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Clearly I know more about this than you. If Kurds have so much rights, why do they want independence? What the BDP party says is different from what it feels. Clearly it has to lie, because of article 301. Lol, and you say you know about Turkiye....

Yeah, i can see that...

I didn't say Kurds have so much rights, but they are gaining their rights. The Kurdish education was part of it.

Is that article 301 valid for PKK too? Because even PKK don't want independence. They are claiming that they are fighting for the rights of the Kurds.
Perspectives perspectives perspectives, not everybody has to think like that, think about some of the countries you know, how many of them would willingly abonden the lands they legally own ?

Basic rights is a different case, asking for basic rights and cancel of discrimination is rightful, but if you have all of them or you can have them and still asking for indenpendence its means you're just a nutcase with a premature nationalist brain.

Disagreed. Turkey does not have the right to tell Kurdish people that their opinion does not matter. All people should have the right to self-determinism

Yeah, i can see that...

I didn't say Kurds have so much rights, but they are gaining their rights. The Kurdish education was part of it.

Is that article 301 valid for PKK too? Because even PKK don't want independence. They are claiming that they are fighting for the rights of the Kurds.

Apparently, they are not being gained fast enough. In fact, they want independence BECAUSE of a lack of rights. The two are inter-related. Of course PKK want independence. It's in their charter.

As I said after having all of them if you're still asking for indenpedence, its just about nationalist power hunger, not a sane country would willingly give up on its legal lands for just some nuts without a good excuse.

As I said after having all of them if you're still asking for indenpedence, its just about nationalist power hunger, not a sane country would willingly give up on its legal lands for just some nuts without a good excuse.

Why are you saying after "having them all." Kurds have next to no rights in Turkiye. That hypothetical is so unlikely that it is not even worth analyzing.
Why are you saying after "having them all." Kurds have next to no rights in Turkiye. That hypothetical is so unlikely that it is not even worth analyzing.
You don't know what are you talking about. Ethnic Kurds have every single right i have. Free healthcare and education, anything because they have the same ******* citizenship with me. Just because we don't teach kurdish in schools doesn't mean we are assimilating or killing them that's absurd.
Why are you saying after "having them all." Kurds have next to no rights in Turkiye. That hypothetical is so unlikely that it is not even worth analyzing.

Dude you are seriously a moron. We also have Kurdish member here, TrMhMt was the nick if i'm not mistaken. I would like to read his answers to your idiotic claims.
We are not againts that, but after all this time we cannot negotiate with armed terrorists, first they should drop the weapons, actually they should done it long before, right after the effects of coup removed, they could ask for basic rights in peacefull ways, instead they gained the hate of people by killing civilians and soldiers, kidnapping, bombing.
We are not againts that, but after all this time we cannot negotiate with armed terrorists, first they should drop the weapons, actually they should done it long before, right after the effects of coup removed, they could ask for basic rights in peacefull ways, instead they gained the hate of people by killing civilians and soldiers, kidnapping, bombing.

Where were these shining morals when you were committing genocides?
We have different perspectives on that genocide issue, don't drag this, we already went off topic enough.
We have different perspectives on that genocide issue, don't drag this, we already went off topic enough.

Your (and Turkey's) perspective is irrelevant. Of course the accused nation will deny that genocide happened. Guilty people deny. Let me ask you something. Why do 21 developed nations recognized the Genocide? Do they have some secret vendetta against Turkiye or insatiable love for Armenia? No. It's because those nations were strong enough to resist Turkish lobby and look at the facts. And don't tell me its because of Armenian lobby: we are only prevelant in France and US. In fact, 10% of German population is Turk, yet they recognized Genocide because it's the truth.

This is what I dislike about Kemalism: there is a focus on forgetting the past. Only guilty people want to forget the past. You know why Armenian's were not able to move on? Because Turks killed most of our population and stole 90% of our land. And you dare talk about Dashnaks. Dashnaks were nothing compared to Enver and Talaat Pasha. The Dashnaks were nothing more than hitman that killed some high ranking Ottomans responsible for the genocide.

Forced migration? I have been to Deir-ez-Zor and I have seen the death camps. Don't lie to me.
I said don't drag this to that thread , because it will start another flame war, you're free to believe whatever you want, its not concerns us.
I said don't drag this to that thread , because it will start another flame war, you're free to believe whatever you want, its not concerns us.

My point is that Turks cannot talk about rights or territorial integrity when they have committed genocide and denied it. Oh, and I don't care what you said for me to do or not to do. I'll talk about whatver I want.
We can talk about whatever we want, its our inferior business.

If you want to talk about that, do it in another thread, its irrevelant to that topic.
My point is that Turks cannot talk about rights or territorial integrity when they have committed genocide and denied it. Oh, and I don't care what you said for me to do or not to do. I'll talk about whatver I want.

Keep talking that's all you can do. But also check if those same devoloped countries recognized PKK as a terror organization before defining them as freedom-fighters.
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