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Are you Hindu first or Indian first?

Pakistanis will never understand the psyche of Indians. Indians always keep their nation before everything.

For Indians, the priorities comes in following order:
Nationality → Religion → Caste → State → Language

You can ask Indian of any region or faith, reply will almost always be in the same order.

Pakistan, a country born on the basis of religious identity, will never understand this. For them, it is always...

Religion (Sunni Islam) → Military → State (Punjab) → Language
Indian first and foremost. Religion is not important to me....but my country definitely is.
The barometer is what's written by Pakistanis on PDF! :-)

And hey! What about the remainder 11%? :rolleyes1:

Gallup polls is composed o PDF members ?:rofl:

11% must be chilling with 25% indians who won't fight for india ... Only 75% indians voted they would fight for india :lol:

Make that shit claim (About Pak not being a "national state" like india again!:rofl
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When Godse killed Gandhi, was he a Hindu first or Indian first? When you declare him a “brave” man and want to build his temple, are you proving to be Hindu first or Indian first?

The main reason of killing Gandhi by Godse is giving 55 crore rs to Pakistan. This is what he argued in court. So hinduism do not come in way.

When you destroyed Babri Masjid leading the country to worst ever social and emotional division since Partition, were you being Hindu first or Indian first? When you still hope to build Ram Mandir on the ruins of Babri Masjid, are you Hindu first or Indian first?

We did not destroyed any mosque (Like 17000 Hindu temples destroyed in J & K). It was a temple (And A very important Temple) illigally take over by Muslim and declared it a mosque( It is proved by Archaeological survey evidences now) . We just wanted it back. Religious fundamentalists did not want to give our temple back to us so they took the support of SO called fase seculars and declared that structure a mosque.
When you reserve Hindu Dalits, Hindu OBCs in the name of backwardness (about half of your population), and call any attempt for giving reservation to Muslims “appeasement”, are you Hindu first or Indian first?

Dalit got Reservations because they suffered a lots of Humiliation such as untouchability and other atrocities. We as a society tried to remorse the same by giving reservation. Muslims is a rulling class and rulled various part of India. On what basis are you demanding reservation? Just religion?

And yes, Backward muslims get reservation in OBC quota like other Hindus. What problem you have.
When you call for making Gita and other Hindu scriptures part of educational syllabi, are you Hindu first or Indian first?

We have already given Muslims the right to preach Kuran in Madrasa. What problem do you have guys if Gita is taught in school? Or in a majority Hindu country, Only Hindu sentiments should not be respected. You guys have a habit of being treated specially every time. When Hindus demand something which you guys have already got since independence, Why do you oppose. We just demand something which you already have and nothing special.

When Prime Minister Modi gifts Gita instead of a book on Gandhi or Indian History to foreign heads of state on his official visits, does he prove himself to be Hindu first or Indian first?

Gita is a wisdom of India. Why do you have a problem with that? Simply because it is Hindi? This shows your hattered for Hindu. You do not want Hidus to have a right or anything of Hindus to be respected. Even you guys hate any Muslim who respect Hindus. When Great Kalam sir died, Non of your so called Muslim came out to give Homage like we did. This is simply because he respected Hindus and Hindu culture. You are the guys who clap when owasi ask the people to kill 100 crore Hindus.

When Hindutva organisations try to equate “Hindu” with “Indian” giving fallacious grounds causing severe anguish to majority of Indians, are they trying to be Hindu first or Indian first?

Why do not you equate Muslims With India. Have anybody stopped you. You guys want to identify yourself with Islam first. Saudi is your ideal. Why do not you guys declare that yes, We are Indian first and Muslim later on . I challenge you to do that. I want you to do what Hindus do. We shall well come you.
When they raise voice only against terrorist attacks committed by Muslims and not against much greater number of Hindu terrorist attacks and much greater violence in riots, are they Hindus first or Indians first?

First of all prove that Hindu was involved in any of the terror attack. In riots our response had always been reactive. We do not systematically cleanse Muslims like you guys did in Kashmir and doing in Hyderabad. Had you guys been in Majority, You would have killed each and every Hindu. You guys did that in Pakistan, You are doing that in BD. You have the concept of Dariul Ismal, Darul Harab etc and we do not have that. Our religion teaches Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam. You guys are radical and only degree of radicalism differs. You do not give any right to others when you are in Majority but you need special previllage which includes the dignity for you and humiliation for others.
Is pork halal/permissible in Islam?

If you cannot permit pork which is despised in Islam, how can you think that hindus would permit cow slaughter which is considered holy to them?

Dont worry too much about beef in India. Indian muslims, christian, NE people and other tribals are free to eat buff beef and dozens of other animals to their liking. It fulfills the requirement of cheap protein to those who are in need.

Eating cow is not a Fardh in Islam.

They have their own version of secularism where cow slaughter is forbidden and different laws of marriage/inheritance/adoption/quota system etc unlike secularism in west

I have seen many Pakistanis come up with Babri Masjid issue to cry about the conditions of Muslims in India.

First of all, I'd request you to forget your religion for a second and be a neutral. Tell me, what would Hindus feel about Babri Masjid which was build on a Temple razed by foreign invader Babur? This temple was not an ordinary temple. It is similar in stature to the Kaaba for Muslims. It is the temple of birthplace of Lord Ram for Hindus.

It is not just Babri Masjid, but there are 1000s of temples which were razed and mosques built in its place. Hindus are not asking to raze all mosques. They are vocal about only those temples which have huge religious, sentimental value for them i.e. Ran Janmbhoomi (birthplace) Temple and Krishna Janmbhoomi (birthplace) Temple in Mathura.

It is akin to asking to re-build Mosque in Makkah & Madina. (had it been destroyed)
When instead of demanding severest punishment to Hindu leaders involved in communal riots, you honour them, are you being Hindu first or Indian first?

You guys did that for Yakub Memon. When did we do that for any Hindu. Hundreds of Hindus are being convicted in riots. We never demanded to forgive their punishment. It is you guys who did that.
When they campaign for Hindus producing more and more children (so that they retain their demographic domination) are they trying to be Hindu first or Indian first?

When You reserve that right for yourself and each and every mullah Provokes Muslims to have half of a dozen children, Why do not you ask this to them. Is the responsibility to have 2 or less children lies on Hindus? Why your population increase every time? Tum dozen bacche paida karo or hum bole ke char to bhi tmhe itraz?
When the Government declared Yoga Day and tried to present it as a national practice, was it Hindu first or Indian first?

Yoga is the supreme Knowledge of mental and physical coordination. It is our culture. Today whole world is mad behind Yoga. What do you say, we should not propagate that only because it is Hindu? This reflects your anti Hindu mentality and nothing else. We can not propagate some principles of Killing Kufras to get Zannat. We must propagate yoga. You shout from loudspeaker in each corner of the country.but you insist that yoga should not be propagated.

When political parties like BJP and Shiv Sena endeavour to consolidate Hindu votes by promoting communal polarisation, do they behave as Hindu firstr or Indians first?

You guys have voted as a block. You have issued Fatwas to defeat BJP shivsena. Even you guys decide in meeting whom to vote to defeat BJP. s a result when Hindu gets consolidated , You have a problem. You want to reserve all right of playing foul with you and others should not play foul even as a reaction of your folu playing.

Your vote bank is divided now. Shias, Ahemadias and many other Muslims are not with you. They have seen what shall happen to them in a full majority Muslim country.country. Plenty of examples are there with them. They are unwilling to vote as a block with you.

When you oppose Urdu, which is an Indian language, just because lately it has become more popular with Muslims, do you prove yourselves to be Hindus first or Indians first?

This is a lie and we have never opposed Urdu. It is some progressive muslis who have voiced their concern against Urdu as the no higher education book is available in Urdu. By the way why do you want to study the language in which no higher study book is available?
If tens of thousands of Hindus left India and became American, Australian or British citizens, while still retaining their religious identity, were they Hindu first or Indian first before their migration?

Hidu is an Indian religion so there is quetion being any of them first. You are unnecessarily trying to draw an analogy with Islam which has route somewhere else. You should first of all tell that in case of conflict of interest, to whom would you favor. Islam or india?
Same here:-).I don't know how the author of the article wants to distinguish between India and Hinduism/Sanatan Dharma considering the fact that we don't owe our allegiance to any foreign country unlike some of our compatriots (the likes of the author India is the land of our ancestors,our Holy land and hence our loyalty lie to this country:coffee:.

Yeh tum ne kya kah diya Ranjeet bhai:o:,ab dekho Pakistani posters kaisi kaisi galiye dena suru karenge;).Yeh topic haraam hain according to them:astagh::omghaha:
We may give our heart to any religion (Hinduism) but our Arse belongs to India.
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Indian First ..Always will be
And Hinduism is not an organized religion.Anyone can become Hindu by accepting the culture and tradition of India.
You dont need to change your own personal belief for that like Christianity,Islam or anything .
No Indian Muslims should also pay for those crimes of even arab , turk or persin Muslim invaders.. I am quiet impressed with the logic of hinduvadi ..your ancestors were converted forcibly into Islam so they should take this revenge from you because your ancestors are dead now :D

Don't laugh like that. If you want to take revenge for something and you canot do that since that person is dead, then it is a verry sad situation. psychological torture actualy.
Did you watched the campaign of Modi closely before election i.e his rhetoric /slogans?Was it all about development with no element of Hindu nationalism? He was even gifting geeta to representatives of other countries. he is chalti phrti example of Hinduism instead of secularism i


I think you did not get it. You dont mind when a British or candian born Indian consider himself Indian first and feel loyalty towards India before Cnada but you feel pain when Indian Muslim or Kashmiri Indian cheers for Pakistan. Why ignore emotional attachment there? Canadian Indian would not be traitor for Canada if he support India over Canada but same is not true for Indian kashmiri lol

Bhagavad Gita is our creation,Indians own creation,our civilization ,our high moral values .It is from India.You dont have to add religious taste in that.
How can he gift Bible or Quran instead of that ?
That is not ours.
Did you watched the campaign of Modi closely before election i.e his rhetoric /slogans?Was it all about development with no element of Hindu nationalism? He was even gifting geeta to representatives of other countries. he is chalti phrti example of Hinduism instead of secularism i


I think you did not get it. You dont mind when a British or candian born Indian consider himself Indian first and feel loyalty towards India before Cnada but you feel pain when Indian Muslim or Kashmiri Indian cheers for Pakistan. Why ignore emotional attachment there? Canadian Indian would not be traitor for Canada if he support India over Canada but same is not true for Indian kashmiri lol
I think you have misunderstood what Secularism means.

It does not mean abandoning our religion. It means the State in its policies must not give preference or be against any other religion. Equal policy for people of all religions.

I am a Hindu and believe India should be secular..

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