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ASEAN breaks deadlock on South China Sea, Beijing thanks Cambodia for support

See how does China bend the truth.Initially they said they were reclaiming islands for peaceful purposes and would not deploy military assets.You see the scene now.They said they don't support terrorists and was the only reason whereby Hafiz Saeed was not declared terrorist by UN.They put their whole might,stooping to low standards, to oppose India's membership at NSG under the pretext of uniformity of law.Same application of law was tossed aside when its occupation of S Shoals was called illegal.

India along with almost all the countries,except its puppet as Pakistan,asked it to honor court's ruling and called its reclamation wrong.Yet China said lot of countries including India has accepted its view on SCS ruling.ASEAN nations except one country,wanted to express their resentment against China's intentions.Yet China is showing as it has won a diplomatic coup.

Self interest above everything else.Only power matters.Hypocrisy at its best.Another Nazi power emerging,which will destroy world disorder.

The truth as I see it is PCA is neither related or back by UN as reported by abiased news agency Reuters.

Another truth is India cannot enter the NSG because she is NOT in compliance whether US choose to bend the rule or the truth for her or not.

In fact India needs NOT to beg for special favour from any nation including China, just signed and ratify the NPT.

Why didn't India want to sign the NPT?

Because the answer is quite obvious India has every intention to breach the NSG rules once more.

If that is NOT hypocrisy and self interest, what is?
Taiwan politicians, fishermen protest in disputed Spratly islands

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Taiwanese fishermen display flags and placards before departing to Taiping island, part of the disputed Spratly Islands chain in the South China Sea, at a fishing harbour in southern Pingtung on July 20, 2016. Photo: AFP

PUBLISHED: 4:20 PM, JULY 20, 2016
UPDATED: 4:29 PM, JULY 20, 2016

TAIPEI — Taiwanese lawmakers and fishermen headed to an island in the disputed South China Sea on Wednesday (July 20) to protest at an international tribunal ruling which undermined Taipei’s claims there.

Eight lawmakers from the ruling Democratic Progressive Party and the opposition Kuomintang (KMT) boarded a military plane to the Taiwan-controlled Taiping island in the Spratlys archipelago.

Five fishing boats decorated with Taiwanese flags and banners reading “Protect fishing rights, safeguard sovereignty” also set sail to Taiping from southern Pingtung county to protest at the perceived threat to fishermen’s livelihoods.

The fishermen waved to onlookers, who shouted their support and set off firecrackers as their boats departed. Those boats will arrive in five to six days’ time.

The protests come after the Permanent Court of Arbitration in the Hague ruled last week that China has no historic rights to its claimed “nine-dash line” in the South China Sea and had violated the Philippines’ sovereign rights in Manila’s exclusive economic zone.

Crucially for Taiwan it also ruled that Taiping, the largest island in the Spratlys chain, was legally a “rock” and not entitled to its own exclusive economic zone, undermining Taiwanese claims to waters surrounding the island.

Taiwan last week sent a warship to the South China Sea “to defend maritime territory”, with President Tsai Ing-wen rallying troops on the frigate’s deck a day after the ruling.

“The ruling is absolutely unacceptable. It is necessary for us to visit Taiping at this time to show the international community that it is an island, not a rock,” said KMT lawmaker Johnny Chiang, who was part of the protest visit.

The lawmakers watched a display of combat skills by the coastguard stationed on Taiping as well as visiting facilities that show the island is self-sufficient. They are due to return Wednesday afternoon.

When the fishermen arrive in Taiping they will receive drinking water from the island in a bid to prove it is more than just a rock and is fit for human habitation, a spokesman for the group said.

Taiwan last year inaugurated a solar-powered lighthouse, an expanded airstrip and a pier as part of efforts to strengthen defence capabilities on Taiping.

There is also a farm, water well, hospital and temple on the island.

Taiping island is 0.51 sq km and most of its inhabitants work for the coastguard, which has about 160 staff there.

Each year about 200 fishing boats operate in the waters near Taiping island.

The Spratlys are also claimed in part or whole by China, Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia and Brunei.

Taiwan’s government rejected the arbitration court’s ruling, saying it “severely jeopardised” Taiwan’s rights.

It said the judgement has no legally binding force since the tribunal did not formally invite Taipei to take part in its proceedings or solicit its views.

Taiwanese authorities have said they will continue to send aircraft and ships for patrol missions to the region and expel any foreign boats that enter its 200-nautical-mile exclusive economic zone despite the ruling. AFP

So if busybody India backed Vietnam in the SCS, we can technically says Taiwan is an enemy of India, right
So if busybody India backed Vietnam in the SCS, we can technically says Taiwan is an enemy of India, right.

Any body who is trying to be trouble maker is the friend of our southern neighbour.


Why do people waste life's precious energies in pursuit of things that can never be achieved?

Human condition is fasicnating.
This whole situation is a blessing for China. Friends and foes become clear.

Those who want peace and development from those who stroke troubles.

Must tread carefully but keep moving forward with confidence. Let others be arrogant and foolish.

Our goal is create Harmony under the Heavens.

The choas and destruction has lasted too long.

Time build. Time to create.

OBOR is the right course for peace and development for all. A community of prosperity.
Some ASEAN countries can keep crying but nothing will change.
The dispute in spratly islands which claim by Malaysia, Brunei, Vietnam and Philippines, we can't even settle among ourselves and someone try to counter China? Keep dreaming...
All are third world countries with third world mentality, always hoping others (hint: world police) to help them instead of using their brain.

They were pretty well in agreement until China bought out the two cheapest countries in Laos and Cambodia.
They were pretty well in agreement until China bought out the two cheapest countries in Laos and Cambodia.

Exactly. And instead of cheering about Cambodia favoring China, Chinese people should be asking themselves why only Cambodia and Laos had favored China while no other countries did so.
They were pretty well in agreement until China bought out the two cheapest countries in Laos and Cambodia.

could you describe the case from MM view ? plz
Madame Aung San Suu Kyi is very impressive.
could you describe the case from MM view ? plz
Madame Aung San Suu Kyi is very impressive.

We're staying neutral but our Foreign Office released a statement calling for the observation of 'rules'.


Oops, here it is in English


Exactly. And instead of cheering about Cambodia favoring China, Chinese people should be asking themselves why only Cambodia and Laos had favored China while no other countries did so.

It is something to cheer for them. ASEAN influence is cheap because of those two.
East Vietnam Sea addressed at ASEAN ministerial meeting


UPDATED : 07/25/2016 14:47 GMT + 7

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Foreign ministers from ASEAN member states have discussed issues in the East Vietnam Sea during the 49th ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting (AMM) in Vientiane, Laos, happening between July 23 and 26.

The high-ranking officials, along with ASEAN Secretary-General Le Luong Minh, discussed several matters during sitting sessions within the framework of the event.

ASEAN stands for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, a ten-member politico-economic organization whose members include Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam.

According to a press release by the host country, the delegates have conferred on the execution of the ASEAN Community Vision 2025, especially the ASEAN Political – Security Community 2025.

The foreign ministers also had candid and constructive conversations with regard to regional and international issues, including terrorism, human trafficking, the illegal trade of drugs, natural disasters, and developments in the Middle East, the Korean Peninsula, and East Vietnam Sea, Laos said in the announcement.

A source from Vietnam’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the delegates had exchanged many ideas regarding the East Vietnam Sea, asserting that the maritime area was significant to regional peace, stability, and cooperation.

The officials also expressed their concern over the recent complicated developments in the seaway, namely the militarization that has intensified, damaged trust, and compromised security and safety in the region.

Many of the participants reiterated that ASEAN needed to boost solidarity and unity within the member nations as well as magnifying its central role in the preservation of peace, urging relevant parties to settle their disputes via amicable measures.

The ministers also mentioned several matters relating to the international tribunal established in accordance with annex VII of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), the source said.

They underlined the importance of negotiation and exclusion of violence or threat when solving differences, respecting international law, namely the UNCLOS, Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Vietnam Sea (DOC), and soon to be established Code of Conduct (COC) for the sea area.

Speaking at the opening session of the AMM, Laotian Foreign Minister Saleumxay Kommasith said that the event was a good opportunity to express opinions on local and global issuess and to strengthen the relationships of ASEAN partners.

During an interview with Tuoi Tre (Youth) newspaper, Charles Morrison, president of the East-West Center based in Hawaii, the United States, stated that no nation was excluded from issues regarding peace and security.

ASEAN has the right to seek international support for the peaceful resolution of disputes for the sake of regional interests, Morrison said.

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This whole situation is a blessing for China. Friends and foes become clear.

Those who want peace and development from those who stroke troubles.

Must tread carefully but keep moving forward with confidence. Let others be arrogant and foolish.

Our goal is create Harmony under the Heavens.

The choas and destruction has lasted too long.

Time build. Time to create.

OBOR is the right course for peace and development for all. A community of prosperity.

My friend, when the noise is down, HOT air is all vented out, and the dust settles, here is what it will look like in the SCS:

1. China's islands getting bigger accommodating various structures, including deep ports, airstrips, communication, tracking, and monitoring systems, and relief and rescue platforms,

2. ADIZ capable infrastructure (if an ADIZ is not already declared),

3. Huangyan Island development,

4. Integration of Xisha islands as research and recreation area,

5. Fortification of Nansha as military stronghold to ensure national security and regional safety.

So , let's please take the dissenting voice with a light, cheerful heart, and understand their grievances. After all, this is China's historical magnanimity.

Silk gloves covering steel fists.
My friend, when the noise is down, HOT air is all vented out, and the dust settles, here is what it will look like in the SCS:

1. China's islands getting bigger accommodating various structures, including deep ports, airstrips, communication, tracking, and monitoring systems, and relief and rescue platforms,

2. ADIZ capable infrastructure (if an ADIZ is not already declared),

3. Huangyan Island development,

4. Integration of Xisha islands as research and recreation area,

5. Fortification of Nansha as military stronghold to ensure national security and regional safety.

So , let's please take the dissenting voice with a light, cheerful heart, and understand their grievances. After all, this is China's historical magnanimity.

Silk gloves covering steel fists.

My dear friend, you see correctly. What you say are the facts.

Forbearance is still the key...

Cooking a small fish or managing a great enterprise require attention and care...

Wise ones treat everything with care.

SCS & ECS are not only part of Sovereignity of the Chinese people but also for the Tao to return.

The Dragon is wise.

What was formless is taking Form. What was soundless is getting a Voice.

The Dragon has always accomodated its neighbours. To the point of fault.

This is the right course.

The philosophy of non-interference and co-development is a wise one.

Many young people don't understand this... their passion and pride wants quick results.

Patience is a Chinese Virtue!
It is something to cheer for them. ASEAN influence is cheap because of those two.

There is a huge gap between their economical growth and their growth in prestige and influence. If influencing Cambodia and Laos is all they could managed, I wouldn’t consider that something to be cheerful about.

ASEAN reach agreements by consensus, so stopping ASEAN from mentioning something is easy, just bribe one member to oppose the others. On the other hand, influencing ASEAN to say something positive is the real test, and I doubt China has the power/influence to make that happen anytime soon. Again, they should ask themselves why they don’t have any influence over the whole block, but only over 2 small nation of Laos and Cambodia.

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