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Arjun tank numbers predicted to rise to 500

Can you Chinese come up something more insulting....

Recently you lot have lost your edge...
At least you had a bark before, now it's just a whimper & lot of begging.

"lost edge"!? Remind how much Indian territory they captured?
"lost edge"!? Remind how much Indian territory they captured?

they have captured nothing just pak propaganda . what they have done is encroach on no man's land ie mountain tops designated as neither chinease or indian.but buffer zones.

rest is pure hype.

when either you Pakistanis or your chinease friends retake saichen.which we stole off you or you annex Kashmir which India has or ladakh then talk.

as of now even combined you two.nations can talk but not move India one Inch.

just try it and see

I told every body in July China will do nothing just propaganda their military equipment is cheap.and utterly unproven.s conscript military incapable of major military operations

if usa took China it would be over in one month
they have captured nothing just pak propaganda . what they have done is encroach on no man's land ie mountain tops designated as neither chinease or indian.but buffer zones.

rest is pure hype.

when either you Pakistanis or your chinease friends retake saichen.which we stole off you or you annex Kashmir which India has or ladakh then talk.

as of now even combined you two.nations can talk but not move India one Inch.

just try it and see

I told every body in July China will do nothing just propaganda their military equipment is cheap.and utterly unproven.s conscript military incapable of major military operations

if usa took China it would be over in one month

Indian Media is reporting this too, so "Pakistani propaganda" must have a very far reach.....

Its nice when one can make your own weapons like tejas, arjun, missiles, trucks ,etc , rather than doing a paint job on Chinese/north Korean weapons and call it homegrown.
Our weapons don't have to match American ones, since our opponents are 3rd world china and Pakistan. No doubt Pakistan does have good weapons like the f16 block 52 but rest of their Chinese weapons are pretty useless.
Chinese weapons we really dont have to care much about. Its just their quantity . Which a few directed hits can be easily neutralized.
Its nice when one can make your own weapons like tejas, arjun, missiles, trucks ,etc , rather than doing a paint job on Chinese/north Korean weapons and call it homegrown.
Our weapons don't have to match American ones, since our opponents are 3rd world china and Pakistan. No doubt Pakistan does have good weapons like the f16 block 52 but rest of their Chinese weapons are pretty useless.
Chinese weapons we really dont have to care much about. Its just their quantity . Which a few directed hits can be easily neutralized.

An Indian stating China is "3rd world" shows how far you are removed from reality.

I would rather have decent Chinese systems in front line service that Pakistan can make, then "indigenous" systems (US Engine, Israeli radar etc) that never seem to make it to front line service.

124 Arjuns (in a training regiment) v 600 Al KHALIDS in 12 fighting regiments
30 LCAs in 1.5 IOC units v 8 JF-17 Fighter squadrons

You also forget only 15%-20% of Indian equipment is classed as "modern", this stat is by your own vice Army Chief

15 IAF squadrons are still MIG-21 Jaguars
60% of tanks are still T-72
WWII Sterling and Bren guns are still in very widespread service

80% of PLAAF is 4th Gen or 5th Gen now.

Time to wake up to reality
An Indian stating China is "3rd world" shows how far you are removed from reality.

I would rather have decent Chinese systems in front line service that Pakistan can make, then "indigenous" systems (US Engine, Israeli radar etc) that never seem to make it to front line service.

124 Arjuns (in a training regiment) v 600 Al KHALIDS in 12 fighting regiments
30 LCAs in 1.5 IOC units v 8 JF-17 Fighter squadrons

You also forget only 15%-20% of Indian equipment is classed as "modern", this stat is by your own vice Army Chief

15 IAF squadrons are still MIG-21 Jaguars
60% of tanks are still T-72
WWII Sterling and Bren guns are still in very widespread service

80% of PLAAF is 4th Gen or 5th Gen now.

Time to wake up to reality
I accept our weaknesses, which are mostly bureaucratic and not technical or technological.
As i have written before, defence is treated like a unwanted a luxury in India and not a necessity.
Weapon manufacturing does not come from a vaccum. It requires the same manufacturing setup thats required for manufacturing non military stuff.
Its just a question of redirecting your focus towards making defence equipment.
But if you don't start , you will never manufacture indigenously. India under modi has started in this journey with most importantly the involvement of the private sector.
Our publuc sector units are heaviky unionized with zero incentive to perform.
While private companies like tata, ambanis, mahindra, etc are totally focused on results.
Give them the freedom to manufacture and export weapons , then expect a replication of our vehicles market and exports.
India's total vehicles exports are 4.5 m yearly on a average.
you have no eco system.or real infrastructure that's outright lie

show me your Pakistani aesa radar like we have uttam .
show me your Astra,bvr
show me your rudra strike air to surface missle
show me your wind tunnels
show me your simulators like we have for tejas.

show me your helicopters,like dhruv or attack choppers like light attack choppers .

you have China carrying you that's why thunder block 3 is in chengdu.

don't try and compare to India we have a massive arms eco system.noe and are pouring indengious systems after two decades,of building the infrastructure.
we spend more on research and development then your entire military budget .
it's no comparison

Is that wishful thinking ? Again mav,

you tell me how many Arjun’s are ins service today and Also post how many alkhalid originals are in service

how many dhuruv helicopters have crashed and how many countries have returned even free ones.

how many jf-17 are in service and how many tejas.

Here is the radar factory and development center

radar and avionics factory

This is one of the examples. We have no national need to build everything ourselves. We instead work with different powers to build equipment that is lethal.

here is an example we took the baktarshikan from China and started building it ourselves over 30 years ago. India did not. We have so many now that some are going out of service, hence we deployed these at the loc with devastating effect. Why did india not deploy the nag? Why did they buy 100s of spike ATGMs.

we all know the kaviri radar failed on the loc and In Armenia

the Insa rifle is a global joke. They have killed more Indian soldiers than any Pakistani wepon.

even indian upgraded Jaguars, mig-21s and mig 29s fall out of the sky due to terrible quality control.

why don’t you update me on Indian wepons used in conflicts let alone successful ones

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Then tell me when did Arjun development start? I am just saying the facts.
It's 1972.

Most importantly, it's too heavy on west against Pakistan, not suitable for Thar desert nor Panjab. Too heavy on the Himalaya range.

Arjun = Arjunk literally
OK we are continuing with our efforts to indigenise more and more.
then comes the recent achievement of tejas jet..
we will move further in tank sector also...
at least we say truth about our weapons not like hyyyyypersonic balloooooon missile type...

Tank is too heavy and as we saw drones used in Az-Armenia war they are ducks waiting to get knocked out. Speed is even more important now.
that's why we are preparing with CATS


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OK we are continuing with our efforts to indigenise more and more.
then comes the recent achievement of tejas jet..
we will move further in tank sector also...
at least we say truth about our weapons not like hyyyyypersonic balloooooon missile type...
View attachment 714351

that's why we are preparing with CATS
Inflatable dummy from Russia



Russian Army's 45th separate engineer-camouflage regiment

but "guardingindia.com" says otherwise
OK we are continuing with our efforts to indigenise more and more.
then comes the recent achievement of tejas jet..
we will move further in tank sector also...
at least we say truth about our weapons not like hyyyyypersonic balloooooon missile type...
View attachment 714351

that's why we are preparing with CATS
IQ exposed. Oh my God. You made my day.
I accept our weaknesses, which are mostly bureaucratic and not technical or technological.
As i have written before, defence is treated like a unwanted a luxury in India and not a necessity.
Weapon manufacturing does not come from a vaccum. It requires the same manufacturing setup thats required for manufacturing non military stuff.
Its just a question of redirecting your focus towards making defence equipment.
But if you don't start , you will never manufacture indigenously. India under modi has started in this journey with most importantly the involvement of the private sector.
Our publuc sector units are heaviky unionized with zero incentive to perform.
While private companies like tata, ambanis, mahindra, etc are totally focused on results.
Give them the freedom to manufacture and export weapons , then expect a replication of our vehicles market and exports.
India's total vehicles exports are 4.5 m yearly on a average.

Many of the problems with Indian systems are indeed technical, this has even been admitted by those developing them (like DRDO and HAL) so your statement seems very bizarre.
According to Indian logic that also means India realized that an outdated tank like the T-90 wont even hold up against a ZTQ-15 light tank and that more armor and firepower is needed... "
Many of the problems with Indian systems are indeed technical, this has even been admitted by those developing them (like DRDO and HAL) so your statement seems very bizarre.

please example the many technical issues,we have

our warships are magnificent and have been so for over 2 decades

dhruv yes has crashes but we have over 200 serving now our satalites and radars.work well

our tejas has,never crashed in two decades
Astra bvr is replacing older legacy bvr a from.russia and even Israel.

Arjun now with 90 improvements is the best tank we have even Above t90
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