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Area where 16 BSF men were killed to go to Bangladesh

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When you could not save yourself against PA which killed BD like anything and they were still controlling Dhaka, what is the basis of your argument that BD forces can even cross border??

BD forces will be busy defending sea ports from IA.

What is the distance between Dhanka and New delhi??

Do you really think your forces are capable enough to even enter NE?

We are killing BD on daily basis. Nothing has been done by your forces.

And for Moists, we are not even using Army against them. And in the event of war, Moist will be first to fight BD.

They were cowards who were using civilians as a shield. In an all out war, no one will care about BD civilians. We will bomb them all.

:lol: :rofl:

This is not some video game where you will simply enter an area and do all your stuff.

How will you even reach Delhi? With the starting of war we will impose a naval and air blockade. All BD Military installations, Govt building and other important building will be bombed with hundereds of missiles. In the absence of Military and govt, BD will collapse automatically.

One of the most moronic and idiotic posts ever written on this forum.

Unsurprisingly it was an Indian and not a Pakistani, a Chinese, an American, a Jew or a Martian.

I just don't know where to begin refuting this Uttar Pradeshi (Uttar Pradesh is soon to cease to exist and to be wiped off the map) and his nonsense.

1. The scenario which I gave is based on a post-conventional occupation scenario.

Let us imagine that India can win a conventional war with Bangladesh (when it could not even invade the small island of Sri Lanka or even do what the Russians have done in Georgia and the Thais in Burma and create de facto independent statelets, despite India's Tamil nationalist politicians) then what would happen if there was an occupation of Bangladesh.

2. Uttar Pradeshi moron, of course the 100,000 Indian soldiers in your scenario would be armed, what differentiates a "soldier" from a civilian is that a soldier has weapons.

Do you understand?

If you don't, go to a 11 year old and he will explain the difference.

3. The north-east is not homogenous and consists of different ethnicities including races who are totally Christianized or being Christianized due to CIA-backed missionary work (Christians in Pakistan already ask for their own province, watch out for the American backed Christians of the north-east). If Bangladesh is occupied the 0.2 million Bangladeshi army will disperse and conduct a guerilla war. Indians already moan daily on this forum over fictitious Bangladeshi border crossings so how will they stop the army from doing so in a war situation.

4. We can attack Delhi, Mumbai with Islamic commandos using kamikaze tactics. What are "kamikaze" tactics? What is a kamikaze, ponder on it dim-witted Uttar Pradeshi from the soon to be non-existent, wiped off the map Uttar Pradesh (a state hated by many if not most Indians for producing arrogant clowns who think they are the true Indians and rulers of the country).

A commando would go in to an airport with a massive bomb and take out the entire airport even if himself is eliminated in the process.

We can also target Indian leaders such as Narendra Modi, Sonia Gandhi etc if they ever dare to attack our country.

This is war.

We will do everything we have to liberate ourselves and if it results in the disintegration of India (disintegration something which Uttar Pradesh is going to go through soon as it will be broken up) then so be it.

Using such tactics we can destroy India's airports, roads, rail stations, power stations, ports, stock exchange and cripple India economically.

5. Idiotic moron from Uttar Pradesh, state hated by the whole of India, we Bengalis liberated our country ourselves and India only got involved to cause trouble for Pakistan. India is no friend of Bangladesh and we look down on Indians as inferior and ourselves as superior. Even now in Dhaka (I am no friend of Pakistan), 90% of Bangladeshis will support Muslim Pakistan over Hindu India in cricket.

We fought and in fact we often laughed at how inept and cowardly the Indian soldiers were.

Thanks for "helping".

We clever and shrewd Bengalis made Punjabi fight Punjabi in 1971 while Bengalis (east and west, Muslim and Hindu) united and now we Bengalis of Bangladesh are far stronger than we ever were as part of Pakistan.

You now face a much larger army.

6. You are attributing everything to India as if poverty-stricken, insurgency plagued India which cannot even handle Maoists who are present in 1/3 of India is some sort of global power. In other threads

- Indians are threatening to send the Maldives to "the stone age"

- Indians are threatening Sri Lankans

- Indians are harassing Chinese posters and making trouble

You guys are nothing and you complain in day and night like women about "Illegal immigration" and then at the same time claim Bangladesh is a colony (yeah, right even Awami League run Bangladesh bans Indian films and doesn't give it transit), so if Bangladesh was a colony wouldn't it ensure no illegal immigration to India (as per your claims)?

Stop threatening to bomb, destroy, flood people's countries.

If you stop threatening other countries maybe you will finally get some respect, as it stands you are the most hated nationality on this forum. Even the westerners who you suck up to secretly look down on you as poor and inferior.

7. You know nothing about guerilla warfare.

Even Turkey which is the biggest military in Europe, 2nd in NATO and regularly wins NATO competitions has not been able to defeat Kurdish rebels and Kurds are at maximum 20 million.

The government is now hinting at speaking to PKK leader Ocalan to find a political solution to the conflict. Is India - the super-duper mega-powerful godfather and bully of Asia -behind this as well, behind the PKK success?

If Turkey cannot defeat the PKK (whose political wing only gets 5% of votes) and whose fighters number in thousands and who have no coast and just small arms, how can dirt poor India defeat and occupy 150 million Bangladesh?

You are a serious embarassment.

By the way Mr Uttar Pradeshi - from the soon to be non-existent, wiped off the map, "Uttar Pradesh" (RIP) - just to remind you:

Soldier = armed, civilian = unarmed.

Are u practising your history question & answers over here by writing such big big posts???? BTW you should consult a psychriatrist as your posts are suggesting your mental (in)stability :rofl::rofl::lol::lol:
1. Professional troll and pro-Indian Zabaniya/aka "Loki" is asking for this thread to be closed.

Presumably because it contains content that is negative towards her beloved India.

However this is a "defence forum" and this is the Bangladeshi "defence" sub-forum.

The whole purpose of the Bangladeshi military is to defend the territorial integrity of the People's Republic of Bangladesh and all of the equipment, defence products are all geared towards that fundamental goal.

Now a country's military is there to defend it from aggressors. Bangladesh has two, one being Burma and the other being India. Burma is not a major military threat and is not capable of any aggression towards Bangladesh especially considering the fact that large parts of the country are in the hands of rebels and they are fighting an active war against Kachin rebels in the north.

That leaves India.

The possibility of what would happen in an India-Bangladesh war is probably the most relevant topic in this entire sub-forum and more relevant than news on Bangladeshi economics, false fabrications of "illegal immigration" and so forth.

The whole point of an army, and defence is to fight wars.

Thus pro-Indian troll Zabaniya is wrong in her attempt to get this thread closed, plus it breaks no rules.

2. Having said that however let me mention some key points. First of all I will not address the Uttar Pradeshi troll Mandark as he is clearly immature and trolling, and his responses are nonsensical. The following points are for serious posters (excluding trolls like Zabaniya/"Loki", Mandark, Azazel, Ares etc).

a: In my scenarios above I was generous and said that at the very least even if Bangladesh cannot defend its soil from Indian aggression by conventional warfare it can do so by guerilla warfare.

I did not even speak about the conventional phase of any such war.

I did not go in to our nascent air defence system.

I did not talk about our naval capabilities.

I did not talk about the damage our air force could inflict on India. Even Serbia inflicted damage on NATO's air forces in 1999 and NATO is far stronger than the Indian air force.


Bangladesh's ace fighter pilot, the legendary Saiful Azam who shot down Israeli air planes, with Israel being known to have top class pilots. Bangladeshi pilots can inflict serious damage on India in the conventional stage of the war.

I did not speak about our 0.2 million army, the biggest contributor of UN peacekeeping forces in the world.

I did not speak about our "Ansar" who are around 0.3 million.

I did not speak about our 5.6 million strong VDP.

In addition to the regular army we have millions of trained reservists, volunteers and other civilians.

I bypassed the initial conventional phase of the war and went straight to a guerilla war based on the presupposition that India could easily win the conventional war.

However even this is questionable. For example much larger Egypt cannot conquer tiny Israel and we would have over 6 million troops ready to defend our country including the regular army, Ansar and VDP.


Ansar who supplement the regular army.

b: Though the various trolls such as Zabaniya/"Loki" and others may even object to me pointing out how Bangladesh would be defended in a defence forum, however this is all relevant, and is in fact the most relevant thing in the whole sub-forum, let me continue.

Guerilla warfare is extremely dangerous for conventional armies.

- The Americans lost.

- The Soviets lost.

- The Nazis lost against the Soviets (Russians) whom they considered racially inferior, subhuman Slavs in the same way Hindutva extremists despise Bangladeshis.

- The Pakistanis lost.

- The Turks are losing (Kurdistan).

- The Indians cannot even defeat Maoist rebels who are in 1/3 of India and are continuing to kill Indian forces and have their own mini-statelets and arms factories in India.

India would ultimately lose any war against Bangladesh because beyond the conventional phase - which it might not win - there would be the inevitable guerilla war that it would lose.

This is important for Indians to understand.


India is a bully in South Asia and seeks to bully and intimidate other countries. Part of this is based on the false assumption that India is militarily far superior to its neighbours and can crush them. This leads to arrogance and hubris and a belief that not only can India behave arrogantly but it must. Just as the US had the Monroe doctrine viewing the Americas as under the US sphere of influence, India too seeks to carve its own sphere of influence in south Asia including Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan and Bangladesh.

However decision makers in New Delhi must understand that in real terms Bangladesh and India have military parity as neither can invade and occupy the other.

Any attempt to occupy Bangladesh would in fact result in the disintegration of the Indian union itself.

I am merely pointing this out in order for Indians to stop their continuous insults against Bangladesh and Bengalis on this forum, their threats (e.g. nuking us, flooding us) and to instill some sobriety to otherwise delusional and arrogant Indians and their pro-Indian allies such as Zabaniya/ "Loki".

If you read this thread you will see that on post 24 it is an Indian who says Bengalis are not a martial race, an example of the belief of the racial inferiority of Bengalis which Indians - like their brothers, the Pakistanis - hold and one which is completely false as even the founder of the Indian national army was himself a Bengal, Subash Chandra Bose.

However common sense, facts, reality are not exactly the "strong points" for the extremist Hindutva fanatics and aggressive Indians that infest this forum.

Having made all this clear, I will desist from continuing to post on this thread and leave it to be ruined by the likes of Zabaniya/ "Loki", Mandark, Azazel, Ares etc.

The real men are out...boys (and girls, i.e. Zabaniya) time to play.

Will not comment on your personal attacks.

The possibility of what would happen in an India-Bangladesh war is probably the most relevant topic in this entire sub-forum and more relevant than news on Bangladeshi economics, false fabrications of "illegal immigration" and so forth.

The news of illegal BD in India is as true as existence of BD in south Asia.

2. Having said that however let me mention some key points. First of all I will not address the Uttar Pradeshi troll Mandark as he is clearly immature and trolling, and his responses are nonsensical. The following points are for serious posters (excluding trolls like Zabaniya/"Loki", Mandark, Azazel, Ares etc).

Doesnt matter if BD addresses me or not. I will consider it as my moral obligation to put the correct scenario in front of blind haters.

a: In my scenarios above I was generous and said that at the very least even if Bangladesh cannot defend its soil from Indian aggression by conventional warfare it can do so by guerilla warfare.

You were not generous but were only making a joke of your country. Your Gureilla warfare could not save you in 71.

I did not even speak about the conventional phase of any such war.

Because you know you cant win in that.

I did not go in to our nascent air defence system.

Nobody mentioned here about Mig-29, Mirages and MKI of India which can take out any air defence of BD (Including future ones.)

I did not talk about our naval capabilities.

Our Coast guard is enough to take care of that.

I did not talk about the damage our air force could inflict on India.

With 8 Mig-29 and some 16 BGI you cant even think of infliction any substantial damage on India.

Even Serbia inflicted damage on NATO's air forces in 1999 and NATO is far stronger than the Indian air force.

Damaging 1-2 planes is not considered as any damage.

Bangladesh's ace fighter pilot, the legendary Saiful Azam who shot down Israeli air planes, with Israel being known to have top class pilots. Bangladeshi pilots can inflict serious damage on India in the conventional stage of the war.

That pilot was trained in Pakistan. BD training capability cannot be compared with Pakistan.

I did not speak about our 0.2 million army, the biggest contributor of UN peacekeeping forces in the world.

No body talked about 1.4 mn strong Indian Army.

I did not speak about our "Ansar" who are around 0.3 million.

Even we didnot mention about CRPF which is around 0.3 mn.

I did not speak about our 5.6 million strong VDP.

No body mentioned about Indian Reserves which are about 2mn.

In addition to the regular army we have millions of trained reservists, volunteers and other civilians.

Every country has them. You are not unique in that.

I bypassed the initial conventional phase of the war and went straight to a guerilla war based on the presupposition that India could easily win the conventional war.


However even this is questionable. For example much larger Egypt cannot conquer tiny Israel and we would have over 6 million troops ready to defend our country including the regular army, Ansar and VDP.

This is questionable because you were dreaming of defeating India and capturing, bombing Delhi and Bombay.

Israel is a nation with most advanced technology. You guys are stuck with F-7 which is not even comparable to Mig-21 of IAF.

Guerilla warfare is extremely dangerous for conventional armies.

We train many armies in Guerrila warfare.

- The Americans lost.

- The Soviets lost.

Americans lost because they were fighting thousand of miles away from their mainland while USSR lost because US supported Taliban.

We have direct link with BD and nobody will support you.

- The Nazis lost against the Soviets (Russians) whom they considered racially inferior, subhuman Slavs in the same way Hindutva extremists despise Bangladeshis.

You are one claiming to be champions of Muslims and consider 1 BD = 1500 Indians.

You will lose once again.

- The Pakistanis lost.

Because of Indian Army.

- The Turks are losing (Kurdistan).

No tax on day dreaming.

- The Indians cannot even defeat Maoist rebels who are in 1/3 of India and are continuing to kill Indian forces and have their own mini-statelets and arms factories in India.

Most of Moist problem has been solved. BTW BD could not capture Burma which is killing their Muslim brothers.

India would ultimately lose any war against Bangladesh because beyond the conventional phase - which it might not win - there would be the inevitable guerilla war that it would lose.

We will bring everthing to ashes. No body will be left to fight a guerrilla warfare.

This is important for Indians to understand.

BD needs to understand its position in the world.

India is a bully in South Asia and seeks to bully and intimidate other countries.

BD is an irritation for the world.

Part of this is based on the false assumption that India is militarily far superior to its neighbours and can crush them.

We have already changed the Map of the world. We will do it again. Your country is the prime witness of how Indian Army crushed its neighbours.

This leads to arrogance and hubris and a belief that not only can India behave arrogantly but it must.

We must bring BD to reality.

Just as the US had the Monroe doctrine viewing the Americas as under the US sphere of influence, India too seeks to carve its own sphere of influence in south Asia including Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan and Bangladesh.

We already have.

However decision makers in New Delhi must understand that in real terms Bangladesh and India have military parity as neither can invade and occupy the other.

This is not stupid and funny around the world.

Only a fool will say that Indian and BD forces have parity.

I demand a super elite status for you because of this comment :lol:

Any attempt to occupy Bangladesh would in fact result in the disintegration of the Indian union itself.

Any attempt by India will result in wide spread killing of BD by each other. Poor and hungry will consider it as an opportunity to take revenge from elite BD.

I am merely pointing this out in order for Indians to stop their continuous insults against Bangladesh and Bengalis on this forum, their threats (e.g. nuking us, flooding us) and to instill some sobriety to otherwise delusional and arrogant Indians and their pro-Indian allies such as Zabaniya/ "Loki".

Just come to reality and see the world. No sane member on this forum will ever say that BD has a parity with India in military forces.

If you read this thread you will see that on post 24 it is an Indian who says Bengalis are not a martial race, an example of the belief of the racial inferiority of Bengalis which Indians - like their brothers, the Pakistanis - hold and one which is completely false as even the founder of the Indian national army was himself a Bengal, Subash Chandra Bose.

Martial race theory has already been debunked in 71. What else do you need?

However common sense, facts, reality are not exactly the "strong points" for the extremist Hindutva fanatics and aggressive Indians that infest this forum.

We all know how Islamic fanatics are behaving on this forum. Simple common sense will enable you to see the world with pure eyes.

Having made all this clear, I will desist from continuing to post on this thread and leave it to be ruined by the likes of Zabaniya/ "Loki", Mandark, Azazel, Ares etc.

No body cares whether people like you continue to post or not.

Brother you are just changing the whole doctrine of BD defence. We are a small country and its not feasible to fight within our territory. Thats why BDR is kept under army. We have to defend ourselves from the zero line and take the war to the enemy soil as quickly as possible. 2nd doctrine is to create a buffer zone well inside enemy territory and make the citizen pro Bangladesh and make them fight against India. Our strategy is working and thats why so many burning @MandarK type infesting BD threads.
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Brother you are just changing the whole doctrine of BD defence. We are a small country and its not feasible to fight within our territory. Thats why BDR is kept under army. We have to defend ourselves from the zero line and take the war to the enemy soil as quickly as possible. 2nd doctrine is to create a buffer zone well inside enemy territory and make the citizen pro Bangladesh and make them fight against India. Our strategy is working and thats why so many burning @MandarK type infesting BD threads.


I can feel the sense of humiliation.

BD taking the war to the Indian soil :rofl:

You two can carry on with your fantasy.
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I can feel the sense of humiliation.

BD taking the war to the Indian soil :rofl:

You two can carry on with your fantasy.

Yes sir, that is our doctrine. Fight inside India and make Indian fight Indians. You can laugh now but you cant run when the war falls upon you. Run Mandark run........... You are in our radar.
Yes sir, that is our doctrine. Fight inside India and make Indian fight Indians. You can laugh now but you cant run when the war falls upon you. Run Mandark run........... You are in our radar.

And how exactly you will take the fight into the Indian border??

You already left your country....ask others to do the same because we are coming.......

And you are too small to be in our radar ;)
Yes sir, that is our doctrine. Fight inside India and make Indian fight Indians. You can laugh now but you cant run when the war falls upon you. Run Mandark run........... You are in our radar.

He and other dalits of UP and Bihar are already on the run after beaten by Marathas and by extreme right wing hindus of Maharastra.

Shiv Sena Leader back in 2003 said this about these group of people..."Ek Bihari, Sau Bimari. Do Bihari Ladai ki taiyari, Teen Bihari train hamari and paanch Bihari to sarkar hamaari" (One Bihari equals hundred diseases, Two Biharis is preparing for fight, Three Biharis it is a train hijack, and five Biharis will try to form the ruling Government)."

No comment is required after that. This UP and Bihari makes up around 30% of the Indian population fortunately or unfortunately.
I can understand the frustration of these Dalit BD Muslims. They cannot digest the fact that kafir India is much ahead then the Muslim Bangladesh. It brings shame to them when they see BD trying to cross border and enter India and sometimes even Burma.

In India we have a common understanding that all your domestic workers will be from BD. BD are employed to all dirty and low paying jobs in India but nevertheless it is fortune for them.

Some of the Bangladeshi have already left BD while some are about to leave BD. You people must fight the embarrassment from BD itself.
He and other dalits of UP and Bihar are already on the run after beaten by Marathas and by extreme right wing hindus of Maharastra.

Shiv Sena Leader back in 2003 said this about these group of people..."Ek Bihari, Sau Bimari. Do Bihari Ladai ki taiyari, Teen Bihari train hamari and paanch Bihari to sarkar hamaari" (One Bihari equals hundred diseases, Two Biharis is preparing for fight, Three Biharis it is a train hijack, and five Biharis will try to form the ruling Government)."

No comment is required after that. This UP and Bihari makes up around 30% of the Indian population fortunately or unfortunately.

Ya man, Biharis kicked out from BD also bringing bad name for us as well. These biharis are labelled as BD.
Most menial and dalit work is historically done by Bihari and UP people.

Brother you are just changing the whole doctrine of BD defence. We are a small country and its not feasible to fight within our territory. Thats why BDR is kept under army. we have to defend ourselves from the zero line and take the war to the enemy soil as quickly as possible. 2nd doctrine is to create a buffer zone well inside enemy territory and make the citizen pro Bangladesh and make them fight against India. Our strategy is working and thats why so many burning @MandarK type infesting BD threads.

jamati cold war doctrine ..:lol::lol:
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1. Professional troll and pro-Indian Zabaniya/aka "Loki" is asking for this thread to be closed.

Presumably because it contains content that is negative towards her beloved India.

However this is a "defence forum" and this is the Bangladeshi "defence" sub-forum.

The whole purpose of the Bangladeshi military is to defend the territorial integrity of the People's Republic of Bangladesh and all of the equipment, defence products are all geared towards that fundamental goal.

Now a country's military is there to defend it from aggressors. Bangladesh has two, one being Burma and the other being India. Burma is not a major military threat and is not capable of any aggression towards Bangladesh especially considering the fact that large parts of the country are in the hands of rebels and they are fighting an active war against Kachin rebels in the north.

That leaves India.

The possibility of what would happen in an India-Bangladesh war is probably the most relevant topic in this entire sub-forum and more relevant than news on Bangladeshi economics, false fabrications of "illegal immigration" and so forth.

The whole point of an army, and defence is to fight wars.

Thus pro-Indian troll Zabaniya is wrong in her attempt to get this thread closed, plus it breaks no rules.

2. Having said that however let me mention some key points. First of all I will not address the Uttar Pradeshi troll Mandark as he is clearly immature and trolling, and his responses are nonsensical. The following points are for serious posters (excluding trolls like Zabaniya/"Loki", Mandark, Azazel, Ares etc).

a: In my scenarios above I was generous and said that at the very least even if Bangladesh cannot defend its soil from Indian aggression by conventional warfare it can do so by guerilla warfare.

I did not even speak about the conventional phase of any such war.

I did not go in to our nascent air defence system.

I did not talk about our naval capabilities.

I did not talk about the damage our air force could inflict on India. Even Serbia inflicted damage on NATO's air forces in 1999 and NATO is far stronger than the Indian air force.


Bangladesh's ace fighter pilot, the legendary Saiful Azam who shot down Israeli air planes, with Israel being known to have top class pilots. Bangladeshi pilots can inflict serious damage on India in the conventional stage of the war.

I did not speak about our 0.2 million army, the biggest contributor of UN peacekeeping forces in the world.

I did not speak about our "Ansar" who are around 0.3 million.

I did not speak about our 5.6 million strong VDP.

In addition to the regular army we have millions of trained reservists, volunteers and other civilians.

I bypassed the initial conventional phase of the war and went straight to a guerilla war based on the presupposition that India could easily win the conventional war.

However even this is questionable. For example much larger Egypt cannot conquer tiny Israel and we would have over 6 million troops ready to defend our country including the regular army, Ansar and VDP.


Ansar who supplement the regular army.

b: Though the various trolls such as Zabaniya/"Loki" and others may even object to me pointing out how Bangladesh would be defended in a defence forum, however this is all relevant, and is in fact the most relevant thing in the whole sub-forum, let me continue.

Guerilla warfare is extremely dangerous for conventional armies.

- The Americans lost.

- The Soviets lost.

- The Nazis lost against the Soviets (Russians) whom they considered racially inferior, subhuman Slavs in the same way Hindutva extremists despise Bangladeshis.

- The Pakistanis lost.

- The Turks are losing (Kurdistan).

- The Indians cannot even defeat Maoist rebels who are in 1/3 of India and are continuing to kill Indian forces and have their own mini-statelets and arms factories in India.

India would ultimately lose any war against Bangladesh because beyond the conventional phase - which it might not win - there would be the inevitable guerilla war that it would lose.

This is important for Indians to understand.


India is a bully in South Asia and seeks to bully and intimidate other countries. Part of this is based on the false assumption that India is militarily far superior to its neighbours and can crush them. This leads to arrogance and hubris and a belief that not only can India behave arrogantly but it must. Just as the US had the Monroe doctrine viewing the Americas as under the US sphere of influence, India too seeks to carve its own sphere of influence in south Asia including Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan and Bangladesh.

However decision makers in New Delhi must understand that in real terms Bangladesh and India have military parity as neither can invade and occupy the other.

Any attempt to occupy Bangladesh would in fact result in the disintegration of the Indian union itself.

I am merely pointing this out in order for Indians to stop their continuous insults against Bangladesh and Bengalis on this forum, their threats (e.g. nuking us, flooding us) and to instill some sobriety to otherwise delusional and arrogant Indians and their pro-Indian allies such as Zabaniya/ "Loki".

If you read this thread you will see that on post 24 it is an Indian who says Bengalis are not a martial race, an example of the belief of the racial inferiority of Bengalis which Indians - like their brothers, the Pakistanis - hold and one which is completely false as even the founder of the Indian national army was himself a Bengal, Subash Chandra Bose.

However common sense, facts, reality are not exactly the "strong points" for the extremist Hindutva fanatics and aggressive Indians that infest this forum.

Having made all this clear, I will desist from continuing to post on this thread and leave it to be ruined by the likes of Zabaniya/ "Loki", Mandark, Azazel, Ares etc.

The real men are out...boys (and girls, i.e. Zabaniya) time to play.

never ever india or indians said that they want to wage a war with BD.Its some jaamati elements from ur country who started this day -dream stuff.And few things if you want to admit,in 71 the PA surrendered before "mitro bahini" and not mukti bahini alone.the mukti bahini was trained and armed by india,fought for 9 months,still could not get u liberation all alone,it took direct intervention from india.so,liberating a country by mere guerillia is not feasible...usa or soviets might have lost,but look at the kashmiris,trying for the last 25 yrs,the maoists for the last 40 yrs...what they have got??? usa an russia opreated far away from their country,they lost.India has been facing guerilla war in NE,kash,maoists for the last 40 or so years and lost nothing..so u cannot say we will loose.India has the 2nd largest army in the world,4th largest air-force and 5th largest navy,so how on earth ur going to defeat us in "conventional war" care to weigh in??And india never threatened ur country nor is it a bully..its some jammatis in ur country who says about "hindutva","bal thakrey" and say india is going to wage a war on your country....what about "islamic fundamentalism" that has creeped in your country??? what about "HUJI"??? you ppl consider ur-self "dhowa tulsipata" which ur definitely not.And illegal migration is definitely an issue which we r suffering here...why ur ppl come to our country??? why ur nation can't provide them their due..and some ppl from ur country is saying "poor india".Well,india is poor but not beggar like***** And,heaven forbids,if ever india and BD wage a war against each other,don't consider the bengalis on this side to help you or fight for u...They hate u ppl more than the rest of india...I'm sorry if i've said someting rudely,but the truth is always bitter to digest

Brother you are just changing the whole doctrine of BD defence. We are a small country and its not feasible to fight within our territory. Thats why BDR is kept under army. We have to defend ourselves from the zero line and take the war to the enemy soil as quickly as possible. 2nd doctrine is to create a buffer zone well inside enemy territory and make the citizen pro Bangladesh and make them fight against India. Our strategy is working and thats why so many burning @MandarK type infesting BD threads.
Oh please do it..ur brothers in kashmir are trying it for the last 25 years and we r dispatching them in heaven to meet 72 vigins.Don't worry,your turn will also come
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Oh please do it..ur brothers in kashmir are trying it for the last 25 years and we r dispatching them in heaven to meet 72 vigins.Don't worry,your turn will also come
BDs already took the war to indian soil thats why indians at regular interval cry that there are so many millions BDs in india.If you dont agree then your story of millions BDs in india is total lie
BDs already took the war to indian soil thats why indians at regular interval cry that there are so many millions BDs in india.If you dont agree then your story of millions BDs in india is total lie
auntiji they r not warriors..they r just meagre daily wokers and labourers and servants..but they r using they infastructre of our country,and consuming our resources...hence is our annoyance
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