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As Russia’s isolation grows, China hints at limits of friendship

Most of the people are taking these sanctions way to seriously. I mean Iran has been sanctioned for so many year still they are there. Still Israel and Saudis are scared of them after all they have got all the money and all the latest toys what does Iran have. (No offence to anyone ) . What do we think that Putin woke up one fine morning and attacked Ukraine. He would have been told about the response from the west and sanctions would be at the top of the list. Measures would have been taken to avoid major blows on their economy.
Just remember as their are many allies of US , there are some Russian Allies. It was all a calculated move by Russia. Dont Underestimate them. It was Russians who without any supplies fought against armed to the teeth German and turned WW2 in allies favour. Atleast Western Media is showing their sick mentality.
Russia will go bankrupt. Putin is delusional, how can Russia with much smaller economy, smaller than Spain, poorer than Romania, sustain an arms race with the West.

Germany can spend twice more money on the army alone. Now every country in Europa begins the military buildup.
Really. So according to this Khmer Krom, Russia will go bankrupt and collapsed.

:sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic:

Then we will just have to wait and see.

It won't take long.
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That’s the problem if you hand over the country to a spy. He distrusts everything he distrusts everybody he is not interested of making bread and butter. He brings now death and destruction to other and his Russia.

Other bad examples: a bus driver leads venezuela, a peasant leads China.
Xi is not a peasant ! He was once a peasant for few years only when he was in his early youth during the cultural revolution at a time when many youths in the cities had to to stay in the countryside due to Mao's policies ! He has a bachelor's degree in Chemistry and a doctoral degree in Law. He is well educated and knows his history. He has been in Chinese government service and a statesman for more than 40 years in total. You ignorant hubris Viet mon*** stop making lies and nonsense about China and Chinese all the time !
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Most of the people are taking these sanctions way to seriously. I mean Iran has been sanctioned for so many year still they are there. Still Israel and Saudis are scared of them after all they have got all the money and all the latest toys what does Iran have. (No offence to anyone ) . What do we think that Putin woke up one fine morning and attacked Ukraine. He would have been told about the response from the west and sanctions would be at the top of the list. Measures would have been taken to avoid major blows on their economy.
Just remember as their are many allies of US , there are some Russian Allies. It was all a calculated move by Russia. Dont Underestimate them. It was Russians who without any supplies fought against armed to the teeth German and turned WW2 in allies favour. Atleast Western Media is showing their sick mentality.
Yes. It is all commonsense.

So before SWIFT came along, how did commercial banks operate?


Telex and telegram.

In fact, inside Russia, the interbanks used SPFS and now between China and Russia, the CIPS and a new digital eYuan.

Without SWIFT the US and 5 eye nations' spy agencies lose their abilities to trace or track the money trail or transactions.

BTW China is headed a by the most educated and qualified peasant on earth. One who possess a PhD.

Even his wife who is in fact a Professor is a PhD holder. :cheers:
That’s the problem if you hand over the country to a spy. He distrusts everything he distrusts everybody he is not interested of making bread and butter. He brings now death and destruction to other and his Russia.

Other bad examples: a bus driver leads venezuela, a peasant leads China.

it is not about the person. it is about the system. it is about checks and balances
Other bad examples: a bus driver leads venezuela, a peasant leads China.

So what if he was a bus driver ? You are being a classist. I don't think you are a Communist.

Western governments leaders may have degrees from some Capitalist Law university but neither is their Capitalism required nor is their mostly wrong law system.
It is undeniable that today the US is terribly scared of China.

Biden Administration could not figure out what China will do next.

Imagine the US Secretary of State Anotony Blinken suddenly called up China FM Wang Ni to congratulate him on the successful hosting of Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic.


Yes. But it is all true.

US is too obvious in its strategic intention, it's like a bumbling toddler. Just a couple weeks ago, they were still arguing over how to get Russia to move against China, now the same people are asking China to stop Russia.
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US is too obvious with its strategic intention, it's like a bumbling toddler. Just a couple weeks ago, they were still arguing over how get Russia to move against China, now the same people are asking China to stop Russia.
They are all amateurs. That is why folks and that included me around the world are laughing at them.

:omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha:
So good you can predict the future? But since when does bloodthirsty communist China care about human rights and brutality?
When you tried to cover it up.

You sound so desperate to get us to abandon Russia.
Am not doing anything. All I do is observe. So do the rest of the world.

Dude, if you wanna stop Russia then send some troops to Ukraine, don't bark around like a mad man..... Gosh fcking cowards.
So say the guy who never done anything for his country.

I told you right, US only dare to bully small countries, when they face China or Russia, its just sanctions. Lololol
And your China does not? The Viets kicked your @55. As far as sanctions go, China used economic threats. No difference there.
So what if he was a bus driver ? You are being a classist. I don't think you are a Communist.

Western governments leaders may have degrees from some Capitalist Law university but neither is their Capitalism required nor is their mostly wrong law system.
He missed out the most famous and celebrated one.

The Comedian who became a President in Ukraine.

:omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha: :cheers:
BS EU is not a military bloc.
Not very smart, are you?

The reason the EU have a mutual defense clause in its membership is because the economic collapse of a member via war affects the rest of the union. A military oriented pact like NATO is structurally no different. The EU is philosophically similar, not identical, to US federalism. Imagine if Iowa is attacked by a foreign power and the US federal government does nothing.

The Treaty of Lisbon strengthens the solidarity between EU countries in dealing with external threats by introducing a mutual defence clause (Article 42(7) of the Treaty on European Union). This clause provides that if an EU country is the victim of armed aggression on its territory, the other EU countries have an obligation to aid and assist it by all the means in their power, in accordance with Article 51 of the United Nations Charter.​
This obligation of mutual defence is binding on all EU countries. However, it does not affect the neutrality of certain EU countries and is consistent with the commitments of EU countries which are NATO members.​
This provision is supplemented by the solidarity clause (Article 222 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU) which provides that EU countries are obliged to act jointly where an EU country is the victim of a terrorist attack or a natural or man-made disaster.​
So when you said Russia was willing to accept Ukraine EU membership but not NATO, it revealed you never done even basic research on the overall issue about Ukraine.
US is too obvious in its strategic intention, it's like a bumbling toddler. Just a couple weeks ago, they were still arguing over how to get Russia to move against China, now the same people are asking China to stop Russia.
The racist white supremacist Yankees think China is just a large weak third world "inferior Asian" country at best comparable to Japan or South Korea that they Yankees and indeed the whites in general such as Aussie and British can order China to do whatever they want China to do. This has been consistent in the ways these whites bigots when they always talk about and behave towards China and Chinese in denigrating and condescending manner. These whites bigots think they are the masters of Chinese and China. It's up to the Chinese gov and Chinese people to fight back and give these whites bigots shit in kind.
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He missed out the most famous and celebrated one.

The Comedian who became a President in Ukraine.

:omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha: :cheers:

Well, for me it doesn't matter that that one was a comedian. In India too there is a former comedian called Bhagwant Mann who is a prominent leader in the center-left party Aam Aadmi Party. Every person has the right to participate in politics provided he or she is sensible whatever their former profession. For me it is that Zelensky is a tool of NATO and is collaborating with the Nazis locally.
When you tried to cover it up.

Am not doing anything. All I do is observe. So do the rest of the world.

So say the guy who never done anything for his country.

And your China does not? The Viets kicked your @55. As far as sanctions go, China used economic threats. No difference there.
Yeah, the PLA kicked you Yankees' a** really bad in the Korean war, isn't it ? The Viets kicked you Yankees' a** really bad too in the Vietnam war !
Not very smart, are you?

The reason the EU have a mutual defense clause in its membership is because the economic collapse of a member via war affects the rest of the union. A military oriented pact like NATO is structurally no different. The EU is philosophically similar, not identical, to US federalism. Imagine if Iowa is attacked by a foreign power and the US federal government does nothing.

The Treaty of Lisbon strengthens the solidarity between EU countries in dealing with external threats by introducing a mutual defence clause (Article 42(7) of the Treaty on European Union). This clause provides that if an EU country is the victim of armed aggression on its territory, the other EU countries have an obligation to aid and assist it by all the means in their power, in accordance with Article 51 of the United Nations Charter.​
This obligation of mutual defence is binding on all EU countries. However, it does not affect the neutrality of certain EU countries and is consistent with the commitments of EU countries which are NATO members.​
This provision is supplemented by the solidarity clause (Article 222 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU) which provides that EU countries are obliged to act jointly where an EU country is the victim of a terrorist attack or a natural or man-made disaster.​
So when you said Russia was willing to accept Ukraine EU membership but not NATO, it revealed you never done even basic research on the overall issue about Ukraine.
Didn't I warned you before I don't debate with unprincipled trolls like you.

So shoo off.
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