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As the Hajj begins, the destruction of Mecca's heritage continues


Even though that I happen to be sitting in Mina right now which makes me feel proud to serve your kins and people, I must say that I'm struck by the comments you made. How come you compare one of the holiest places in the world to the " Sin " city without having any extensive knowledge about the projects the Saudis are doing to facilitate Hajj and Umrah for all Muslims around the world?

Later, we receive letters from your Gov'ts yelling at us " why do you keep declining people's visas ? "


las vegas has hugh concentration of five star hotels, im not saying in respect of what las vegas is, but its architectural outlook which resembles more like las vegas
So, it started the shia bashing...............lolz......its my perception to see the land marks from where the beautiful religion of islam originated , who were those people where they are buried , way of living, belongings......stop defending the wrong acts of your king......they can built the hotels and restaurant miles away.
The way few of you defending the wrong acts of king, it seems emergence of Islam was arab tribal issue and destroy the unity among arab tribes.....for me or any shia Najaf and Karbla is not Mecca and Madina...

Nobody has bashed any Shias here but we find it funny that it is only you guys who shout the loudest? Why is that? Is it because you wanted to worship those graves like you do in Najaf and Karbala, Qom and Mashhad? Forget about that. This is not Islam. Does the Noble Qur'an, the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (saws) instruct you to worship the graves of great Muslims and even the greatest of them all? Does Islam instruct you to built LAVISH gold-like tombs like you Shias do in Karbala, Najaf, Qom and elsewhere CONTRARY to all the teachings of Islam and the simple life of Prophet Muhammad (saws), all the Prophets before him and the Sahaba?

Where is your logic?

You value some worthless (in reality) columns more than the actual PURPOSE of Makkah = the pilgrimage and the Muslims?

If there were not any expansions you Shias would cry about a too low number of annual pilgrimages etc. We know all the songs. Hotels/accommodations are to suit the pilgrims/Muslims and a necessity. Where would you otherwise house well over 2 million pilgrims in Makkah?

Deport them to the Sarawat mountains nearby? The Red Sea?

Besides all this is documented in so many historical sources than this knowledge will never go away.
Nobody has bashed any Shias here but we find it funny that it is only you guys who shout the loudest? Why is that? Is it because you wanted to worship those graves like you do in Najaf and Karbala, Qom and Mashhad? Forget about that. This is not Islam. Does the Noble Qur'an, the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (saws) instruct you to worship the graves of great Muslims and even the greatest of them all? Does Islam instruct you to built LAVISH gold-like tombs like you Shias do in Karbala, Najaf, Qom and elsewhere CONTRARY to all the teachings of Islam and the simple life of Prophet Muhammad (saws), all the Prophets before him and the Sahaba?

Where is your logic?

You value some worthless (in reality) columns more than the actual PURPOSE of Makkah = the pilgrimage and the Muslims?

If there were not any expansions you Shias would cry about a too low number of annual pilgrimages etc. We know all the songs. Hotels/accommodations are to suit the pilgrims/Muslims and a necessity. Where would you otherwise house well over 2 million pilgrims people in Makkah?

Deport them to the Sarawat mountains nearby?

Besides all this is documented in so many historical sources than this knowledge will never go away.
Again don t compare Mecca and Madina with any shia places. I never went those places nor have much interest. Every muslim first and most important ritual of life is Hajj or Omra. Rest is secondary . After traveling many countries and learn that without saving the heritage no body is doing any favor to coming generations. Unfortunately ,,,we all hypos and hiding head in the sand. Nations save their heritage and our muslim brother busy in destroying them for hotels and parking lots.
If the hajjs has issue then can t walk that far, this is their issue not your govt issue. Why comes in old age. ( well had argument with father complain about hot weather during hajj, well straight answer had resources why not did in early age).
Again don t compare Mecca and Madina with any shia places. I never went those places nor have much interest. Every muslim first and most important ritual of life is Hajj or Omra. Rest is secondary . After traveling many countries and learn that without saving the heritage no body is doing any favor to coming generations. Unfortunately ,,,we all hypos and hiding head in the sand. Nations save their heritage and our muslim brother busy in destroying them for hotels and parking lots.
If the hajjs has issue then can t walk that far, this is their issue not your govt issue. Why comes in old age. ( well had argument with father complain about hot weather during hajj, well straight answer had resources why not did in early age).

Well I am a Sunni and I would have no problem praying in Karbala or Najaf. Or even Qom or Mashhad. What I find funny is that it is mostly you Shias who are critical of this expansion which is necessarily as I told you already and the facts show. This is why I asked any person here who can counter that claim with sane and objective arguments.

There is PLENTY of Islamic heritage in Hijaz. More than anywhere else.

Muslims (people) will always be more important than some columns who have changed design many times.

Who knows how Makkah will look like in 100 years time? Who says that it will be worse than today or 200 years ago?

I ask again. What is your solution for the 17 MILLION pilgrims that are expected to arrive in 2025? What should be done about all this?

Let them live in the Sarawat Mountains? Throw them in the Red Sea?

Masjid al-Haram needs to be EXPANDED thus the SURROUNDING area needs to be remodeled. How will you make the expansion otherwise?

What are the alternatives?
like Israel for Jerusalem ?:angel:

I don't think what the Israelis are doing is similar to what we are doing. But have it your way if you want! After all we are expanding it to host more Iranians :lol: while Israel LoL :lol:
Well I am a Sunni and I would have no problem praying in Karbala or Najaf. Or even Qom or Mashhad. What I find funny is that it is mostly you Shias who are critical of this expansion which is necessarily as I told you already and the facts show. This is why I asked any person here who can counter that claim with sane and objective arguments.

There is PLENTY of Islamic heritage in Hijaz. More than anywhere else.

Muslims (people) will always be more important than some columns who have changed design many times.

Who knows how Makkah will look like in 100 years time? Who says that it will be worse than today or 200 years ago?

I ask again. What is your solution for the 17 MILLION pilgrims that are expected to arrive in 2025? What should be done about all this?

Let them live in the Sarawat Mountains? Throw them in the Red Sea?

Masjid al-Haram needs to be EXPANDED thus the SURROUNDING area needs to be remodeled. How will you make the expansion otherwise?

What are the alternatives?
I fully understand your problem, call Hajj conference and give quota system to every country. Those who did hajj once, bar them for life to come in hajj season . You guys need to be extremely strict...
Nobody has bashed any Shias here but we find it funny that it is only you guys who shout the loudest? Why is that? Is it because you wanted to worship those graves like you do in Najaf and Karbala

Says someone making wc out of the prophet's wife house or destroy his birth place

It's you who insult the companions of the prophet
I fully understand your problem, call Hajj conference and give quota system to every country. Those who did hajj once, bar them for life to come in hajj season . You guys need to be extremely strict...

LOL. I would change the rules in terms of visits to KSA completely (we have one of the most strict visa rules). KSA could be a major tourist hub by now. 3000 km long tropical coastline (best in the region BY FAR and one of the best in the world), 1200 tropical islands (more than any other country in the region too), vast mountain ranges/regions, tropical areas, all kind of amazing deserts and steppes, volcanic areas, biggest palm grooves in the world, ancient cities, Makkah and Madinah, new modern cities, exotic/isolated nature etc. List is long. On that particularly area I am against the reactionaries since this also concerns the pilgrims as visitors.

Besides it would go against Islam banning people from visiting the most holy sites in Islam just because they once visited it as 8 year olds 70 years ago or something. Where is the logic and fairness in that?

No we need to SERVE the pilgrims as the custodians of the two holy mosques. Not make stupid rules.

If that means that some columns (not original even) need to be demolished in order to built new ones then so be it!


This is just my opinion.

Also how the author of this stupid article in that British newspaper can bash something as useful and wonderful like the temporarily mataf in use so disabled people can encircle the Kaaba is also amazing.

The author should just stick to gossip news in England!
I don't think what the Israelis are doing is similar to what we are doing. But have it your way if you want! After all we are expanding it to host more Iranians :lol: while Israel LoL :lol:
well it is more a problem for us to show we went in Israel.. you know the passport :D ;)

i was ironic because i think that it is totally acceptable that muslims from any part of the world worry about Mecca
and you cannot do whatever you want...
excatly like in Israel they cannot do whatever they want : this is a very important place for Christians and Muslims too.
IMHO - 5th pillar of Islam "Hajj" is more important than historic buildings, If expansions are needed to facilitate and accommodate more and more people than what's problem in this - After all Islam is about submission to God not heritage.
IMHO - 5th pillar of Islam "Hajj" is more important than historic buildings, If expansions are needed to facilitate and accommodate more and more people than what's problem in this - After all Islam is about submission to God not heritage.

Exactly. Besides much of this heritage is not even original but people do not bother reading about it anyway! I bet there was outcry too from the local Makkawis 500 years ago when the Ottomans demolished/remodeled parts of Masjid al-Haram that was built by other dynasties (Arab).

In 2100 where maybe up to 80 million pilgrims (for example) might arrive on a yearly basis and another expansion need to take place some people will probably also cry about columns that were built in year 2015 being demolished....

Let alone in year 2500..... List can be long.

Unfortunately I am not going to live that long and witness this. With all due probability. At least the first example.
I don't understand what is fcking problem with Certain People,dragging Holy sites for satisfying their Sectarian Hatred....

The Expansion is so that more and more people from across the Muslim World can perform their Hajj each year without facing difficulties due overcrowding...Now for some people,Turkish coloumns and other buildings(no offence to Turk brothers) are more important than the actual purpose of coming for religious purpose...People come for Hajj and Umrah,not for tourism so that they can see some buildings or columns build in a certain era...

It is not only about accommodation, its about quality accommodation, comfort and hygiene... i think without properly planned and built infrastructure, it is not possible to manage a trouble free hajj.
When i go there, i would like to have clean toilets, i.e. you need to have a grand waste management system.
I need quality food, every 3 times a day i.e. there has to be enough space, and well designed restaurants and there supply system, without disrupting normal hajj activities.
There has to be proper medical setup available and emergency handling setup.
I'm sure there has to be many more design elements which need space and planning has to be considering next 20-50 years.

Personally for me, Kaba is important (in Mecca) rest is all temporary.
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