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Aryan invasion theory denial

These band members are Sindhi. Do you think they are practically identical to South Indians? And Sindhis are genetically even less closely related to south Indians than Punjabis. They have minimal ASI genetic make up, around 25%. South Indians are at 50-55% ASI. ASI genes are related to the Andaman Islanders. Of course, I don't mean any offence.

Nice song.
@Chak Bamu alot of insects like shivaji bhosde are cryin here..

Racial thread attract a lot of insects of all types. I can not get rid of these threads, so I keep clear unless there is something particularly offensive.

Seems like being a family is not good enough for humanity. Parts of it find pleasure in disrespecting others via racial / tribal / geographic BS.

Hum sab Adam ki aulad hain. Bat Khatam.
Earliest reference of the word Aryan comes from Rigveda of Hindus and Avesta of Zoroastrians both having a common Indo-Iranian origin. You better avoid writing when you don't know.

You ask some pure person to stop writing about his history yet here you are east benglai hindu refugee giving us lectures?
Find me better looking guy from Bengal or Bihar then Nuri Natt.

lol no, you are blind if you think these dark pakis look like South Indians. Skin colour is not the main thing which differentiate you from us. Do you think africans look like South Indians?

why don't look at the history of Bollywood there are numerous superhit Bengali-Bihari actors. Your noori nutt even didn't get a role in bollywood. Oye_natta dimag ke nut kas le tu.
Racial thread attract a lot of insects of all types. I can not get rid of these threads, so I keep clear unless there is something particularly offensive.

Seems like being a family is not good enough for humanity. Parts of it find pleasure in disrespecting others via racial / tribal / geographic BS.

Hum sab Adam ki aulad hain. Bat Khatam.

We are created differently so we can meet and know each other. Unfortunately Indians have a tendency to show all the negative aspects of their culture and manners.
why don't look at the history of Bollywood there are numerous superhit Bengali-Bihari actors. Your noori nutt even didn't get a role in bollywood. Oye_natta dimag ke nut kas le tu.

Beta i challange you to find handsome tall guy like Nuri natt from aryan Bihar/Bengal let alone dravidian South India.
And you base your knowledge off movies. :lol:

Let me tell you something bhaiya. In our culture, acting and dancing was done by people considered to be of low class.

If I wanted to be an actor or singer my elders would have threw me out of the house.

Razpakau I thought Gandasa movies are your pride.
Irrelevant how did Sanskrit develop and who played a part in its development? The first time arya word was used was by the Persians to describe their race this noble meaning only arose in the subcontinent which makes sense considering it is how the upper caste described themselves.
Indian use of this term is independent of Iranian use of it. The term ultimately derived from a proto Indo-Iranian root which had a different meaning than both Indian and Iranian ones. So neither meaning can be taken as the "original" one.

There's simply no reason to suggest that this word came to Sanskrit via Avestan. And considering that both Sanskrit and Avestan were contemporary languages neither meaning can be taken to have come first.
Razpakau I thought Gandasa movies are your pride.

This guy is also essentially a Gandasa-Gujjar badmaash film actor. He's classier than any badly dressed homo that bollywood has ever produced. Most of Bollywood big wigs have roots in Pakistan anyway. Lol.

Pure person wo kahan milega.

Land of pure mein. Anyway i see you make fun of our heroes, i challange you to find good loking aryan bengali/bihari hero aka from your land. I bet Nuri Natt is better looking then any of you midgets.
Beta i challange you to find handsome tall guy like Nuri natt from aryan Bihar/Bengal let alone dravidian South India.

Beta go watch the garbage of LOLywood, that can even match the movie of any any region of India.
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