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Arjun tank numbers predicted to rise to 500

Now Compare this to t90 units, how many army ordered 2 years back ? I think 500 or more.
Arjun is inducted in inconsequential numbers, just to support local assembly.
If they give bulk order for 500 or more let me know. And 4 your argument of nuclear warfare, t90 can be upgraded to it in-house if army wants.
Point is Arjun was our MBT but is not as army is more than happy with T90. so it will order some to give govt something to shout about. But will prepare war doctrine around t90.
started in 1972 thats 49 years they built 250 tanks

so 5 tanks per year, and has cost billons

what are they made of Gold + Diamonds?

Foolish quote

The intial concept in 1972 was a 40 tonne tank ............ We did concept study in 1972
The production and funding came in 1996 for a totally revise tank based on leopard tanks and usa abrahams
Production started i 2007

Get your fact right buddy
Arjun is almost dead. As switching to heavy tank from medium requires a lot of training and changing of infra from ground up. Which mone of the fan boys understanding. Even if tank is realy good army will avoid it definitely just cause if the effort involved to induct it in mass.
Smart thing is to wait for next Gen tank and induct it in mass . As t90 is more than good enough with enough numbers and infra.

Which part of Arjun is desined to Fight IN thar and rajasthan desert

THIS IS a long standing concept to build 500 arjuns to fight in the desert

YES we have 2000 T90 and in future will either build a 45 tonne FMBT or buy T14 armata BUT will not effect ARJUN role or eventual numbers of 8 regiments
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Foolish quote

The intial concept in 1972 was a 40 tonne tank ............ We did concept study in 1972
The production and funding came in 1996 for a totally revise tank based on leopard tanks and usa abrahams
Production started i 2007

Get your fact right buddy

so basically I was right
Bigger, slower, less mobile and just as much expensive targets with the safety mechanisms and punching power of cold war era tanks. Exactly what you need in an age of drone warfare
Indian bridges and other infrastructure near border
Indian bridges and other infrastructure near border

which part of the thar desert do you fail.to understand .

do you understand why China has t99 along side t96 medium tanks
why usa uses 60 tonne Abraham's or Germans or Brits use similar heavy tanks the
the desert needs heavy tanks see israeli merkava bitch slap medium weight tanks
No Tank is invincible, as the Youtuber try to make Arjun into one, It's definitely not a top of the line tank in the world, but then Indians are so dumb and gullible that anyone can say anything just to get money and fake bravado and they will believe it.
I was a bit skeptical about 5 years ago as to India's ability to develop a capable tank that could be inducted.
Not any longer.
India seems to be moving faster and is more sure footed in its own capabilities.
There are a couple of things that are perceptible and impressive.
1) It's the horizontal growth of defence industries. Not the "cutting edge" "game changer" adjectives Indians are so liberal with but the organic horizontal growth with newer entrants into the defence eco system. It now has some heft, a solidity which is undeniable. Development no longer looks ad-hoc and tenuous given to vagaries of a politicians whimsy or some loud mouth time serving department head in DRDO.
2) The entry of so many private companies and set up of joint ventures in India . These companies will expect to make profits, and will employ the, deliver or get fired attitude, from its employees. It will expect productivity and seek profits whether they come from Indian orders or just as likely, foreign sales. These companies will propel the vertical growth or the eco system.
You dont build nothing on your own from scratch .............Everything is built and designed in china.

And what do you mean we steadily improve out tanks and resolve our issues.

Arjun mark 1 x 124 tanks
Arjun mark1a x 123 tanks
Now Mark 2 x 248 tanks ( which part of 93 improvements is difficult to digest)

Step by tep,

Tejas mark 1
Tejas mark1a
Tejas mark 2

Bury your head in the sand ............ Just pretend it is not happening.
Hey mav, that is my point. It took you 40+ years to get tejas to pseudo operational. Most key components are from other countries. There was some learning in the composite material front but we really don’t know if the composite composition or metallurgy is any good. It hasn’t been flown enough.

Compare it to the JF-17 we didn’t have an advanced engineering base we paired our engineers with the Chinese and learnt in the process. Today we have a proven platform with significant local deletion almost or around 70-80%. Now we are developing our industry to produce quality composite materials for jf-17 block 3. This jet gave us significant experience and now we have a public and private companies part of the eco system. We manufacture, design and develop aesa radars. With time we will get better at building and improving these. We do our own weapons building and integration, RAAD, older versions of side winders even, pl-15 like sophisticated weposns and last but not the least link-17 data link system.

all these capabilities were built in 1/10th the time of India and 1/50th of the cost its super lethal as proven on feb 27.Yes we can’t call this jet 100% paksitani designed and built and we are ok with that.

so my question to you is which is better losing 100s of pilots and paying massive amounts to foreign countries to get effective weapons or slow and steady get lethal weapons available today and now being compared to the best India/ France has to offer the Rafael.

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Tell me when it has been deployed to the frontlines. If heavy tanks like the Type 99 and T-90 could make it, don’t give me any excuses about Arjun.
Mr marverick is back with his unrealistic list , plan and youtube "vedio" as source.
Anyone with sane mind would have stay low when you had manufactured only 6 tejas in a whole freaking year.

We don't makes list nor hype over ppt, models.

28 J10C, 7 J20 can be seen (there is more ) parking in CAC, waiting to be delivered.
I also don't get the point why 500 tanks (even not achieved yet) could make this guy so excited. Honestly, India's pace of manufacturing tanks is even far slower than China's pace of producing the much more complicated DF26 anti-ship ballistic missiles and the TEL platforms.

DF26 fleet in its manufacturing plant, awaiting delivery. (The same-day satellite image shows 51 DF26 launchers visible in the plant)

Arjun is not even In India’s assault cores it’s current role is of a defensive tank in hold formations of India. For all the bluster the Indian army is not scsisdal to face off Pakistani armor with an Arjun. India will probably buy t-14s or more t-90s

If what you say is true than Indian Arjun has completely failed even after 50 years. Do you think that the Arjun can take on a vt4, alkhalid 1 let alone an m1a1 abram up armored with depleted uranium armor.

see the reason Indian defence procurement fails is the same reason you are defending it. Instead of defending you prowess one moves to a better solution and fix the problems. It’s the standard banya pan, I have spent money on this and it’s best and I won’t get anything else......the alkhalid original was not better than t-80s we bought so we did not build more than 500. Instead we worked to improve alkhalid to alkalis 1 standards fixing all its issues. Now we induct alkalid2/ an upgraded vt4z see we realize that building things on our own is not going to give us much so we develop our industry with inductions and deletion in the build process over time. Case and point a local battle management system, laser defensive suite and a solid stage auto loader.


what part of India is building another tank based on Arjun did you miss?
Tell me when it has been deployed to the frontlines. If heavy tanks like the Type 99 and T-90 could make it, don’t give me any excuses about Arjun.

Why should we give you excuses or anything about Arjun or Anything? You are nothing to us. We didn't ask you to come to this thread, you did.
I also don't get the point why 500 tanks (even not achieved yet) could make this guy so excited. Honestly, India's pace of manufacturing tanks is even far slower than China's pace of producing the much more complicated DF26 anti-ship ballistic missiles and the TEL platforms.

DF26 fleet in its manufacturing plant, awaiting delivery. (The same-day satellite image shows 51 DF26 launchers visible in the plant)
View attachment 714211

View attachment 714212

the technology looks so i old I need a tetanus shot just looking at it.
Hey mav, that is my point. It took you 40+ years to get tejas to pseudo operational. Most key components are from other countries. There was some learning in the composite material front but we really don’t know if the composite composition or metallurgy is any good. It hasn’t been flown enough.

Compare it to the JF-17 we didn’t have an advanced engineering base we paired our engineers with the Chinese and learnt in the process. Today we have a proven platform with significant local deletion almost or around 70-80%. Now we are developing our industry to produce quality composite materials for jf-17 block 3. This jet gave us significant experience and now we have a public and private companies part of the eco system. We manufacture, design and develop aesa radars. With time we will get better at building and improving these. We do our own weapons building and integration, RAAD, older versions of side winders even, pl-15 like sophisticated weposns and last but not the least link-17 data link system.

all these capabilities were built in 1/10th the time of India and 1/50th of the cost its super lethal as proven on feb 27.Yes we can’t call this jet 100% paksitani designed and built and we are ok with that.


you have no eco system.or real infrastructure that's outright lie

show me your Pakistani aesa radar like we have uttam .
show me your Astra,bvr
show me your rudra strike air to surface missle
show me your wind tunnels
show me your simulators like we have for tejas.

show me your helicopters,like dhruv or attack choppers like light attack choppers .

you have China carrying you that's why thunder block 3 is in chengdu.

don't try and compare to India we have a massive arms eco system.noe and are pouring indengious systems after two decades,of building the infrastructure.
we spend more on research and development then your entire military budget .
it's no comparison
Indian bridges and other infrastructure near border
All the mil bridges across Guj,Raj and Pun are upgraded to MLC 70. And now the work is going on to upgrade all the bridges to MLC 70 standard in Ladakh even

Now bridges, which BRO has completed are two-way on National Highway-1 and the capacity is class 70 which means 70 tonne.

Also all the BLT are MLC 70. So I dont know what you meant by that, but I can only deduce ignorance. And if pakistanis assuming infrastructure project is not going on in Raj, Pun & Guj. Then I can only say, its good for us.
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