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Arjun Mark II : An Israeli View [ Must Read ]

If a regular APFSDS round struggles with a normal penetrator, this is where the long rod comes to equation bro.
Here is one example of politics, more to come...


As of now PA has around 400 AKs, last batch was of AK-1, till 2015 i believe it should be around 600 or even more depending on their needs.

what that link is ??I said show me a link where Drdo forced army to buy its things..And 600 order of AK thats it ?? And Arjun till now say 2011 got 492 and counting ,Let the arjun mk2 ends its trail period which is right now going on Thar desert and you witness 800 to 1200 arjun mbt in inventory ,take my words for this...
Read what i said, Order depends on PA requirements. Also the fact that AK-2 is in development stage so there has to be room to accommodate it as well.
So,496 Arjuns are almost confirmed.More order will be placed.IA still uses 800 T55s and Vijayantas that will be replaced by Arjuns as per A.K.Antony told in parliament last year.
Read what i said, Order depends on PA requirements. Also the fact that AK-2 is in development stage so there has to be room to accommodate it as well.

So do you think 800 - 1000 arjun mk2 is a small number to start :lol: ?? Arjun mk2 order depend how it showcase and proves its metal in standard set by Army which it already started doing in thar ....
So,496 Arjuns are almost confirmed.More order will be placed.IA still uses 800 T55s and Vijayantas that will be replaced by Arjuns as per A.K.Antony told in parliament last year.

i hope this happens. dont forget army's behavior
So do you think 800 - 1000 arjun mk2 is a small number to start :lol: ?? Arjun mk2 order depend how it showcase and proves its metal in standard set by Army which it already started doing in thar ....

Don't say it now.The over the border members may start jumping for source.
Don't say it now.The over the border members may start jumping for source.

Count me out of those who jump for sources but the number seem too ambitious. Lets see if these are inducted within the next 35 years judging by Arjun's development history.
Count me out of those who jump for sources but the number seem too ambitious. Lets see if these are inducted within the next 35 years judging by Arjun's development history.

I did not talk about you there.And yeah,the development was slow but now the whole infra is in place and mk2 is developed within 1 year of project announcement.Current facility at HVF can produce 60 Arjuns/year.But if a huge order like 1000 tanks are finalised then the facility will be expanded to increase the rate.Same thing happened to MKI.Atfirst HAL could assemble 14/year but now they can assemble 30 MKIs/year.That's how it's done every where in the world.
By the way,you did not answer when did I express hatred towards you guys.
Omega wrote...

"Don't waste your time replying to these pakistanis.I have seen one of them saying that DRDO stole the PSLV technology from ISRO to develop the Agni missiles!!!!"

Do not tell me you wrote the above by mistake. You seemed to have exposed yourself there. Check page 9 of this thread.
Omega wrote...

"Don't waste your time replying to these pakistanis.I have seen one of them saying that DRDO stole the PSLV technology from ISRO to develop the Agni missiles!!!!"

Do not tell me you wrote the above by mistake. You seemed to have exposed yourself there. Check page 9 of this thread.

I don't denye it.But it was anger,not hatred.Here pakistani members constantly make comments like Akash is copy of SA6,Nag being copy of Kornet,Prahar is created from stolen Nasr tech,IA uses ww2 era mmg and now this.Put yourself in my position and then think.If constantly hurt by such comments even the most calm person would get angry.If I say your ballistic missiles are copied chinese/NK missiles or Babur is copy of Tomahawk missiles would not you get angry??
But still,I am sorry if it hurted.
Three year old but still relevant...

NEW DELHI: A war has erupted in the Indian defence establishment over the indigenous Arjun main-battle tank (MBT), once again. After Army made it quite clear it did not want more than the 124 Arjuns already ordered, Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has fired a retaliatory salvo.

Seeking the government's intervention to ensure "indigenous efforts" are "appropriately rewarded", DRDO says Army should order a minimum of 500 Arjuns to stabilise production lines and pave the way for the development of a "futuristic" MBT.

"We are working on the development of a futuristic Mark-II MBT with suitable technological upgrades, which can be introduced later after the completion of production of at least 500 Arjuns of the present version," said a DRDO official.

Nothing doing, responds Army. "Our requirement for 1,781 MBTs to replace the older T-55 and T-72 tanks will be met through the progressive induction of 1,657 Russian-origin T-90S tanks and 124 Arjuns," said a senior officer.

After getting 310 T-90S tanks for over Rs 3,625 crore under a February 2001 contract, India signed a Rs 4,900 crore deal with Russia last November to import another 347 T-90S tanks. The Avadi Heavy Vehicles Factory, in turn, has also begun the licensed manufacture of another 1,000 T-90S tanks.

Moreover, the ongoing upgradation of 692 T-72 tanks to "combat-improved Ajeya standards", of which 415 have already been delivered, will add more punch to India's armoured might.

"So, we have already catered for adequate numbers. We are now looking 20 years ahead and want DRDO to come up with a next-generation MBT. We are not against indigenous efforts...let DRDO make something better," said the officer.

DRDO, however, is crying foul over moves to demand "higher performance" from the 58.5-tonne Arjuns, which are "superior" to even the 46.5-tonne T-90s in some respects like its "excellent weight-to-power ratio and very accurate firepower on the move".

With 64 of the 124 Arjuns already ready for delivery, DRDO holds that the Army is shying away from "comparative trials" between them and the T-90S tanks, which interestingly enough have been christened "Bhishma".

While acknowledging that the Arjun project was sanctioned as far back as in 1974 at a cost of Rs 15.50 crore, which zoomed up to Rs 300 crore by 1995, DRDO says one of the main reasons for the delay was the frequently changing "qualitative requirements" of the Army.

DRDO tries to ram Arjun tanks down Army throat - The Times of India
I don't denye it.But it was anger,not hatred.Here pakistani members constantly make comments like Akash is copy of SA6,Nag being copy of Kornet,Prahar is created from stolen Nasr tech,IA uses ww2 era mmg and now this.Put yourself in my position and then think.If constantly hurt by such comments even the most calm person would get angry.If I say your ballistic missiles are copied chinese/NK missiles or Babur is copy of Tomahawk missiles would not you get angry??
But still,I am sorry if it hurted.

If you get hurt by these provocations, then you don't belong to PDF, no not any defense forum.
It is a three years old thread when army was constantly refusing to hold the comparative trials.What is the point behind posting such an old news????
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