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ASEAN breaks deadlock on South China Sea, Beijing thanks Cambodia for support

Zakaria said that Pakistan opposes any imposition of unilateral will on others.

Lol. Why are quoting half cooked stuff and delibrately skipped the very next sentence?

"We respect China's statement of optional exception in the light of the Article 298 of the UN clause," said Zakaria, referring to the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)."

Since I got U so apparently U r trying to find a way out. How about showing some sportsman spirit and admit that U stand corrected?
Are U deliberately trying to sow sort of distrust between Chinese and Pakistanis members or U are not up to date? In any case let me give U some insight.



So U were saying something? o_Oo_Oo_O

@Beidou2020 , @Zhu Rong Zheng Yang , @Kiss_of_the_Dragon , @TaiShang , @cnleio , @Sinopakfriend, @Place Of Space

Dear Iron Brother, no one can separate or destroy Sino-Pak friendship.

We must remember that ill wishers and trouble makers have always tried this and will keep on trying this forever.

Dark hatred.

The most important thing is peace and co-development. Only then there will be Peace under the Heavens!

Through CPEC China is showing the opposite to these Dark hearts of hate.

They hate and envy China. This drives them mad.

China has always acted as a friend to them. They must accept the Chinese hand of friendship and join the Community of Prosperity. No one can contain China!

CPEC is just one elmment of strategic development plans of China and Pak.

A stable and prosperous Pak is in the strategic interests of China.

Dark hatred will never succeed. Avoid those who wish you ill.

The Chinese memebers here are not fools to fall for the traps set by the Dark hateful ones.

The Dragon is kind to its children and friends.
Lol. Why are quoting half cooked stuff and delibrately skipped the very next sentence?

"We respect China's statement of optional exception in the light of the Article 298 of the UN clause," said Zakaria, referring to the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)."

Since I got U so apparently U r trying to find a way out. How about showing some sportsman spirit and admit that U stand corrected?
Ok man, I stand corrected! :-)
ASEAN ignored US backed proposal.


World | Mon Jul 25, 2016 3:46pm EDT
Diplomatic win for China as ASEAN drops reference to maritime court ruling
VIENTIANE | By Michael Martina and Lesley Wroughton

China scored a diplomatic victory on Monday as Southeast Asian nations dropped a U.S.-backed proposal to mention a landmark international court ruling against Beijing's territorial claims in the South China Sea in a joint statement.

A weekend deadlock between Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) foreign ministers was broken only when the Philippines withdrew its request to mention the ruling in the face of resolute objections from Cambodia, China's closest ASEAN ally.

China publicly thanked Phnom Penh for the support, which threw the regional bloc's meeting in the Laos capital of Vientiane into disarray.

The United States had earlier on Monday urged ASEAN to make a reference to the July 12 ruling by the U.N.-backed Permanent Court of Arbitration, in which U.S. ally Manila won an emphatic legal victory over China on the dispute.

In a meeting with host Laos' Foreign Minister Saleumxay Kommasith, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry "urged ASEAN to reach consensus and issue a joint statement on the arbitral tribunals recent ruling on the South China Sea", said U.S. State Department spokesman Mark Toner.

Kerry pressed the issue during other bilateral meetings with ASEAN members, Toner said.

Competing claims with China in the vital shipping lane are among the most contentious issues for the 10 members of ASEAN, who are pulled between their desire to assert their sovereignty while fostering ties with an increasingly assertive Beijing.


The Philippines and Vietnam both wanted the ruling, which denied China's sweeping claims in the strategic seaway that channels more than $5 trillion in global trade each year, and a call to respect international maritime law to feature in the communique.

But ASEAN works strictly by consensus, and Cambodia rejected the wording on the ruling, diplomats said, backing instead China's call for bilateral discussions.

Manila backed down to prevent the disagreement leading to the group failing to issue a joint statement after a meeting for only the second time in its 49-year history.

The communique referred instead to the need to find peaceful resolutions to disputes in the South China Sea in accordance with international law, including the United Nations' law of the sea, to which the court ruling referred.

"We remain seriously concerned about recent and ongoing developments and took note of the concerns expressed by some ministers on the land reclamations and escalation of activities in the area, which have eroded trust and confidence, increased tensions and may undermine peace, security and stability in the region," the ASEAN communique said.

ASEAN Secretary General Le Luong Minh said that the communique was not a victory for China, but for ASEAN's values and principle of finding consensus. But he conceded an earlier proposal for the communique referred to the court's decision.

In a separate statement, China and ASEAN reaffirmed a commitment to freedom of navigation and overflight in the South China Sea and said they would refrain from activities that would complicate or escalate disputes. That included inhabiting any presently uninhabited islands or reefs, it added.

China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi said a page had been turned after the "deeply flawed" ruling and it was time to lower the temperature in the dispute.

"It seems like certain countries from outside the region have got all worked up, keeping the fever high," Wang told reporters.

China frequently blames the United States for raising tensions in the region and has warned regional rival Japan to steer clear of the dispute.


The United States, allied with the Philippines and cultivating closer relations with Vietnam, has called on China to respect the court's ruling.

It has criticized China's building of artificial islands and facilities in the sea and has sailed warships close to the disputed territory to assert freedom of navigation rights.

Meeting U.S. National Security Adviser Susan Rice in Beijing, Chinese State Councillor Yang Jiechi said both countries needed to make concerted efforts to ensure stable and good relations between the two major powers.

"So far this year, relations between China and the United States have generally been stable, maintaining coordination and cooperation on bilateral, regional and international level. Meanwhile, both sides face challenging differences that need to be carefully handled," said Yang, who outranks the foreign minister.

Kerry arrived in Laos on Monday for the ASEAN regional forum and East Asia summits.

After a meeting with the foreign ministers of Japan and Australia, the three countries issued a statement in which they called on China and the Philippines to abide by the court ruling "which is final and legally binding on both parties".

"The ministers stressed that this is a crucial opportunity for the region to uphold the existing rules-based international order and to show respect for international law," they said.

Kerry was also expected to discuss maritime issues in a meeting with Wang on Monday.

(Additional reporting by Simon Webb and Manuel Mogato in VIENTIANE, and Ben Blanchard in BEIJING; Writing by Simon Webb; Editing by Lincoln Feast and Alex Richardson)

Have to give it the ASEAN for doing a good job walking on the tight rope. We must not forget that they are walking on a tight rope, under great pressure from the americans.

But still. Well done ASEAN by choosing wisdom and peace. Now it is time for BeiJing to build upon this and move forward with contstuctive engagement full of confidence.

It is time go full speed on the develpment projects in friendly ASEAN countries. Even Philpines...if they show constructive spirit. Otherwise, time to ignore them for a couple of more years.

Good and constructive development all around.
No I don't remember. Tell me again your fairy tale!

We once spent hours discussing it. I rember at the end, Veitnam paid price for its impulse after defeating Amreica and country unification, otherwise Vietnam started nation recovered and economy development since 1975, Vietnam would have been much more advanced than present situation.
We once spent hours discussing it. I rember at the end, Veitnam paid price for its impulse after defeating Amreica and country unification, otherwise Vietnam started nation recovered and economy development since 1975, Vietnam would have been much more advanced than present situation.
No I don't remember.

Oh wait, is it the same excuse the Japanese used when they invaded China, destroying your cities, looting your wealth, raping your women?
See how does China bend the truth.Initially they said they were reclaiming islands for peaceful purposes and would not deploy military assets.You see the scene now.They said they don't support terrorists and was the only reason whereby Hafiz Saeed was not declared terrorist by UN.They put their whole might,stooping to low standards, to oppose India's membership at NSG under the pretext of uniformity of law.Same application of law was tossed aside when its occupation of S Shoals was called illegal.

India along with almost all the countries,except its puppet as Pakistan,asked it to honor court's ruling and called its reclamation wrong.Yet China said lot of countries including India has accepted its view on SCS ruling.ASEAN nations except one country,wanted to express their resentment against China's intentions.Yet China is showing as it has won a diplomatic coup.

Self interest above everything else.Only power matters.Hypocrisy at its best.Another Nazi power emerging,which will destroy world disorder.
No I don't remember.

Oh wait, is it the same excuse the Japanese used when they invaded China, destroying your cities, looting your wealth, raping your women?

It is not the same excuse. Japanese invaded Asia, because Japanese thought they had completely powers and weapons to occupy the whole Asia-pacific. Before WWII, no Asian nations challenged Japan, it itself got fascist road.
I rember we had discuss the same before, Last time you also mentioned the WWII, and Japanese invasion of Asia. Vietnam invaded Cambodia and Laos which gave China a good excuese.
Taiwan politicians, fishermen protest in disputed Spratly islands


Taiwanese fishermen display flags and placards before departing to Taiping island, part of the disputed Spratly Islands chain in the South China Sea, at a fishing harbour in southern Pingtung on July 20, 2016. Photo: AFP

PUBLISHED: 4:20 PM, JULY 20, 2016
UPDATED: 4:29 PM, JULY 20, 2016

TAIPEI — Taiwanese lawmakers and fishermen headed to an island in the disputed South China Sea on Wednesday (July 20) to protest at an international tribunal ruling which undermined Taipei’s claims there.

Eight lawmakers from the ruling Democratic Progressive Party and the opposition Kuomintang (KMT) boarded a military plane to the Taiwan-controlled Taiping island in the Spratlys archipelago.

Five fishing boats decorated with Taiwanese flags and banners reading “Protect fishing rights, safeguard sovereignty” also set sail to Taiping from southern Pingtung county to protest at the perceived threat to fishermen’s livelihoods.

The fishermen waved to onlookers, who shouted their support and set off firecrackers as their boats departed. Those boats will arrive in five to six days’ time.

The protests come after the Permanent Court of Arbitration in the Hague ruled last week that China has no historic rights to its claimed “nine-dash line” in the South China Sea and had violated the Philippines’ sovereign rights in Manila’s exclusive economic zone.

Crucially for Taiwan it also ruled that Taiping, the largest island in the Spratlys chain, was legally a “rock” and not entitled to its own exclusive economic zone, undermining Taiwanese claims to waters surrounding the island.

Taiwan last week sent a warship to the South China Sea “to defend maritime territory”, with President Tsai Ing-wen rallying troops on the frigate’s deck a day after the ruling.

“The ruling is absolutely unacceptable. It is necessary for us to visit Taiping at this time to show the international community that it is an island, not a rock,” said KMT lawmaker Johnny Chiang, who was part of the protest visit.

The lawmakers watched a display of combat skills by the coastguard stationed on Taiping as well as visiting facilities that show the island is self-sufficient. They are due to return Wednesday afternoon.

When the fishermen arrive in Taiping they will receive drinking water from the island in a bid to prove it is more than just a rock and is fit for human habitation, a spokesman for the group said.

Taiwan last year inaugurated a solar-powered lighthouse, an expanded airstrip and a pier as part of efforts to strengthen defence capabilities on Taiping.

There is also a farm, water well, hospital and temple on the island.

Taiping island is 0.51 sq km and most of its inhabitants work for the coastguard, which has about 160 staff there.

Each year about 200 fishing boats operate in the waters near Taiping island.

The Spratlys are also claimed in part or whole by China, Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia and Brunei.

Taiwan’s government rejected the arbitration court’s ruling, saying it “severely jeopardised” Taiwan’s rights.

It said the judgement has no legally binding force since the tribunal did not formally invite Taipei to take part in its proceedings or solicit its views.

Taiwanese authorities have said they will continue to send aircraft and ships for patrol missions to the region and expel any foreign boats that enter its 200-nautical-mile exclusive economic zone despite the ruling. AFP
It is not the same excuse. Japanese invaded Asia, because Japanese thought they had completely powers and weapons to occupy the whole Asia-pacific. Before WWII, no Asian nations challenged Japan, it itself got fascist road.
I rember we had discuss the same before, Last time you also mentioned the WWII, and Japanese invasion of Asia. Vietnam invaded Cambodia and Laos which gave China a good excuese.
Every aggressor needs an excuse. Whatever excuse. Every excuse is good.

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