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Arms Race in South Asia


PDF Associate
Feb 24, 2015
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Simple Solution : Donot try for a competition with India .
India wont attack other nations but dont try to provoke us for same.
Simple Solution : Donot try for a competition with India .
India wont attack other nations but dont try to provoke us for same.

We can provoke you as much as we like and you cant do squat

If you had the balls and the ability you would already have done so

Pakistan has built up considerable military strength in order to deal with india and the indian military knows of the consequences for india if it pushes its luck even if its fan boys are confused

Pakistans comments on the topic are valid and shrewd, Pakistan also to the best of its abilities is arming itself in order to defend against the threat, our comments let the world know that India is causing a problem and introducing weapons to the sub continent and you cant blame Pakistan if we do the same and expand our nuclear, military hardware in order to respond
We can provoke you as much as we like and you cant do squat

If you had the balls and the ability you would already have done so

any act of war is in the same dimension as provoking , in which case India will retaliate with 3x the military size of the Pakistani military. With both better tech and resources .
Pakistan has built up considerable military strength in order to deal with india and the indian military knows of the consequences for india if it pushes its luck even if its fan boys are confused

The indian military has built up its capabilities to deal with China , while Pakistan has already 3 strikes .

Pakistans comments on the topic are valid and shrewd, Pakistan also to the best of its abilities is arming itself in order to defend against the threat, our comments let the world know that India is causing a problem and introducing weapons to the sub continent and you cant blame Pakistan if we do the same and expand our nuclear, military hardware in order to respond
The reason Pakistan is choosing small tactical nukes is because the ever growing gap of arms in conventional warfare . Pakistan can't compete with India when it comes to budget .
Simple Solution : Donot try for a competition with India .
India wont attack other nations but dont try to provoke us for same.
Hindu is too mean to have it as a strong neighbor. We have ruled Hindus for centuries and you know from your heart that we will get you again. We prefer to compete you and determined to take you down one day. We are slowly getting there. We started our current journey with zero means and have been able to catch you up thus eroding your well established lead and technological superiority. We are now technologically roughly at par but we'll surpass you eventually. You did whatever you could to block, beat, and hurt us. But we have overrun all you schemes. You do whatever you can, we'll get you.
any act of war is in the same dimension as provoking , in which case India will retaliate with 3x the military size of the Pakistani military. With both better tech and resources .
Numbers dont always win you wars; although India has a military that is 3-4 times larger than Pakistan : it can only deploy a segment of it due to India's large geographic size.

The reason Pakistan is choosing small tactical nukes is because the ever growing gap of arms in conventional warfare . Pakistan can't compete with India when it comes to budget .
Pakistan is developing tactical nukes - because our Eastern Border is vulnerable to an invasion due to majority of our military resources and focus being spent into the ongoing war on the Western Border. It is seen as a temporary and cost efficient measure.

It has little to do with the 'growing gap'; Indians pride themselves on their 'budget' but totally forget that a 45 Billion Dollar budget is considered peanuts for the largest military in the world (by numbers). The fact that majority of the Indian army doesnt even have proper vests and helmets - exactly highlight that. Not to mention that the Indian military is physically and mentally eroded.
Simple Solution : Donot try for a competition with India .
India wont attack other nations but dont try to provoke us for same.
India should stop installing puppet government in the region and try to resolve disputes rather than create them
Last time I checked, Pakistan's 'nuclear build-up' is more than India's.....so Pakistan is provoking the 'arms race' undermining stability of the region, BUT India is not even following, we're not focusing on building more nuclear weapons, we're just perfecting our 'throwing and blocking' skills :D
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any act of war is in the same dimension as provoking , in which case India will retaliate with 3x the military size of the Pakistani military. With both better tech and resources .

The indian military has built up its capabilities to deal with China , while Pakistan has already 3 strikes .

The reason Pakistan is choosing small tactical nukes is because the ever growing gap of arms in conventional warfare . Pakistan can't compete with India when it comes to budget .

I think your confused how significant Pakistans conventional strength is, Pakistan is well stocked and prepared to toast your military if it comes our way

Your military knows this and knows of the consequences of any misadventure

The tactical nukes are to fry a mass of your troops, we have alot of options to achieve the same result
We can provoke you as much as we like and you cant do squat

If you had the balls and the ability you would already have done so

Pakistan has built up considerable military strength in order to deal with india and the indian military knows of the consequences for india if it pushes its luck even if its fan boys are confused

Pakistans comments on the topic are valid and shrewd, Pakistan also to the best of its abilities is arming itself in order to defend against the threat, our comments let the world know that India is causing a problem and introducing weapons to the sub continent and you cant blame Pakistan if we do the same and expand our nuclear, military hardware in order to respond

Then donot complain and whin about India's weapons development program .Donot blame us for our smart diplomatic moves .
We had balls and we already proved that multiple times through multiple way .Major one was in 1971 .
Neither GoI nor Indians cares about your boasting about military strength.

Do whatever you want .
Who cares ?
India's pursuit for most modern weapons and R&D is our own affair and we dont care what you thinks or world thinks .
Go and shout anywhere in this world about our programs .Who cares ?


Hindu is too mean to have it as a strong neighbor. We have ruled Hindus for centuries and you know from your heart that we will get you again. We prefer to compete you and determined to take you down one day. We are slowly getting there. We started our current journey with zero means and have been able to catch you up thus eroding your well established lead and technological superiority. We are now technologically roughly at par but we'll surpass you eventually. You did whatever you could to block, beat, and hurt us. But we have overrun all you schemes. You do whatever you can, we'll get you.

Same old :blah::blah::blah::blah:.
You started with zero and two land mass .And now you are still in zero and one land mass .Nice improvement .
You are welcome to drain all of your money in the name of misplaced ego and idealogy.


Hindu is too mean to have it as a strong neighbor. We have ruled Hindus for centuries and you know from your heart that we will get you again. We prefer to compete you and determined to take you down one day. We are slowly getting there. We started our current journey with zero means and have been able to catch you up thus eroding your well established lead and technological superiority. We are now technologically roughly at par but we'll surpass you eventually. You did whatever you could to block, beat, and hurt us. But we have overrun all you schemes. You do whatever you can, we'll get you.

Same old :blah::blah::blah::blah:.
You started with zero and two land mass .And now you are still in zero and one land mass .Nice improvement .
You are welcome to drain all of your money in the name of misplaced ego and idealogy.

Another set of conspiracy theories :lol::lol::lol::lol:
Numbers dont always win you wars; although India has a military that is 3-4 times larger than Pakistan : it can only deploy a segment of it due to India's large geographic size.

You do realize 45% of the army are placed in the Pakistani & loc border. Logically India can mobilise or respond way faster than Pakistan can.

Pakistan is developing tactical nukes - because our Eastern Border is vulnerable to an invasion due to majority of our military resources and focus being spent into the ongoing war on the Western Border.

If India wanted to invade it would have done it long ago , the reason for the simla agreement in 71 was to prevent a another war . The closest thing of the invasion India could do is take over mountain posts for strategic advantage .
It has little to do with the 'growing gap'; Indians pride themselves on their 'budget' but totally forget that a 45 Billion Dollar budget is considered peanuts for the largest military in the world (by numbers).

Keep telling yourself that , India has the 5th biggest budget in the world , ridding 51 billion dollars . Apart from USA no one dwarfs India .Also India has the 2nd largest military . In fact USA has the budget equal to the the descending 13 budgets .

The fact that majority of the Indian army doesnt even have proper vests and helmets - exactly highlight that. Not to mention that the Indian military is physically and mentally eroded.

I think you have spent too much time in pfd your mind has eroded .makes sense its just like north Korea when the military is lacking just spread propaganda to fool its people . Using retarded arguments as mental erosion proves how delusional you are .

I think your confused how significant Pakistans conventional strength is, Pakistan is well stocked and prepared to toast your military if it comes our way
When it comes to stocks , let's just say India has a warehouse while Pakistan has a shack.unlike you I don't need to make up conspiracies , the arms gap with India & pakistan is a well established fact .
The tactical nukes are to fry a mass of your troops, we have alot of options to achieve the same result
Sure you do , like calling your army of pigeons. You need the nukes since you are outnumbered .
any act of war is in the same dimension as provoking , in which case India will retaliate with 3x the military size of the Pakistani military. With both better tech and resources .

The indian military has built up its capabilities to deal with China , while Pakistan has already 3 strikes .

The reason Pakistan is choosing small tactical nukes is because the ever growing gap of arms in conventional warfare . Pakistan can't compete with India when it comes to budget .
Same applies for you

It's you who brought nuke race in Asia no deal with it

India is a problem for other countries in this region
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