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Are you Eligible for Marriage?

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pakistani state can not bear expenses of single kid pakistan should have their population halved all must b educated and working regardless of acst religon gender

@zainabfatima give this advice to your nation as well where many sit in wait for govt benefits while others like BLACK, LATINO AND AMERICAN INDIANS suffer at a different scale....
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@zainabfatima your previous post was comparing Pakistan with Swizerland....soo...I am guessing you were comparing our middle and upper class...mind you all of those can afford more than 2 kids!

@M.harris I read an Indian saying the same...Wonder where you people pick this kind of attitude from?! :unsure:

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@M.harris common doesnt mean everyone knows it nor does it mean it is right....

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@zainabfatima I see you do not even know the basics of what you are talking about....just your saying....fluctuating from Pakistan's population to shariah shows how much you know about Islam and shariah...Madam troll!
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@sur - I agree with your post, We should make marriage easy - However, you can't disassociate from cultural things, but can educate society to keep those things limited to their resources and not to put pressure to do more than their means.

Anyway IMHO - We should also lower the age of marriage for men but educate them about marriage as suggested in OP and population control. It will reduce the crimes as young ones are most vulnerable. Like in past, parents used to arrange marriage as soon as son starts earning, and the most naughty son used to get married first as marriage puts responsibility on his shoulders and in majority cases he becomes better person after marriage. There is significant difference between crime rate of even 2 decades ago and today.
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What just witnesses and ring an dulha dulhan no mullah?:blink:

That's technical without mullah involved in nikkah you'll need to give us some concrete evidence regarding no mullah to do nikkah kahani. Authentic Hadiths would help.
The thread was - are u eligible for marriage ?? Nobody gives the straight answer.

YOu guys should follow me,- I'm Unmarried, current earning-$50 per day- Kinda handsome (according to friends ;) ), Any girlie here???
What just witnesses and ring an dulha dulhan no mullah?:blink:

That's technical without mullah involved in nikkah you'll need to give us some concrete evidence regarding no mullah to do nikkah kahani. Authentic Hadiths would help.
@Luftwaffe wow even I didnt read that part :blink:

Yea, I think some imam should be around too :agree:
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