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Armenians kill five Azeri soldiers

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danishma eshayin goti !

nia namos sozi deyisan ?

sizon liaghatoz ela haman elhamaliov dir :meeting:

İndi güya öz dilimizdə danışırsan fars iti, nə yazdığın bəlli deyil. Mən sənə dilimizi yaxşı öyrədərəm.

Götverənlik edəndə tam eləmeyibsən, belə yarımçılıq öyrənibsən dili.
lan Soeil satildin mi lan sen , niye bukadar fars gotu yaliyon , sen oz ve oz Azeri Turkusun
give me your address :enjoy:

danishma eshayin goti !

nia namos sozi deyisan ?

sizon liaghatoz ela haman elhamaliov dir :meeting:

senin götüne interneti bağlar dünyadaki bütün azeri türklerine siktirerem seni :wave:
Iranians cant even fight they are good at writing poems , nice we like to listen to them hahah

U funny bro. 12.000 Persians against 300.000 Turks:

The First Perso-Turkic War was fought during 588-589 between the Sassanid Persians and Hephthalite principalities and its lord the Western Turkic Khaganate. The conflict started with the invasion of the Persian Empire by the Turks and ended with a decisive Sassanid victory and the conquest of the Eastern Turks.

In 558, Khosrau I, Shah of Sassanid Persia, allied with the Western Turkic Khaganate to defeat the Hephthalites. The campaign was successful and the region north of the Oxus went to the Turks and the south came under Sassanid rule. However, in the 580's, the Turks once again commenced with their raids on the Silk Road and in 588, the Hephthalites, who were now part of the Western Turkic Khaganate, invaded the empire once more.

Bahram Chobin was chosen to lead an army against them. According to Shahbazi, Bahram's army consisted of 12,000 hand picked Savaran, Persia's elite soldiers. His army ambushed a large army of Turks and Hephthalites in April 588, at the battle of Hyrcanian rock, and again in 589, capturing Balkh and Herat respectively. He then proceeded to cross the Oxus river and managed to repulse the Turkic Invasion.

It is reputed that an arrow shot by Bahram killed the Eastern Turkic Khagan , Bagha/Yabghu Qaghan, known as Ch'u-lo-hou by the Chinese .

Ferdowsi's Shahnameh (C.E. 1010) describes in legendary detail the dealings of Bahram Chubin and the Turkic "King Sawa" before and during the battle in which Bahram with his 12,000 kills Sawa.

Descended from the House of Mihran, one of the Seven Parthian clans, his first great victory came in Herat in 589, which is reported in a number of sources.[2] He successfully defeated a large Göktürk army in great Turkish War. Reportedly, the Turkish forces outnumbered his troops five to one. Relying on the discipline and superior training of his Persian Cataphract cavalry, Bahram trapped and defeated the Turks, killing the Göktürk Bagha/Yabghu Qaghan.

First Perso-Turkic War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

U guys just were lucky that the Iranians - after 1000 years of ruling in the Middle East - were past their peak. When we fought the Romans and Greeks nobody had heard of the Turks. You guys can watch again 1000 years of Iranian ruling in the Middle East.

Second Persian-Turkic war. Now 2000 Iranians against 300.000 Turks:

The Second Perso-Turkic War began in 619 with an invasion of Sassanid Persia by the Göktürks and Hephthalites under Tong Yabghu. The war ended with the defeat of the Turks and Hephthalites by the Sassanids under Persian Satrap General Smbat Bagratuni.

Having lost the first war against Persia during the First Perso-Turkic War, 30 years earlier, the invaders sought to change their fortunes while Persia was engaged fighting the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire. They invaded eastern Persia with a large number of men, but were defeated in the first battle near the fort of Tus in Khorasan by a force of 2,000 Savaran (elite heavy cavalry). Having lost this battle, the Turks and Hephthalites requested reinforcements from the Khagan. Sebeos exaggerates that 300,000 troops were sent to reinforce the invading army.

This force soon overran Khorasan as well as the fort of Tus with its 300 defenders under prince Datoyan. However, the Turks withdrew after their raids, which went as far as Isfahan. Smbat quickly reorganized the eastern Persian forces and finally crushed the Turks and Hephthalites, reportedly killing their leader in hand-to-hand combat.

After the death of their leader, which shattered troop morale, the Turks and Hephthalites retreated in a disorderly manner. The Savaran pursued them, routed them and killed many.

U funny bro. 12.000 Persians against 300.000 Turks

I guess after their defeat against Greeks and Greeks being Greeks making it like they fought against the army of god with hundreads of thausands of soldiers, Persian tried to copy them :D

Maybe you should make a film about Over 9000 Brave Persians :D
Yes, and they all were culturally Persian, not Turkish:

Turko-Persian tradition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Persian culture always dominated the Turks. They died for Iran, not for Turks.

It seems you smoke marihuana in the Netherlands a lot :drag: I have read your posts and your claims are nothing but nonsense. You made Seljucks, Timurids, Qara Qoyunlu, Aq Qoyunlu etc. Persian. I think you clearly do not know anything about turkish history. I have seen enough Iranian and interestingly almost all of them overestimate persians, manipulate the history and claim whatever they believe is correct. You just misunderstand and misinterpret the history. The cultural interactions and exchanges took place in our regions. For example Great Seljuks were using Arabic language for science and religion, Persian language for literature, Turkish as the language of everyday conversation in the palace and the army. But it does not mean that Seljucks became Persian because they used Persian for literature.

I know nothing can change your mind. Just wanted to mention what the truth is.
U funny bro. 12.000 Persians against 300.000 Turks:

First Perso-Turkic War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

U guys just were lucky that the Iranians - after 1000 years of ruling in the Middle East - were past their peak. When we fought the Romans and Greeks nobody had heard of the Turks. You guys can watch again 1000 years of Iranian ruling in the Middle East.

Second Persian-Turkic war. Now 2000 Iranians against 300.000 Turks:

Second Perso-Turkic War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Persians beat the GökTurks :cheesy:. Thats typical parsi BSHIt story.
It seems you smoke marihuana in the Netherlands a lot :drag: I have read your posts and your claims are nothing but nonsense. You made Seljucks, Timurids, Qara Qoyunlu, Aq Qoyunlu etc. Persian. I think you clearly do not know anything about turkish history. I have seen enough Iranian and interestingly almost all of them overestimate persians, manipulate the history and claim whatever they believe is correct. You just misunderstand and misinterpret the history. The cultural interactions and exchanges took place in our regions. For example Great Seljuks were using Arabic language for science and religion, Persian language for literature, Turkish as the language of everyday conversation in the palace and the army. But it does not mean that Seljucks became Persian because they used Persian for literature.

I know nothing can change your mind. Just wanted to mention what the truth is.

In the 10th century the Seljuqs migrated from their ancestral homelands into mainland Persia, in the province of Khurasan, where they mixed with the local population and adopted the Persian culture and language in the following decades

After arriving in Persia, the Seljuqs adopted the Persian culture and used the Persian language as the official language of the government, and played an important role in the development of the Turko-Persian tradition which features "Persian culture patronized by Turkic rulers." Today, they are remembered as great patrons of Persian culture, art, literature, and language and are regarded as the ancestors of the Western Turks – the present-day inhabitants of Azerbaijan, Turkey, and Turkmenistan.

Seljuq dynasty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

E.J.W. Gibb, the author of the standard A Literary History of Ottoman Poetry:

According to Gibb in the introduction (Volume I):

''the Turks very early appropriated the entire Persian literary system down to its minute detail, and that in the same unquestioning and wholehearted fashion in which they had already accepted Islam.''

The Saljuqs had, in the words of the same author:

''Attained a very considerable degree of culture, thanks entirely to Persian tutorage. About the middle of the eleventh century they [that is, the Saljuqs] had overrun Persia, when, as so often happened, the Barbarian conquerors adopted the culture of their civilized subjects. Rapidly the Seljuq Turks pushed their conquest westward, ever carrying with them Persian culture...o, when some hundred and fifty years later Sulayman's son [the leader of the Ottomans]... penetrated into Asia Minor, they [the Ottomans] found that although Seljuq Turkish was the everyday speech of the people, Persian was the language of the court, while Persian literature and Persian culture reigned supreme. It is to the Seljuqs with whom they were thus fused, that the Ottomans, strictly so called, owe their literary education; this therefore was of necessity Persian as the Seljuqs knew no other. The Turks were not content with learning from the Persians how to express thought; they went to them to learn what to think and in what way to think. In practical matters, in the affairs of everyday life and in the business of government, they preferred their own ideas; but in the sphere of science and literature they went to school with the Persian, intent not merely on acquiring his method, but on entering into his spirit, thinking his thought and feeling his feelings. And in this school they continued so long as there was a master to teach them; for the step thus taken at the outset developed into a practice; it became the rule with the Turkish poets to look ever Persia-ward for guidance and to follow whatever fashion might prevail there. Thus it comes about that for centuries Ottoman poetry continued to reflect as in a glass the several phases through which that of Persia passed...o the first Ottoman poets, and their successors through many a generation, strove with all their strength to write what is little else than Persian poetry in Turkish words. But such was not consciously their aim; of national feeling in poetry they dreamed not; poetry was to them one and indivisible, the language in which it was written merely an unimportant accident.''

You need to read some books.
keep going on your nonsense...

Just ignore the facts stated by many respected historians. We Persians civilized you Turks. Be thankful.

''Attained a very considerable degree of culture, thanks entirely to Persian tutorage. About the middle of the eleventh century they [that is, the Saljuqs] had overrun Persia, when, as so often happened, the Barbarian conquerors adopted the culture of their civilized subjects. Rapidly the Seljuq Turks pushed their conquest westward, ever carrying with them Persian culture...o, when some hundred and fifty years later Sulayman's son [the leader of the Ottomans]... penetrated into Asia Minor, they [the Ottomans] found that although Seljuq Turkish was the everyday speech of the people, Persian was the language of the court, while Persian literature and Persian culture reigned supreme. It is to the Seljuqs with whom they were thus fused, that the Ottomans, strictly so called, owe their literary education; this therefore was of necessity Persian as the Seljuqs knew no other. The Turks were not content with learning from the Persians how to express thought; they went to them to learn what to think and in what way to think. In practical matters, in the affairs of everyday life and in the business of government, they preferred their own ideas; but in the sphere of science and literature they went to school with the Persian, intent not merely on acquiring his method, but on entering into his spirit, thinking his thought and feeling his feelings. And in this school they continued so long as there was a master to teach them; for the step thus taken at the outset developed into a practice; it became the rule with the Turkish poets to look ever Persia-ward for guidance and to follow whatever fashion might prevail there. Thus it comes about that for centuries Ottoman poetry continued to reflect as in a glass the several phases through which that of Persia passed...o the first Ottoman poets, and their successors through many a generation, strove with all their strength to write what is little else than Persian poetry in Turkish words. But such was not consciously their aim; of national feeling in poetry they dreamed not; poetry was to them one and indivisible, the language in which it was written merely an unimportant accident.''

I sleep, woke up and you're still continuing these retarded arguments, these are natural processes when will you understand it ? like the Latin in Europe or French in medieval Britain, these are have nothing with identity, Persian and Arabic were already established languages in middle east, normally when Turks started to establish settled islamic realms they influenced from already established systems, when they started to study in madrassas they learned those languages, because they were there before them.

And the Ottoman Empire is not Persianate, whoever told this just based his argument on literature, Ottoman Empire gathered many elements from many culture on itself, all of these elements also influenced their subjects, such as today's Balkanians.

And after all these retarded arguments you still want Azeris to be loyal to Iran ? deny their identity, insult them and expect loyalty.
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