by offering members infrastructure projects more attractive than Tokyo has presented.

When the court announced the decision, the Japanese Foreign Ministry moved swiftly and issued a statement 30 minutes later under Kishida’s name urging China to accept the verdict.

“The parties to this case are required to comply with the award,” the statement read, while underlining the “rule of law.”

After ASEAN adopted the statement, Japan, alongside the United States and Australia advocating the rule of law, released their version of a joint statement calling on China to respect the ruling.
Japan tried to isolate China, but Japan may find itself isolated instead!
Japan should accept and move on.

Japan risks being more isolated on South China Sea
Source: Xinhua | 2016-07-29 01:04:51 | Editor: huaxia

BEIJING, July 28 (Xinhua) -- China said on Thursday that Japan should reflect why it has become the "small minority" on the South China Sea issue, otherwise it will get increasingly disappointed and isolated.

Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lu Kang made the comment in response to Japanese media reports that Japan will continue to work with the international community to urge China to comply with international law and accept the "award" of the South China Sea arbitration.

"Japan seems reluctant to give up its fancy of forcing China to accept the so-called award, despite the South China Sea littoral states, including the claimants, have expressed willingness to cooperate with China," Lu said.

During the foreign ministers' meeting between China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in the Lao capital of Vientiane this week, China and ASEAN have agreed the South China Sea disputes should be resolved peacefully through dialogue between directly concerned countries.

Most of the members attending the meeting made no mention of the South China Sea arbitration but advocated the issue should cool down as soon as possible, Lu said.

More than 80 countries and international organizations have expressed understanding and support to China's stance on the South China Sea disputes. Only a couple of countries are uttering the "award" is "legally binding and in compliance with international law," the spokesperson said.

Lu said the few countries should follow the impartial position of the majority of the international community rather than the majority compromises to the minority.

The "award" is invalid from the beginning and runs counter to international law and arbitral practices. China has always safeguarded the international law and hopes Japan will do the same, instead of misinterpreting and distorting the international rules, Lu said.

Some people in Japan might be disappointed with the outcomes of the ASEAN-related foreign ministers' meetings. Indeed, they have been disappointed with the results of other multilateral events too, Lu said.

He urged these people to calm down and reflect why they have become the small minority on the South China Sea issue. "If they go farther and farther in the wrong way, they will get increasingly disappointed and isolated."

China hopes Japan can face reality and historical trend, comply with international law and order, and contribute to regional peace, stability, harmony and prosperity rather than the opposite, the spokesperson added.
Japan tried to isolate China, but Japan may find itself isolated instead!
Japan should accept and move on.

Japan risks being more isolated on South China Sea
Source: Xinhua | 2016-07-29 01:04:51 | Editor: huaxia

BEIJING, July 28 (Xinhua) -- China said on Thursday that Japan should reflect why it has become the "small minority" on the South China Sea issue, otherwise it will get increasingly disappointed and isolated.

Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lu Kang made the comment in response to Japanese media reports that Japan will continue to work with the international community to urge China to comply with international law and accept the "award" of the South China Sea arbitration.

"Japan seems reluctant to give up its fancy of forcing China to accept the so-called award, despite the South China Sea littoral states, including the claimants, have expressed willingness to cooperate with China," Lu said.

During the foreign ministers' meeting between China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in the Lao capital of Vientiane this week, China and ASEAN have agreed the South China Sea disputes should be resolved peacefully through dialogue between directly concerned countries.

Most of the members attending the meeting made no mention of the South China Sea arbitration but advocated the issue should cool down as soon as possible, Lu said.

More than 80 countries and international organizations have expressed understanding and support to China's stance on the South China Sea disputes. Only a couple of countries are uttering the "award" is "legally binding and in compliance with international law," the spokesperson said.

Lu said the few countries should follow the impartial position of the majority of the international community rather than the majority compromises to the minority.

The "award" is invalid from the beginning and runs counter to international law and arbitral practices. China has always safeguarded the international law and hopes Japan will do the same, instead of misinterpreting and distorting the international rules, Lu said.

Some people in Japan might be disappointed with the outcomes of the ASEAN-related foreign ministers' meetings. Indeed, they have been disappointed with the results of other multilateral events too, Lu said.

He urged these people to calm down and reflect why they have become the small minority on the South China Sea issue. "If they go farther and farther in the wrong way, they will get increasingly disappointed and isolated."

China hopes Japan can face reality and historical trend, comply with international law and order, and contribute to regional peace, stability, harmony and prosperity rather than the opposite, the spokesperson added.

As I have stated earlier the entire strategy of Tokyo was to get China bogged down in SCS through ASEAN running with PAC ruling.

But totally opposite has happened.

Have any one noticed the two different statements by the US in just ten days?

Before the ASEAN meeting it was all pressure and only demands that China accept the PAC ruling...

After the ASEAN the US will no support that peaceful dialouge between China and Phl.

What happened?

Wang Yi must have used some magic words for Mr. Kerry to a 180 turn.

Without over nationalistic chest beating, people should see that SCS is the Key to ECS.

At least Tokyo knows this and has been trying very hard to keep China bogged down in SCS.

But now its options will be even more limited.

The US will never go to war for anyone. Especially when their allies are not directly attacked.

Even in ECS case the US stance is the same.

Let us see how it pans out.
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