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As Russia’s isolation grows, China hints at limits of friendship

China already has a bilateral currency swap deal with China so Business is usual , currency transactions

Currency swap deal have currency exchange rate as well...against which currency they benchmark it against?
If China launched military action against Taiwan, it will expect similar sanctions that have been imposed on Russia.

China Will be eager to see how Russia copes.
China is 10 times bigger economy than Russia. China is world factory and NO.1 consumption market. The result of sanction to China for western countries is economic suicide.

U.S. Looks to Make China Pay for Close Ties to Russia in Ukraine Crisis

Feb. 27, 2022 3:12 pm ET

WASHINGTON–—The U.S. wants to pry China away from its tight partnership with Russia. One step, U.S. officials said, is making Beijing feel pain over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Washington is looking to gain from any divisions between Moscow and Beijing
I don't understand why these cunts are stupid, if you have a strategy don't announce.... We will be alert and find a way against it. Look at trump, his shock and awe tariffs caught us unprepared at first.
I don't understand why these cunts are stupid, if you have a strategy don't announce.... We will be alert and find a way against it. Look at trump, his shock and awe tariffs caught us unprepared at first.
These racist white supremacist Yankees think China is just a large weak third world "inferior Asian" country at best comparable to Japan or South Korea that they Yankees and indeed the whites in general such as Aussie and British can order China to do whatever they want China to do. This has been consistent in the ways these whites bigots when they always talk about and behave towards China and Chinese in denigrating and condescending manner. These whites bigots think they are the masters of Chinese and China. It's up to the Chinese gov and Chinese to fight back and give these whites bigots shit in kind.
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Currency swap deal have currency exchange rate as well...against which currency they benchmark it against?

New Financial Model coming for Euro-Asia
I anticipated it will come 40-45 years from now but seems like that Model will be here in next 3-5 years instead
These racist white supremacist Yankees think China is just a weak third world Asian country at best comparable to Japan or South Korea that they Yankees and indeed the whites can order China to do whatever they want China to do. This has been consistent in the ways these whites bigots when they always talk about China and Chinese in denigrating and condescending manner. These whites bigots think they are the masters of Chinese and China. It's up to the Chinese gov and Chinese to fight back and give these whites bigots shit in kind.
I think China is good to just act and talk less. Actions speak louder..... US basically lost the trade war and once semiconductor tech is complete, they have no more bargaining chips left.
The Americans seem to have nothing to do with the Russians and are pinning their hopes on China. Don't worry, China hasn't started yet. You won't have time to worry about the Russians when China does.:usflag:
I think China is good to just act and talk less. Actions speak louder..... US basically lost the trade war and once semiconductor tech is complete, they have no more bargaining chips left.
Your China is slooooow walking away from Russia. Neither Russia nor China expected the scale and swift global response to the Ukraine invasion. Whatever China is doing now ostensibly to 'help' Russia is nothing more than keeping open promises, but as time go by, once Russia occupy key Ukrainian cities and begin the brutality Russia is known for, we will see China more visibly move away from Russia. Of course, we can only wonder if China is working with US behind the scenes to convince the Russian military to 'disappear' Poutine, something China is also famously adept at. And do not deny this possibility because your China have no affection for Russia. You are as far apart as the poles but are together only for the face value.
The Americans seem to have nothing to do with the Russians and are pinning their hopes on China. Don't worry, China hasn't started yet. You won't have time to worry about the Russians when China does.:usflag:
China is already tainted with the charge of genocide. Once the Russian military secured key Ukrainian cities and begin executions, those who are wavering about China will inevitably wonder if the charge about China is true. Remember how those UN delegates got up and walked out when Russia started speaking? Now imagine even just 1/2 of them walks out on China.
Your China is slooooow walking away from Russia. Neither Russia nor China expected the scale and swift global response to the Ukraine invasion. Whatever China is doing now ostensibly to 'help' Russia is nothing more than keeping open promises, but as time go by, once Russia occupy key Ukrainian cities and begin the brutality Russia is known for, we will see China more visibly move away from Russia. Of course, we can only wonder if China is working with US behind the scenes to convince the Russian military to 'disappear' Poutine, something China is also famously adept at. And do not deny this possibility because your China have no affection for Russia. You are as far apart as the poles but are together only for the face value.

What is happening in Ukraine is same as Syria or Iraq or Libya
USA took a chance to weaken Russian Allies by a hasty War
It was not really hasty but a planned initiative in Pentagon
When certain chance presents itself these nations were to be targeted one way or other

In 90's USA went after Iraq , it was very cautious , but asked 50 other nations to join to not anger Russia

In 2000's , after weakening Iraq financially went it again in Iraq weakening Russian Ally

Then in 2010's it went after Syria & Libya via proxy warm against Russian , objections USA and collaborators , went ahead anyways

Now , the movie is reaching mid point , where Ukraine is being retaliated against by Russia

Russia has done same in Ukraine but in their case they ensure no Anti ICBM missiles are placed in Ukraine soil to intercept Russian self defense protocols

The images of war are impactful in any devastated country but to claim Ukraine is special case while others were "Not worthy" is not a valid argument

Don't see Ukraine as anything extra special , yes it is impacted by war but so were others
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China is already tainted with the charge of genocide. Once the Russian military secured key Ukrainian cities and begin executions, those who are wavering about China will inevitably wonder if the charge about China is true. Remember how those UN delegates got up and walked out when Russia started speaking? Now imagine even just 1/2 of them walks out on China.
Then what, will the US blame China too? Look how useful it is for Putin.

As the Chinese say, the US is like a dead duck, only its mouth is tough.8-)
If the Russian economy is collapsing as propagate by the BS Western Media, the Russians are not feeling it.
No bank run nor empty food shelves.
Stop kiding ourself.

The impact of high gas and energy prices will be felt all over EU and soon.

The end game is Ukraine like Yugoslavia will be splitted up into different states, shattered and Ukraine will have to declare its neutrality.
Russia will not object to Ukraine joining EU but NOT NATO.

This crisis may split up EU.

What a pity, US did it to stop Nordstream II and failing it stoke a war in Ukraine in order to impose sanction on Russia so that she won't be able to receive any payment for her gas.
If the Russian economy is collapsing as propagate by the BS Western Media, the Russians are not feeling it.
No bank run nor empty food shelves.
Stop kiding ourself.
But the Russians are feeling it.

Russia plans to temporarily block Western companies from exiting their investments in the country, as the government steps up the defense of its troubled economy and BP and others scramble to cut ties there.​
Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin told a government meeting Tuesday that Moscow is preparing a presidential decree that would temporarily limit the ability of foreign investors to sell Russian assets.​

Why are these companies not free to conduct business as they see fit?

The impact of high gas and energy prices will be felt all over EU and soon.

The end game is Ukraine like Yugoslavia will be splitted up into different states, shattered and Ukraine will have to declare its neutrality.
Russia will not object to Ukraine joining EU but NOT NATO.

This crisis may split up EU.

What a pity, US did it to stop Nordstream II and failing it stoke a war in Ukraine in order to impose sanction on Russia so that she won't be able to receive any payment for her gas.
Is 'may' the best you can do? You look at what is going on with the EU and you had to strain credulity, and possibly the fabric of space-time itself, to give us a 'may' on the end of the EU? Am tempted to ask the rhetorical 'Are you serious' but I believe you are serious. :lol:

Article 27 of the EU treaty is a mutual defense pact. Similar to Article 5 of NATO.

But Russia is fine with the EU but not NATO. How is that 'logical'? :rolleyes:
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