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As a Kashmiri, I ask, will my scars ever heal?

Its quite sad. Security forces have no respect or trust for local people and think they are all enemy. They have been there since 89 and have seen lot of terror and death of their comrades.

I was there when terror activities had nearly died down. A local kashmiri dude( tout) was taking me to his place which he agreed to rent for few days. I was stopped at a CRPF checkpost, was asked where I am from. One of the police was from my state, he proceeded to tell me 'why the fcuk are you here, there is nothing to see, and dont trust these bloody people'. I went with the dude anyway, when I was walking behind him in narrow gully of srinagar, I was wondering 'omg what if they kill me', coz only thing I heard about kashmir till then was terrorism.:pop:
When soldier is scared and frustrated then ti become biggest terrorist in uniform. Because he will kill someone to hide his inside unknown terror.
Do you ever think of the local of the FATA and North West Province where your Army, Airforce, ISI and again if that is not enough, you outsourced the killing of people from that region to NATO....Did you ever think about the local people and the suffering and hardship due to this military operation conducted since last 5-8 years...What can be the compelling reason that makes you use Airforce in your own country and again allowing outsiders to go on a killing spree within your own nation boundary.....What does it signify?? You do not respect the people and their sentiment when you allow outsiders to bombard into the locality and villages of NW region and FATA.....
Note: They have long left there homes, after which PAF and PA is conducting operations there. IDP's happily left there homes, they are happy to be a part of Pakistan, they happily left there everything behind. No PA did not kill our own, expect for terrorist in zarb-e-azb. I agree many innocent have died. Situation is much better, but in no way comparable to Kashmir and what your Army is doing to the locals.
Stupid fellow. He does not want his scars to heal, as well as that of others. Life is unfair, get used to it. Had there been no insurgency, there would not have been any CRPF in the first place. What has these self-declared journalists done about solving that problem ?
And here we have, lame attempt to portray effect as the cause.
Nope your army has illegally occupied kashmir it doesnot belong to india who you call terrorists are freedomfightera
Oh whatever sails your boat.... Keep this notion till eternity......
Thanks for tagging me here. :)

The title of this thread mislead me into believing that the article was about the plight of Kashmiri pandits.
Bilal bhat is unfortunate to have faced the wrath of AFSPA in the valley. Like everything else in this world, AFSPA has its pros and cons; IMO, the pros outweigh cons in this case.
Nobody can deny that the situation in Kashmir is volatile and to keep the situation under control,GoI has no other option other than reinforcing the land of kashmir with more security guards.
I support GoI's decision.
Thanks for tagging me here. :)

The title of this thread mislead me into believing that the article was about the plight of Kashmiri pandits.
Bilal bhat is unfortunate to have faced the wrath of AFSPA in the valley. Like everything else in this world, AFSPA has its pros and cons; IMO, the pros outweigh cons in this case.
Nobody can deny that the situation in Kashmir is volatile and to keep the situation under control,GoI has no other option other than reinforcing the land of kashmir with more security guards.
I support GoI's decision.
Well everyone is entitled to there own opinion, whether it is right or wrong in light of ground realities is a different thing.
I tagged you because a few days back there was this discussion about cutting Pakistan and India relations at all levels will sort everything but i felt that there are some issues that need to be addressed to achieve that goal. AND these can be resolved by mutual consent, i-e keep trying with the peace process and dialogue and hope that some day common sense will prevail.
that is a very defeatist and callous statement.
No sir.. That was a realistic comment.
You will never find answers to your questions unless you have the courage to embrace reality, stare at it's face and see it the way it is.
In context, bad things happen to good people. I met an accident once which sent a very close friend of mine to coma for a month and kept me hospitalized for 3 months, because some drunk fellow decided it will be cool idea to walk straight into the middle of a 4-lane highway. What can I say ? It's just that at times, you find yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time. Things happen. What do you do ? You twist and turn and crib and curse the whole World as if it is their fault ? No, you pick yourself up and get back to the game.
Well everyone is entitled to there own opinion, whether it is right or wrong in light of ground realities is a different thing.
I tagged you because a few days back there was this discussion about cutting Pakistan and India relations at all levels will sort everything but i felt that there are some issues that need to be addressed to achieve that goal. AND these can be resolved by mutual consent, i-e keep trying with the peace process and dialogue and hope that some day common sense will prevail.
68 years!!!
I have lost all hopes. :(

Deep down in my heart I do want Pak and India to come up with a pragmatic solution for Kashmir issue...but seems it works in the favour of some to keep Kashmir burning. Alas!

Sorry for the delay in reply, moi was travelling. :angel:
68 years!!!
I have lost all hopes. :(

Deep down in my heart I do want Pak and India to come up with a pragmatic solution for Kashmir issue...but seems it works in the favour of some to keep Kashmir burning. Alas!

Sorry for the delay in reply, moi was travelling. :angel:
no prob. i also just got back to about half an hour ago, was traveling myself. :)

Anyway, i hope i will be come back with a detailed reply tomorrow.
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