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As Russia’s isolation grows, China hints at limits of friendship

Didn't I warned you before I don't debate with unprincipled trolls like you.

So shoo off.
I do not debate you. I challenged your arguments for the benefits of the silent readers out there. I have no interests in changing your mind.
Well, for me it doesn't matter that that one was a comedian. In India too there is a former comedian called Bhagwant Mann who is a prominent leader in the center-left party Aam Aadmi Party. Every person has the right to participate in politics provided he or she is sensible whatever their former profession. For me it is that Zelensky is a tool of NATO and is collaborating with the Nazis locally.

Well I am just being sarcastic.
If China launched military action against Taiwan, it will expect similar sanctions that have been imposed on Russia.

China Will be eager to see how Russia copes.
Not possible. If it's possible to economic sanction China, US would have long won the trade war against China. Instead, they eat the humble pie and reduces some of the tariffs on Chinese goods.
I do not debate you. I challenged your arguments for the benefits of the silent readers out there. I have no interests in changing your mind.
There is no need to challenge me. What benefits does one expects from someone like you?

I told you that long ago and I have not forgotten what I said and what you did then.

So just stop trolling in here.
13% of Russian reserves are held in Yuan assets.

We will see more and more nations converting their reserves to Yuan after this.

After what the G7 nations did, even Euro will be no longer be preferred.

The dedollarization will accelerated.
“As far as banks are concerned, they can lend in RMB and basically there is a number of things you cannot do, but there is a huge number of things you can still do,” García Herrero told Al Jazeera. “Even European banks can still finance energy imports, so why would Chinese banks not do it if European banks are going to do it, at least so far?"

“So in other words, they will comply with the letter of the law, but in my opinion, not the spirit of the law,” García Herrero added, describing Chinese banks’ recent actions as a “reflection of existing sanctions” but not a development that “means more”.
did our resident asian cheerleader of the west @Hamartia Antidote even bother to read the article before making a total fool outta herself? :omghaha:

Putin and Xi have visually overnight removed the petrodollar and switched to the RMB AT LEAST for their energy transactions if not other commodities as well. move over dollar, RMB is taking over...😄
When you tried to cover it up.

Am not doing anything. All I do is observe. So do the rest of the world.

So say the guy who never done anything for his country.

And your China does not? The Viets kicked your @55. As far as sanctions go, China used economic threats. No difference there.
I see people(mostly western) keep bandwagoning about how Vietnam kicked China's *** and China lost without having a clue of the actual context.

Deng had already informed even president Ford of US,that China would invade Vietnam for a period less than 33 days, to teach Vietnam a lesson for collaborating with Soviets in containing china and trying to subjugate SEA under their control .China withdrew after capturing all 5 provinces of Vietnam just as proclaimed.As Deng envisioned,the punitive strike by China destroyed Vietnam's goal of subjugating Thailand,Laos, Cambodia, all the way to the malacca strait ,China also made it clear to the Soviets that any attempt to encircle china will have to carry a huge cost, thus the soviet stopped their military buildup in Vietnam . China literally achieved all the goals from the war in Vietnam.
But western experts like to portray it as Chinese defeat.

Vietnam was an imposing nation in Indochina with the hegemonic dream of its own,with Soviet weapons supply,their military , in many ways was ahead of China's in having the latest ,yet China tamed the wannabe hegemon,after 1979 Vietnam realized their place and not just stopped antagonizing SEA nations but instead started courting,so Vietnam could be included in ASEAN.
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Truthful, but done in inappropriate way, graffities just outside Canadian embassy reflecting common sentiment in China.


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I see people(mostly western) keep bandwagoning about how Vietnam kicked China's *** and China lost without having a clue of the actual context.

Deng had already informed even president Ford of US,that China would invade Vietnam for a period less than 33 days, to teach Vietnam a lesson for collaborating with Soviets in containing china and trying to subjugate SEA under their control .China withdrew after capturing all 5 provinces of Vietnam just as proclaimed.As Deng envisioned,the punitive strike by China destroyed Vietnam's goal of subjugating Thailand,Laos, Cambodia, all the way to the malacca strait ,China also made it clear to the Soviets that any attempt to encircle china will have to carry a huge cost, thus the soviet stopped their military buildup in Vietnam . China literally achieved all the goals from the war in Vietnam.
But western experts like to portray it as Chinese defeat.

Vietnam was an imposing nation in Indochina with the hegemonic dream of its own,with Soviet weapons supply,their military , in many ways was ahead of China's in having the latest ,yet China tamed the wannabe hegemon,after 1979 Vietnam realized their place and not just stopped antagonizing SEA nations but instead started courting,so Vietnam could be included in ASEAN.
Ahhh...Western...As if being 'western' automatically discount the argument. But if by 'western' you mean 'white', I ain't white. And when I said China lost that border war, am not alone and the conclusion of that lost was not about politics but on the technical side of warfare. But I will leave you in your comfort of dismissing my 'western' knowledge of the event.
When you tried to cover it up.

Am not doing anything. All I do is observe. So do the rest of the world.

So say the guy who never done anything for his country.

And your China does not? The Viets kicked your @55. As far as sanctions go, China used economic threats. No difference there.
Hey I am not a Saint, and what has an individual like got to do with US sending military support? Let's face it, US is a coward and after stiring up shit, they don't know how respond except sanctions.

Cover up or not, we are commies, we have no obligation to help your dumbfck agenda okay. You bash us and expect us to support you? Are you OK fentanyl or something? Russia is our most important strategic ally. We can basically survive and thrive without US if we combine, they have the resources, we have the productive power,just cut out the parasitic US dollar middle man.

Good continue to observe and rant while the real men destroy Ukrainic Nato Whores.

Venezuela Russia Iran combined is more than 50% of world oil and gas reserves. Imagine all denominated in Rmb, India is showing they are still part of BRICS. BRICS combined is the largest market on earth.
Ahhh...Western...As if being 'western' automatically discount the argument. But if by 'western' you mean 'white', I ain't white. And when I said China lost that border war, am not alone and the conclusion of that lost was not about politics but on the technical side of warfare. But I will leave you in your comfort of dismissing my 'western' knowledge of the event.
Technical side....

I mean people think China had superior equipment & weapons since china's the bigger nation but don't realize that Vietnam military was propped up by the superpower Soviets which had even set up ports there. Vietnam was on their turf,they knew the terrain and had help from local populace, considering all those factors China was never expected to have smooth sailing ,but China got what they set out to do, captured their targeted 5 provinces than withdrew as planned.
Deng Xiaoping changed the future of SEA and prevented Soviet encirclement with that strategic attack on Vietnam.

How do you even draw a parallel to current china which is not under-equipped like it was back in 1979.
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Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and Bank of China have too much business with the European Union and the United States. They usually do not participate in trade with countries such as Iran and Russia. In China, the business with Iran and other countries is usually handled by China Construction Bank, Kunlun bank, Bank of Ningbo and other banks.
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