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Army takes a step back in Ladakh

There have been three contestants for Ladakh. They are China, India and Pakistan. Among these three Pakistan long time ago recognized Chinese sovereignty on that vast land. So, technically speaking, Ladakh being a Chinese territory has been under Indian occupation, part of which now has been recovered by China.

abe,ladakh is not aksai chin..pak claims j & k,which includes ladakh...
I hope you try that. Siachen? :lol: Do you have any idea what your position on the Saltoro ridge is like?

India has may be a couple more peaks than Pakistan but towards west its all pakistan and also on the foot of saltoro ridge its covered on three sides by Pak army supported by 24/7 surveillance by means which even indians dont possess now if from shaksgam valley side and from aksai chin if china squeezes you guys downward there will be only two options either sacrifice hundreds of your soldiers like sheeps or withdraw yourself choice would be yours..But wisdom is read the signs and save huge life losses as pak is all prepared for a final push just after 2014..:pakistan:

But yes if you are happy in your dream world and are ignorant of facts thats your choice but in siachin and kashmir as a whole indians are trapped from three sides and any person who has even an iota of knowledge how military operations are planned would know how weak position indians are in that area and once things start rolling they wont stop unless you are down to haryana the place that belongs to india legally provided sikhs and jatts are happy with your colorful but smelly democracy lead by cowards.
I guess its the right time for Pak to squeeze indians from kargil and siachin and lets not repeat 1962 when we missed a golden chance to liberate kashmir.. I hope Imran comes in power and gives army full goahead and support by all means and we pakistani as a nation will stand by the side of our army and lets finish this decades old dispute by pushing these cowards all the way down till haryana...

No matter how pressed India would be, we cannot afford a war.....especially not for the Kashmiris unless they start their own war.
Omer Abdullah is not Pro Kashmir.. he is one Indian Gem. I would see what Hureat Conference would say about it.
India has may be a couple more peaks than Pakistan but towards west its all pakistan and also on the foot of saltoro ridge its covered on three sides by Pak army supported by 24/7 surveillance by means which even indians dont possess now if from shaksgam valley side and from aksai chin if china squeezes you guys downward there will be only two options either sacrifice hundreds of your soldiers like sheeps or withdraw yourself choice would be yours..But wisdom is read the signs and save huge life losses as pak is all prepared for a final push just after 2014..:pakistan:

But yes if you are happy in your dream world and are ignorant of facts thats your choice but in siachin and kashmir as a whole indians are trapped from three sides and any person who has even an iota of knowledge how military operations are planned would know how weak position indians are in that area and once things start rolling they wont stop unless you are down to haryana the place that belongs to india legally provided sikhs and jatts are happy with your colorful but smelly democracy lead by cowards.

Yawn. Bore someone else with these claims. I'm not impressed. Your stand up comedy does not even merit a laugh.
Till today I am unable to understand what is going on in the roots. This is not an action from China but a reaction of something else, which must have provoked them first - What is that? Also Gen. Ishfaq Kyani had given a statement that we can defend our territory against every threat - that was a message to India but for doing that ? Why is China and Pakistan feeling offended or provoked ?? and if India is being provoked by China or Pakistan - for what

Can anybody put some light on the root cause of this boiling in this Pakistan-China-India equation?
and any person who has even an iota of knowledge how military operations are planned would know how weak position indians are in

That's why your govt proposed bilateral withdrawal.
And BTW when Indian army would be fighting certainly IAF and IN will just watch the show and won't burn your country cause we are trapped :omghaha:
Not possible. Indians can't live without chinese goods, just like the Chinese can't live without the money those goods fetch.

Every Indian typing posting here uses computers who's parts are made in China. Indians cannot live without mobile phones, computers and many other things that China sells in India. (EVERY brand, even japanese or american ones, have chinese parts in them.)

And other than electronics, there are many other goods that Indians depend on China for. We can't afford to not do business with China. They are too big today for any country to cut business ties with them.

The issue will have to be solved diplomatically, or with military action. But even then, both countries will keep doing business. Trade is too important to be cut off, and both countries know that.

So much of Chinese low quality products, Indians have alternate markets like Taiwan. No need to fear here.
Till today I am unable to understand what is going on in the roots. This is not an action from China but a reaction of something else, which must have provoked them first - What is that? Also Gen. Ishfaq Kyani had given a statement that we can defend our territory against every threat - that was a message to India but for doing that ? Why is China and Pakistan feeling offended or provoked ?? and if India is being provoked by China or Pakistan - for what

Can anybody put some light on the root cause of this boiling in this Pakistan-China-India equation?

I wouldn't put too much weight to Gen.Kiyani's statements, such are par for the course in India-Pak banter. The China bit is another thing. Not really sure what the reason is there. There is no provocation worth risking a breakdown of relations contrary to what you might have read about aggressive Indian patrolling, observational posts & the like. Maybe the new leadership is trying to make a point. Stupid move anyways, relations between India & China will suffer even if the Chinese withdraw & they will have to anyways, whether now or later. Still can't fathom that out though.
Omer Abdullah is not Pro Kashmir.. he is one Indian Gem. I would see what Hureat Conference would say about it.

He is the elected representative of the people of Kashmir. As is the entire Jammu-Kashmir assembly (which pakistani terrorists have tried to assault multiple times, notably in the 2001 attack by jaish-e-muhammad).

The elected representaives of the Kashmiri people have spoken with one voice, and in the modern world, you cannot get a more authoritative voice than that of the legislators to represent the people.

And it is not just him, I gave you links about student bodies and many others protesting the chinese incursion, and asking the govt of India to take firm action.

They are NOT asking pakistan for help, if that is what you think.
Till today I am unable to understand what is going on in the roots. This is not an action from China but a reaction of something else, which must have provoked them first - What is that? Also Gen. Ishfaq Kyani had given a statement that we can defend our territory against every threat - that was a message to India but for doing that ? Why is China and Pakistan feeling offended or provoked ?? and if India is being provoked by China or Pakistan - for what

Can anybody put some light on the root cause of this boiling in this Pakistan-China-India equation?
China has a huge advantage in DBO because we deploy an armored division there. India did creeping annexation in the Eastern sector and at Chumar so China is punishing India at DBO by building an army outpost at the furthest point of the LAC on our side to neutralize India's nearby strategic airbase.
I dont know how it will go from here on,

but I know the final outcome would be China going out of Indian areas. How and when doesnt matter. The final outcome is clear.
I dont know how it will go from here on,

but I know the final outcome would be China going out of Indian areas. How and when doesnt matter. The final outcome is clear.
Keep praying to the heavens in your temple if that makes you feel better ;)

On Earth..... PLA rules Ladakh with our armored division! :china:

OK, as far as I understand:

1. there were 2 lines of control with a bufferzone in between - that's why the border is unmarked and disputed in the first place.

2. both sides patroled in the bufferzone previously with mutual understanding that none should build sth INSIDE the buffer zone - this was the statue quo

3. since 2008, India has buiilt an airbase about 200 meters in its side right next to the bufferzone - low IQ as it was the Chinese watched it with an amusement but did nothing since it, at least on paper, didn't affect the staue quo even though Indians were preparing to itch forward.

4. India, just like a thief, saw there was no reaction from China therefore started recently to have built permanent stuctures like bunkers etc INSIDE the buffer zone to protect its nearby airbase, thinking that CHina must be too busy with Japan and earthquake recues at the moment thus couldn't care less to this side. -- So now India started to steal lands in a sneaky and cunning (in fact low IQ) fashion as India usually does things!

More importantly, this act destroyed the statue quo.

5. when China was forced to react by erecting temp tents inside buffer zone to protest, BOTH Indian army AND Indian media stated massive daily lying campaign crying foe to the world that "CHina invaded India xxkm... or intruding xxxkm deep inside innocent india, etc. " taking the Bufferzone as sort of "de-facto Indian soil".

6. The lying Indian army then moved in comically :rofl: pretending being a victim of "Chinese Invasion", to have "flag meeting" with China demanding Chinese retreat, and proposing to Indian gov a military option ... - a "1962 v2.0" is underway.

9. the West also knew India was lying soon after the "inccident" thus kept silent, except 1 or 2 blog entries in the Economist or Dailymail to bash China a bit taking advantage of anything...as always.

10. Keeping bigger strategic pic (BRICS, etc) in mind, China, as usual, reacted with measured but firm steps demanding India to demantle the bunkers and return to the previous Statue quo, knowing that China has overall strategic advantage in DBO area either way.

11. Now the Chinese mass started to know truth and critise Chinese gov for being not tough enough and demanding dismember "India" as a fictional idea once for all, teaching low IQ AND lying Indians a lesson that will last for the rest of their natural lives. :lol:

So it could be more precise here and there, but basically this is the entire story.
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