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Aryan invasion theory denial

Here. Another photo to help you sleep at night.

Pure South Indian looking Pakistani, and representative of most Pakistanis right?

This one looks just like John Kerry :lol:
@ghoul Please don't barge into a conversation if you neither know the context nor the intent.

And why are you posting some politicians? Try and show someone similar from the pics posted by the Pakistani poster on that thread. Come back when you found someone.
@jammersat So turkish girls are more aryan than persian girls? There are lot of Turkish in Iran and they are ruling you?

Are you turk or persian? I heard there lot of black Iranians as well.
Iranian girls are just as crazy as white girls want to be , and yes the girls from tehran are all turks ,

I have a hard time differentiating between Iranian and Spanish girls sometimes. And boy, are they both beautiful!
@jammersat So turkish girls are more aryan than persian girls? There are lot of Turkish in Iran and they are ruling you?

Are you turk or persian? I heard there lot of black Iranians as well.
Depends on your point of view , like in the united states the common belief is that iran is comprised of suburban white turks and brown semitic people who live in inner cities , and that's somewhat true , turks rule iran
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