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As Russia’s isolation grows, China hints at limits of friendship

A month ago, US and its western lackeys boycotted Beijing Olympic Games, and now they want China to join them to boycott Russia, I wonder what's wrong with their brain, do they ever use it?
These racist white supremacist Yankees think China is just a large weak third world "inferior Asian" country at best comparable to Japan or South Korea that they Yankees and indeed the whites in general such as Aussie and British can dictate to China to do whatever they want China to do. This has been consistent in the ways these whites bigots when they always talk about and behave towards China and Chinese in denigrating and condescending manner. These whites bigots think they are the masters of Chinese and China. It's up to the Chinese gov and Chinese to fight back and give these whites bigots shit in kind.
President Yanukovich who was democratically elected but was unconstitutionally ousted by color revolution hosted and funded by a Pacific Power.

Is Al Jazeera turning the man they demonized earlier as a hero today?

The neo-nazi events that followed caused Ukraine to break up and into civil wars.

The successive government that followed has no legitimacy in the eyes of Beijing as it excluded the votes from the Eastern States.

There is no nuclear threat to Ukraine.

Al Jazeera has always been anti-Russian and anti-China in their reports which I regarded as unreliable and biased.
After publishing unsubstantiated fake news, they never offered any retractions and apologies.
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