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As a Kashmiri, I ask, will my scars ever heal?

Only that this incident is fake.

The picture is a very famous and old one. Many have used it -

Now, let me tell you, the Army or the CRPF are not so naive. They have scanners in every post they man. They don't ask any question about guns (they can see through you) and don't let anyone near themselves other than checking the ID card. Simply to avoid suicide attacks. In case, a guy is caught with a gun (or something similar), he/she would have 'disappeared' by now and NOT lived to write sitting in Delhi (the author is a journalist in New Delhi). The counter terror apparatus is very effective in our country and this story is laughable.

Only the Jammu and Kashmir police frisk people before Shia festivals in Srinagar. Otherwise people are hardly frisked, let alone killed in the open. India is one of the few countries(if not the only one) to have defeated/subdued an Islamic insurgency. So please believe that we are capable.
Oh great more lies who are you trying to foll here buddy the likes of you even deny poshunpura incident and murder of innocent youth by hindu army

60,000 killed,1 million displaced, 6000 women raped that is kashmir under India
Its one thing coming from a now dead madman.

a madman whose state was invaded by 40+ nato militaries, preceeded by thousands of nato-created terrorists??

first as decided by western governments, he was a terrorist and then a madman... i don't see why pdf members should be echoing nato governments.

newsweek cover in 1981.png

Getting re-pasted by an Indian is pretty insulting to the memory our men in uniform who have died to protect Kashmir.

just about any kingdom or republic in history can say that.

solutions will not be arrived with nationalist sentiment.

No political party or populace group will now be able to compromise or give an inch on Kashmir.

aren't kashmiris a populace too??

May I say it aloud? Its the only thing on which the Indian Army, if ever, would rise against the civilian state. And the Pakistan Army would have nothing on it were (and if) that ever to happen one day.

what do you suggest then??

get pakistan to accept all india kashmiris into pakistan??

some other solution??
a madman whose state was invaded by 40+ nato militaries, preceeded by thousands of nato-created terrorists??

first as decided by western governments, he was a terrorist and then a madman... i don't see why pdf members should be echoing nato governments.

Man my interest in him is one step lower than a boil on my backside.

just about any kingdom or republic in history can say that.

This one is mine.

solutions will not be arrived with nationalist sentiment.

We don't need a solution where there is no problem.

aren't kashmiris a populace too??

As much as Maharashtrians and Bengalis are. Not a bit more.

what do you suggest then??

We kill where necessary. Let nature kill where inevitable and convenient. And stop the rest from doing anything silly in the interim.

The Pakistanis have given up and have neither the will nor the resources to wrest Kashmir from us militarily.

get pakistan to accept all india kashmiris into pakistan??

Those who want to leave are free to go. We have never stopped them leaving. They cannot come back.

some other solution??

There are many. Unleashing civil war on Kashmir followed by India's version of the Han solution is one.

Let's hope sanity prevails.
CRPF are only trained to kill innocent youngsters.
Whenever they face trained freedom fighter they piss in pants.
jhot kion boltay ho

its daily life for people in Indian Occupied Kashmir they are successor of dogras and they have continued dogra policies
And where did muslim of Kashmir came from? Dogras were just avenging the crimes done by muslim invaders!
And where did muslim of Kashmir came from? Dogras were just avenging the crimes done by muslim invaders!
Muslims are local hindus who converted to islam
And the highly Dravidian people in India's South and East should kick North Indians' a$$ to avenge Aryan invasion. :)
Here comes the resident semi literate,madrassah educated,mullah Jamaati GIRL poking her tiny nose into matters that are way above her tiny I.Q. level:lol::rofl:
Indian rule has nothing to do with dogras, we are not successor of dogras and you are not successor of bin qasim.

First of all I don't claim to be a successor of bin Qasim. As for Indian rule, then yes I do consider it just that. The Dogra regime had no right to hand over an occupied territory to another foreign nation just as the Nizam of Hyderabad had no right to court Pakistan after Independence.
Oh great more lies who are you trying to foll here buddy the likes of you even deny poshunpura incident and murder of innocent youth by hindu army

60,000 killed,1 million displaced, 6000 women raped that is kashmir under India
These nums still fall short to the reputation of Hindu army...... You must be seriously thinking to add one or two zero in above nums......
I m not for here to support any suppression but at the same am also not for succumbing to green coated terrorism in the valley..... Army was nowhere till 1989 ... Finally Kashmiris are reaping what they sowed(supporting terrorism actively n passively) back in those days when they felt almost bringing India to its knees ....... Days are gone now....
Any sane be it Pakistani or Indians should condemn the killing of any innocent but terrorism should be dealt without any mercy everywhere......
These nums still fall short to the reputation of Hindu army...... You must be seriously thinking to add one or two zero in above nums......
I m not for here to support any suppression but at the same am also not for succumbing to green coated terrorism in the valley..... Army was nowhere till 1989 ... Finally Kashmiris are reaping what they sowed(supporting terrorism actively n passively) back in those days when they felt almost bringing India to its knees ....... Days are gone now....
Any sane be it Pakistani or Indians should condemn the killing of any innocent but terrorism should be dealt without any mercy everywhere......
Nope your army has illegally occupied kashmir it doesnot belong to india who you call terrorists are freedomfightera
Very sad, indeed. Unfortunately the locals have to suffer the most.

Do you ever think of the local of the FATA and North West Province where your Army, Airforce, ISI and again if that is not enough, you outsourced the killing of people from that region to NATO....Did you ever think about the local people and the suffering and hardship due to this military operation conducted since last 5-8 years...What can be the compelling reason that makes you use Airforce in your own country and again allowing outsiders to go on a killing spree within your own nation boundary.....What does it signify?? You do not respect the people and their sentiment when you allow outsiders to bombard into the locality and villages of NW region and FATA.....

Again, i am not saying Kashmir are going through hardships...Most of the Indian people know that things are not nornal like other Indians in Kashmir...We are not inhuman either like Pakistan people are not so inhuman to their fellow brothers in NW and FATA region...But when we try to find a solution for it, we reach to a point where either we have to loose Kashmir valley and see our Indian loving Kashmir brothers getting killed at the cost of protecting the sentiment of those people who thinks that Indian Hindus are ought to be killed....Now, you can very well understand...we are human being...so we choose a lesser evil than the 2 choices where Army plays the game as to maintain the national integrity at the cost of human rights of anti Indian people...This is as simple as answer as you can expect...We can analze and keep on cribbing on PDF for 100 pages..but this is the ground reality..
Nope your army has illegally occupied kashmir it doesnot belong to india who you call terrorists are freedomfightera
If freedom fighting is involved in annihilation n exodus of local populace then I must want my forces to be more brutal than these scums would have ever thought......
If freedom fighting is involved in annihilation n exodus of local populace then I must want my forces to be more brutal than these scums would have ever thought......
Indian army is the foreign force which is rerrorizing local muslims
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