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As Russia’s isolation grows, China hints at limits of friendship

Ahhh...Western...As if being 'western' automatically discount the argument. But if by 'western' you mean 'white', I ain't white. And when I said China lost that border war, am not alone and the conclusion of that lost was not about politics but on the technical side of warfare. But I will leave you in your comfort of dismissing my 'western' knowledge of the event.
We saved Kampuchea, we stopped Vietnam from forming the Indochina Federation, and we completely destroyed Vietnam's industrial capacity and war potential. We achieved the strategic goal, and our casualties were lower than that of Vietnam. Why do you think we are the loser?
I think china is playing smart. They will seem to comply with some measures to be in the system but will help russia covertly as well, to some extent. Chinese also give statements after thinking, unlike our handsome PM who said we will buy russian gas, just as half the world sanctioned them.
did our resident asian cheerleader of the west @Hamartia Antidote even bother to read the article before making a total fool outta herself? :omghaha:

WTF? I simply post an article and somehow I am making a fool of myself?

I never even commented on it after posting it.

I think you are confusing me with somebody else who is replying in this thread.

So please check who you are supposed to be responding to before you make a total fool out of youself...
We voted exactly the same as China
.. there was a subtle difference in the explanation of vote given by both countries. China was critical of NATO as well, but India was more neutral I think :tup:
.. there was a subtle difference in the explanation of vote given by both countries. China was critical of NATO as well, but India was more neutral I think :tup:
India and Pakistan have the same position on the war in Ukraine.

But there are subtle differences between the two. India is more passive and dare not offend either the United States or Russia. Pakistan is more proactive. The Prime Minister of Pakistan dares to visit Russia and the United States during the war and exchange interests through wheat and natural gas trade.
India and Pakistan have the same position on the war in Ukraine.

But there are subtle differences between the two. India is more passive and dare not offend either the United States or Russia. Pakistan is more proactive. The Prime Minister of Pakistan dares to visit Russia and the United States during the war and exchange interests through wheat and natural gas trade.
I doubt Pakistani Prime Minister was aware of Putin's war plans when the trip to Russia was underway.

I believe both Pakistan and India heavily depend on the US/EU for trade and prosperity. Pakistan's trade surpluses are almost exclusively with US and EU. Their products are more competitive in the western market because of Pakistan's GSP and GSP+ status with these two regions respectively. India does not have these privileges, but is still dependent on the west for trade. Neither of these two countries could or should directly confront the west.
I doubt Pakistani Prime Minister was aware of Putin's war plans when the trip to Russia was underway.

I believe both Pakistan and India heavily depend on the US/EU for trade and prosperity. Pakistan's trade surpluses are almost exclusively with US and EU. Their products are more competitive in the western market because of Pakistan's GSP and GSP+ status with these two regions respectively. India does not have these privileges, but is still dependent on the west for trade. Neither of these two countries could or should directly confront the west.
If both China and USA know when the war broke out, Pakistan will certainly know.
Pakistan's prime minister chose to visit USA and Russia during the outbreak of the war and buy a large amount of wheat and natural gas from Russia when the West imposed sanctions on Russia. That is obviously a very proactive diplomatic strategy. He's much better than Modi who shivers in his quilt.
If both China and USA know when the war broke out, Pakistan will certainly know.
Pakistan's prime minister chose to visit USA and Russia during the outbreak of the war and buy a large amount of wheat and natural gas from Russia when the West imposed sanctions on Russia. That is obviously a very proactive diplomatic strategy. He's much better than Modi who shivers in his quilt.
To say that Pakistani Prime Minister knew about the dates of invasion is just speculation from your part. These type of visits are usually planned well in advance along with their agenda.

As for Modi, he has overwhelming support in India. A national leader in democracy is said to be 'strong' or 'weak' based on what he can get away with and still be elected. There is literally nothing that Modi can do to fail in Indian elections for the next decade. So, even if he antagonizes US and ends up with sanctions on India - this will not affect his position in the country. Same is not true for the current Pakistani PM. So, I'd say that your assertion that Modi 'shivers in his quilt' is unsubstantiated.
A month ago, US and its western lackeys boycotted Beijing Olympic Games, and now they want China to join them to boycott Russia, I wonder what's wrong with their brain, do they ever use it?
it's called hypocrisy...and its also called ignorance. they still think that their so called "rules based order" matters when it doesn't. when the largest producer of wheat, oil and gas joins forces with the largest producer technology and industry then the global financial system becomes completely irrelevant.
Ahhh...Western...As if being 'western' automatically discount the argument. But if by 'western' you mean 'white', I ain't white. And when I said China lost that border war, am not alone and the conclusion of that lost was not about politics but on the technical side of warfare. But I will leave you in your comfort of dismissing my 'western' knowledge of the event.
Just because you pathetic Yankees and Westerners lost your Vietnam war just as you Yankees and the Westerners lost the Korean war and Afghan war, now you all want to fabricate that China also lost the China-Vietnam border war in 1979 because "Chinese army unilaterally withdraw from Vietnamese territories after a month fighting" to make you losers feel and look better ! Pathetic Yankees sore losers !
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