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Army takes a step back in Ladakh

pak is all prepared for a final push just after 2014..:pakistan:

provided sikhs and jatts are happy with your colorful but smelly democracy lead by cowards.

after 2014 ? we will be having modi as our p.m by then ... forget abt kashmir with modi as our p.m u guys will be fighting t safeguard karachiiii....:smitten:

sikhs jaats are more than happy to be wiith india... dnt worry abt them.... :P
Till today I am unable to understand what is going on in the roots. This is not an action from China but a reaction of something else, which must have provoked them first - What is that? Also Gen. Ishfaq Kyani had given a statement that we can defend our territory against every threat - that was a message to India but for doing that ? Why is China and Pakistan feeling offended or provoked ?? and if India is being provoked by China or Pakistan - for what

Can anybody put some light on the root cause of this boiling in this Pakistan-China-India equation?

This is what I understand in Summary.
There was some area between China and India which is considered disputed by China. So far Indians did not built permanent structure in that area, recently Indians built some structure there, in response China has put the tents to indicate that this land is disputed.

Now Indian media is not publishing this, I do not know if this is true or not, but heard from neutral sources.
This is what I understand in Summary.
There was some area between China and India which is considered disputed by China. So far Indians did not built permanent structure in that area, recently Indians built some structure there, in response China has put the tents to indicate that this land is disputed.

Now Indian media is not publishing this, I do not know if this is true or not, but heard from neutral sources.

for same reason there was a clash between BSF and BGB in 2001.

OK, as far as I understand:

1. there were 2 lines of control with a bufferzone in between - that's why the border is unmarked and disputed in the first place.

2. both sides patroled in the bufferzone previously with mutual understanding that none should build sth INSIDE the buffer zone - this was the statue quo

3. since 2008, India has buiilt an airbase about 200 meters in its side right next to the bufferzone - low IQ as it was the Chinese watched it with an amusement but did nothing since it, at least on paper, didn't affect the staue quo even though Indians were preparing to itch forward.

4. India, just like a thief, saw there was no reaction from China therefore started recently to have built permanent stuctures like bunkers etc INSIDE the buffer zone to protect its nearby airbase, thinking that CHina must be too busy with Japan and earthquake recues at the moment thus couldn't care less to this side. -- So now India started to steal lands in a sneaky and cunning (in fact low IQ) fashion as India usually does things!

More importantly, this act destroyed the statue quo.

5. when China was forced to react by erecting temp tents inside buffer zone to protest, BOTH Indian army AND Indian media stated massive daily lying campaign crying foe to the world that "CHina invaded India xxkm... or intruding xxxkm deep inside innocent india, etc. " taking the Bufferzone as sort of "de-facto Indian soil".

6. The lying Indian army then moved in comically :rofl: pretending being a victim of "Chinese Invasion", to have "flag meeting" with China demanding Chinese retreat, and proposing to Indian gov a military option ... - a "1962 v2.0" is underway.

7. After watching the lying Indian media, low IQ Indian mass and internet warriors, of course, got excited and started to protest burning Chinese flags, etc, forcing Indian gov to act.

8. Indian gov kept silent in the beginning because it knew the fabricated low iq lie but has no guts to tell the Indian mass.

9. the West also knew India was lying soon after the "inccident" thus kept silent, except 1 or 2 blog entries in the Economist or Dailymail to bash China a bit taking advantage of anything...as always.

10. Keeping bigger strategic pic (BRICS, etc) in mind, China, as usual, reacted with measured but firm steps demanding India to demantle the bunkers and return to the previous Statue quo, knowing that China has overall strategic advantage in DBO area either way.

11. Now the Chinese mass started to know truth and critise Chinese gov for being not tough enough and demanding dismember "India" as a fictional idea once for all, teaching low IQ AND lying Indians a lesson that will last for the rest of their natural lives. :lol:

So it could be more precise here and there, but basically this is the entire story.

So does it mean that it is we who intruded into Chinese side of LAC and you don't have guts to touch us.
So, what Bangladesh did? Handed over territory?

well that time India did not want to talk , wanted to show who is the dady, so tried to capture our villages when we protested against building structures, end result 16 BSF death in response to 2 BGB death and BGB was having picnic party in Assam, Tripura areas untill the Govt.to Govt. meeting took place.
well current situation seems very much interesting...china and india facing each other at one side,pak and ttp on another,nato,USA and afghanistan on third..seems like full fledge beginning of third world war (Allah forbid):sick:

Dont think So
NAto = taliban Only in Afg
Pakistan = TTP Only In Pak
China = India ( dont hve gutts why cz someone already deployed troops in ur territory and you are crying ) But if they go to war which is highly unlikely unless Japan and Us and some other nations wana mess with Nuclear state with a massive Force
Army takes a step back i thought we will be taking a step further forward
Good thing we have an aggressive media which discloses every cowardly step by GOI to sell off India. Today they are asking army to stop aggressive patrolling tommorrow they will ask them to retreat. Media is doing a good job keeping the temper high of Indian populace and our Netas have nowhere to hide.

Good thing we have an aggressive media which discloses every cowardly step by GOI to sell off India. Today they are asking army to stop aggressive patrolling tommorrow they will ask them to retreat. Media is doing a good job keeping the temper high of Indian populace and our Netas have nowhere to hide.
Yes, you thought India is a shupa-powa! :rofl:

But actually India is a clown and the PLA armor division is giving Indian Army a humiliating reality check.

What sort of reality check as India has crossed your LAC.
Yes, you thought India is a shupa-powa! :rofl:

But actually India is a clown and the PLA armor division is giving Indian Army a humiliating reality check.

I still think india is a developing country and still has a long way to go.

You have already earned enough for the day now shoo.. shoo.. go away come tommrrow we will help you earn more 50 cents
Yes, you thought India is a shupa-powa! :rofl:

But actually India is a clown and the PLA armor division is giving Indian Army a humiliating reality check.

where are your bombers equipped with ballastic missiles?? Wanna bomb delhi...don't you??
on topic: Indian army is seriously thinking to either cut off supply lines or do similar adventure at an identified disputed place once diplomacy fails to resolve this issue....just wait for some more days as this would be exercised in last when no option would be left.
where are your bombers equipped with ballastic missiles?? Wanna bomb delhi...don't you??
on topic: Indian army is seriously thinking to either cut off supply lines or do similar adventure at an identified disputed place once diplomacy fails to resolve this issue....just wait for some more days as this would be exercised in last when no option would be left.
You are correct. Indian Army cannot do anything in DBO because China deploys an armored division there. This is exactly why China chose DBO to make our move.

But Indian Army can attack PLA at other points along the LAC. This is what MMS warned against when he said the stand-off is a "local problem." Indian Army will probably escalate and make it a general conventional conflict. This will be the last mistake India makes as a unified country.

When the general conventional war breaks out China's rocket artillery will rain down on New Delhi, leveling most of its government buildings and leaving GOI no longer functional while separatist movements break out in many states and Pakistan attacks across the LOC and Rajasthan desert.
indian army taking a step back :D

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