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As Russia’s isolation grows, China hints at limits of friendship

But the Russians are feeling it.

Russia plans to temporarily block Western companies from exiting their investments in the country, as the government steps up the defense of its troubled economy and BP and others scramble to cut ties there.​
Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin told a government meeting Tuesday that Moscow is preparing a presidential decree that would temporarily limit the ability of foreign investors to sell Russian assets.​

Why are these companies not free to conduct business as they see fit?

Is 'may' the best you can do? You look at what is going on with the EU and you had to strain credulity, and possibly the fabric of space-time itself, to give us a 'may' on the end of the EU? Am tempted to ask the rhetorical 'Are you serious' but I believe you are serious. :lol:

Article 27 of the EU treaty is a mutual defense pact. Similar to Article 5 of NATO.

But Russia is fine with the EU but not NATO. How is that 'logical'? :rolleyes:
BS EU is not a military bloc.
China is already tainted with the charge of genocide. Once the Russian military secured key Ukrainian cities and begin executions, those who are wavering about China will inevitably wonder if the charge about China is true. Remember how those UN delegates got up and walked out when Russia started speaking? Now imagine even just 1/2 of them walks out on China.

The very fact that China has already been maligned by the west gives it little incentive to shy away from the media campaign against Russia. UN delegates walking out is great time for a motion to vote in your favor. Remember Korea war? That was the stupid Russian walking out of the UNSC session.

Your China is slooooow walking away from Russia. Neither Russia nor China expected the scale and swift global response to the Ukraine invasion. Whatever China is doing now ostensibly to 'help' Russia is nothing more than keeping open promises, but as time go by, once Russia occupy key Ukrainian cities and begin the brutality Russia is known for, we will see China more visibly move away from Russia. Of course, we can only wonder if China is working with US behind the scenes to convince the Russian military to 'disappear' Poutine, something China is also famously adept at. And do not deny this possibility because your China have no affection for Russia. You are as far apart as the poles but are together only for the face value.

The last thing China will allow is for the US to install a puppet in Moscow. Then China would not only be boxed in, but also its energy security will be in peril. US would then be able to easily choke China off via embargos. All it needs to do is put its weight behind Taiwan independence and force China into a war, just like Ukraine today.
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The Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) enables the Union to take a leading role in peace-keeping operations, conflict prevention and in the strengthening of the international security. It is an integral part of the EU's comprehensive approach towards crisis management, drawing on civilian and military assets.
That is why France is proposing to form an European Army which an outsider the US will have ZERO role.

Right now it is all up to the individual state within EU.

Your China is slooooow walking away from Russia. Neither Russia nor China expected the scale and swift global response to the Ukraine invasion. Whatever China is doing now ostensibly to 'help' Russia is nothing more than keeping open promises, but as time go by, once Russia occupy key Ukrainian cities and begin the brutality Russia is known for, we will see China more visibly move away from Russia. Of course, we can only wonder if China is working with US behind the scenes to convince the Russian military to 'disappear' Poutine, something China is also famously adept at. And do not deny this possibility because your China have no affection for Russia. You are as far apart as the poles but are together only for the face value.
So good you can predict the future? But since when does bloodthirsty communist China care about human rights and brutality? Lolol. Its just business okay, your enemies enemy is your friend. Simple as that, if they are willing to sell to us resources in Rmb, then let's rock babe.

You sound so desperate to get us to abandon Russia. Dude, if you wanna stop Russia then send some troops to Ukraine, don't bark around like a mad man..... Gosh fcking cowards.

I told you right, US only dare to bully small countries, when they face China or Russia, its just sanctions. Lololol
The very fact that China has already been maligned by the west gives it little incentive to shy away from the media campaign against Russia. UN delegates walking out is great time for a motion to vote in your favor. Remember Korea war? That was the stupid Russian walking out of the UNSC session.

The last thing China will allow is for the US to install a puppet in Moscow. Then China would not only be boxed in, but also its energy independence will be shattered. US would then be able to easily choke China off via embargos. All it needs to do is put its weight behind Taiwan independence and force China into a war, just like Ukraine today.
It is undeniable that today the US is terribly scared of China.

Biden Administration could not figure out what China will do next.

Imagine the US Secretary of State Anotony Blinken suddenly called up China FM Wang Ni to congratulate him on the successful hosting of Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic.


Yes. But it is all true.
The Russians gave the impression that they would be done with this invasion within two weeks and their current timeline and performance puts them at twenty weeks at the least.
In this World you are alone... Don't expect anyone to come to your rescue. Be strong. Be united. And make sure nobody messes with you .

That's the lesson here.
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Biden to host ASEAN leaders for Washington summit in March​

The White House says President Joe Biden will host the leaders of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations for a special summit in Washington, D
AAMER MADHANI Associated Press
February 28, 2022, 8:03 PM ET
• 2 min read

Proving that currently the US Administration is so out of touch with the reality with the rest of the world.

They could understand the ambivalence shown by the other members of ASEAN apart from Singapore over the issue of Ukraine.
BS EU is not a military bloc.
Russia will go bankrupt. Putin is delusional, how can Russia with much smaller economy, smaller than Spain, poorer than Romania, sustain an arms race with the West.

Germany can spend twice more money on the army alone. Now every country in Europa begins the military buildup.
Support for Russia from China won't be open and well known. If get caught, play ignorance. The key is to keep US focused and busy on Europe.

It is one thing to fight USA. It is another thing to fight USA and EU combined
most EU members are NATO members
Putin now resorting to nuclear blackmail. He goes crazy because the Russia assault stalls.

Now thing happens. Germany now buying F35 as nuclear bombers.

The world is overpopulated. Global warming coming.
Putin now resorting to nuclear blackmail. He goes crazy because the Russia assault stalls.

Now thing happens. Germany now buying F35 as nuclear bombers.

Putin can huff and puff. American nukes cancel Russian nukes
Putin can huff and puff. American nukes cancel Russian nukes
That’s the problem if you hand over the country to a spy. He distrusts everything he distrusts everybody he is not interested of making bread and butter. He brings now death and destruction to other and his Russia.

Other bad examples: a bus driver leads venezuela, a peasant leads China.
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