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Arjun tank numbers predicted to rise to 500

Arjun's been in development for a long time and it's still not good, it's so heavy that it cannot go over certain bridges nor can it fight in certain places due to the fact that it'll keep on getting stuck on certain land.

It has a huge defect in the turret and the Indians haven't added more protection to that area so it's a big advantage to its opponents. People call it a literal hole for a reason. It has a 120MM rifled gun which doesn't last as long as the smoothbore 125MM gun of the Al Khalid (which has more firepower).

Arjun's also a leopard copy and after seeing what !Z!Z did to Turkish leopards it certainly doesn't give you much confidence. All this being said most of it will come down to the crew but when you have such a heavy hunk of steel that can barely move then and have less firepower than the Pakistani MBTS........I guess it'll be luck if the Arjuns scores a kill
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