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Arjun tank numbers predicted to rise to 500

An Indian stating China is "3rd world" shows how far you are removed from reality.

I would rather have decent Chinese systems in front line service that Pakistan can make, then "indigenous" systems (US Engine, Israeli radar etc) that never seem to make it to front line service.

124 Arjuns (in a training regiment) v 600 Al KHALIDS in 12 fighting regiments
30 LCAs in 1.5 IOC units v 8 JF-17 Fighter squadrons

You also forget only 15%-20% of Indian equipment is classed as "modern", this stat is by your own vice Army Chief

15 IAF squadrons are still MIG-21 Jaguars
60% of tanks are still T-72
WWII Sterling and Bren guns are still in very widespread service

80% of PLAAF is 4th Gen or 5th Gen now.

Time to wake up to reality

The Al Khalids have a habit of spontaneously combusting is what I heard. You had to add a fire alwarm to get the crews out in time.
please example the many technical issues,we have

our warships are magnificent and have been so for over 2 decades

dhruv yes has crashes but we have over 200 serving now our satalites and radars.work well

our tejas has,never crashed in two decades
Astra bvr is replacing older legacy bvr a from.russia and even Israel.

Arjun now with 90 improvements is the best tank we have even Above t90

Let me know if you require more examples, I have so many....
The Al Khalids have a habit of spontaneously combusting is what I heard. You had to add a fire alwarm to get the crews out in time.

Please provide just one link. "Is what I have heard" sounds like made up Indian BS.

Let me know if you require more examples, I have so many....

Please provide just one link. "Is what I have heard" sounds like made up Indian BS.

'almost all projectiles can penetrate it'


Let me know if you require more examples, I have so many....

Please provide just one link. "Is what I have heard" sounds like made up Indian BS.

Absolute nonsense examples

Tejas Shortcoming is not technical issue

Shortcoming in tejas was hard points and range addressed with 3 more hardpoints and more fuel due to larger frame. Technically Tejas is ahead of both your block 1 & 2 with superior FCS more composits. etc

Re : Arjun we have 3 batches on order SO get your fact right

123 mark 1 in service
118 mark1a in service or being delivered
118 pending order mark 2 as per news 4th february 2021

Techincal issues did not stop a 6billion dollatr order for mark1a lst week
The Al Khalids have a habit of spontaneously combusting is what I heard. You had to add a fire alwarm to get the crews out in time.

Are you confusing alkhalid with Arjun again........ my cousin served in an armored unit in Sind with al Khalid’s the crews loved them. They were some issues about 25 years ago with transmissions but they were resolved in a few years(early 2000).

Just for refrence Pakistan has been building, maintaining and using alkhalid original for over 25 years now. We have over 500 example how many Arjun’s are in service with India? How many years of service ?

come on dude there is no comparison between an operationally battle tested tank and something that is still on paper. India says that the kunchin armor is good but there is no independently verified proof. Alkhalids have served in multiple operations against Indian paid and controlled terrorists of the bla and ttp. They have been hit by multiple rpgs.

Are you confusing alkhalid with Arjun again........ my cousin served in an armored unit in Sind with al Khalid’s the crews loved them. They were some issues about 25 years ago with transmissions but they were resolved in a few years(early 2000).

Just for refrence Pakistan has been building, maintaining and using alkhalid original for over 25 years now. We have over 500 example how many Arjun’s are in service with India? How many years of service ?

come on dude there is no comparison between an operationally battle tested tank and something that is still on paper. India says that the kunchin armor is good but there is no independently verified proof. Alkhalids have served in multiple operations against Indian paid and controlled terrorists of the bla and ttp. They have been hit by multiple rpgs.


nope. There were many issues with fire and combustion, i'm trying to get the link. Plus, putting it against rag tag rebels doesn't make it battel tested. I can't field a T90 against a mailk maid and call it battle tested. If the current news is true then at least 500 Arjuns will serve in IA. That equalizes the deployment numbers with Al Khalid.
An Indian stating China is "3rd world" shows how far you are removed from reality.

I would rather have decent Chinese systems in front line service that Pakistan can make, then "indigenous" systems (US Engine, Israeli radar etc) that never seem to make it to front line service.

124 Arjuns (in a training regiment) v 600 Al KHALIDS in 12 fighting regiments
30 LCAs in 1.5 IOC units v 8 JF-17 Fighter squadrons

You also forget only 15%-20% of Indian equipment is classed as "modern", this stat is by your own vice Army Chief

15 IAF squadrons are still MIG-21 Jaguars = 8 sqds
60% of tanks are still T-72 = 40%
WWII Sterling and Bren guns are still in very widespread service = mixing up 1970s photos of police or para military or prove it

80% of PLAAF is 4th Gen or 5th Gen now. = 65% 4th generation & 5% j20 ( poor mans f22)

Time to wake up to reality



let me break down $18 billion for new weapons alone
$65 billion in total budget
$18 billion for pensions and salaries


PAKISTAN total budget claim $9 billion
3.25% of GDP

i mean come on man $9 billion to pay and equip 600000 people ARE YOU SERIOUS
People are wasting time on a few most delusional PDF Indians.
Maverick, dark1, waiting for jackdaw, lol..
Infamous unbelievable creatures.
'almost all projectiles can penetrate it'

nope. There were many issues with fire and combustion, i'm trying to get the link. Plus, putting it against rag tag rebels doesn't make it battel tested. I can't field a T90 against a mailk maid and call it battle tested. If the current news is true then at least 500 Arjuns will serve in IA. That equalizes the deployment numbers with Al Khalid.
okay please find the link.

so Pakistan now has today not in 10 years today

-500 alkhalid originals
-45 alkhalid 1 planned to deploy 200-300 of these + upgrading of the existing ones to this standard.
50 vt4s planned 100-200+600 ish alkhalid 2 with upgraded

so by the time 500 outdated, big and slow Arjun’s are inducted Paksitan will have about a 1000+ bee modern tanks with active protection

this is a zero sum game that India is losing.

On fighting against Indian trained ttp a d bla terrorists is concerned the quality of these terrorists is a clear reflection of the Indian army’s training provided to them.

So you are admiring that the Indian training is shit and the alkhalids will walk over India. Armor.

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According to Indian logic that also means India realized that an outdated tank like the T-90 wont even hold up against a ZTQ-15 light tank and that more armor and firepower is needed... "

Don’t know about firepower. The tank rounds on Arjun are absolutely puny.

Absolute nonsense examples

Tejas Shortcoming is not technical issue

Shortcoming in tejas was hard points and range addressed with 3 more hardpoints and more fuel due to larger frame. Technically Tejas is ahead of both your block 1 & 2 with superior FCS more composits. etc

Re : Arjun we have 3 batches on order SO get your fact right

123 mark 1 in service
118 mark1a in service or being delivered
118 pending order mark 2 as per news 4th february 2021

Techincal issues did not stop a 6billion dollatr order for mark1a lst week

You asked for evidence, I gave it to you, from Indian sources and you refuse to believe it, Debate is over now
nope. There were many issues with fire and combustion, i'm trying to get the link. Plus, putting it against rag tag rebels doesn't make it battel tested. I can't field a T90 against a mailk maid and call it battle tested. If the current news is true then at least 500 Arjuns will serve in IA. That equalizes the deployment numbers with Al Khalid.

But still you cannot find a single link to prove your point?
People are wasting time on a few most delusional PDF Indians.
Maverick, dark1, waiting for jackdaw, lol..
Infamous unbelievable creatures.
You do realize this is not a Chinese communist controlled forum and varied opinions will be present ?
I dont even understand why you would join a forum to just hear domestic propaganda ? It would be so boring and pointless.
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