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Are the US and Iran talking behind the scenes?

Iran needs to negotiate a nuclear deal the hardliners conservative Republican base. Negotiating with democrats is a waste of time because a Republican hardline president can always rip it up.

If Iran gets a new deal with a Republican president no democrat will touch the deal and future Republicans wouldn’t either because it’s a massive boost to their party’s status for negotiating an nuclear arms control agreement.
Iran needs to negotiate a nuclear deal the hardliners conservative Republican base. Negotiating with democrats is a waste of time because a Republican hardline president can always rip it up.

If Iran gets a new deal with a Republican president no democrat will touch the deal and future Republicans wouldn’t either because it’s a massive boost to their party’s status for negotiating an nuclear arms control agreement.
And you know why a Iran-Republican agreement will only happen in fantasyland ? They demand Iran to reduce its missile range to 150 KM. They demand no enrichment on Iranian soil. No support to any group in the Middle East etc

The demands will not be accepted by IR.
Iran needs to negotiate a nuclear deal the hardliners conservative Republican base. Negotiating with democrats is a waste of time because a Republican hardline president can always rip it up.

If Iran gets a new deal with a Republican president no democrat will touch the deal and future Republicans wouldn’t either because it’s a massive boost to their party’s status for negotiating an nuclear arms control agreement.

That's incredibly naive, if you think you'd get a fair deal under a republican
he never for forbids behind the scenes talk NOT public
hd forbids any agreement

time is our side we talk waste time and U.S get deeper and deeper into trouble economically,
they have done what they could there is no more pressure they can put on.
it is over by only given big concessions and for absolutely nothing in our part only for there ego

there is no sense to negotiate with someone who wants to destruct and enslave you.
It doesnt matter if there is an republican or democrat president, the zionist goal is the same.
Furthermore everything signed by the US is not worth a toilet paper as we learned, so which sense does it make to talk to them beside winning more time?
not only they broke the deal they signed, this bastards also killed Soleimani, f.. them!
They want to talk? Lets firtly remove all sanctions and than we have a basis for talks....
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That's incredibly naive, if you think you'd get a fair deal under a republican

And you know why a Iran-Republican agreement will only happen in fantasyland ? They demand Iran to reduce its missile range to 150 KM. They demand no enrichment on Iranian soil. No support to any group in the Middle East etc

The demands will not be accepted by IR.

That’s just posturing because it was Obama negotiating the nuclear deal. Most of the Republican base doesn’t support the Neo-con base.

You guys forget that Iran-Contra happened during Reagan presidency. You guys forget that during Iran-Iraq war, Israel was selling Iran arms. So when it comes political clout and major deals you need to sign with the conservative base or else your deal will be violated by every republican president in the future because their party didn’t make the deal. Childish I know. But that’s the world of politics.

So don’t tell me what’s naive when you don’t fundamentally understand that Republican Party doesn’t give a rats *** about a “good” deal they just want to be the ones that “make” that deal.

And both of you are incredibly naive to think that any Democrat can pass a deal and it not be rejected by Republicans. It’s like the Reformists in Iran trying to pass a deal.

In Iran if you want to make a deal, you make it with the hardliners and conservative base because they are the ones with power. Also they usually take the toughest stance. If you can convince the toughest group in a power structure to back a deal then the weakest group (democrat or reformist) will never challenge it.
there is no sense to negotiate with someone who wants to destruct and enslave you.
It doesnt matter if there is an republican or democrat president, the zionist goal is the same.
Furthermore everything signed by the US is not worth a toilet paper as we learned, so which sense does it make to talk to them beside winning more time?
not only they broke the deal they signed, this bastards also killed Soleimani, f.. them!
They want to talk? Lets firtly remove all sanctions and than we have a basis for talks....

Spoken like someone who doesn’t live in reality.

How long do you think Iran can stay under these sanctions? How long do you think it can be cut off from outside world? How long do you think it can keep exporting 200,000 barrels a day? Iran’s own paralimentary economists say this is the worst economic crisis since the mongol invasion!

US can keep sanctions on forever. Iran is so disconnected from the world economy and it’s only leverage asset was oil. Now there is so much oil being produced that no one NEEDS Iran’s economy to be re-connected right away. If oil was highly in demand then there would be pressure on West to get Iranian supply back on the market. In the meantime, Iran’s currency has depreciated from 3,000 to 25,000! Inflation is rampant. Iran gave away all its leverage (Fordow, Arak) in last negotiations. It also doesn’t have the balls to go nuclear.

You have this notion that Iran can stay under these sanctions forever and it’s not rooted in reality. Iran will have to negotiate sooner or later. If Iran had a strong self sufficient economy than maybe it could hold out longer. But such an idea is more a utopia on paper like Marxism.
That’s just posturing because it was Obama negotiating the nuclear deal. Most of the Republican base doesn’t support the Neo-con base.

You guys forget that Iran-Contra happened during Reagan presidency. You guys forget that during Iran-Iraq war, Israel was selling Iran arms. So when it comes political clout and major deals you need to sign with the conservative base or else your deal will be violated by every republican president in the future because their party didn’t make the deal. Childish I know. But that’s the world of politics.

So don’t tell me what’s naive when you don’t fundamentally understand that Republican Party doesn’t give a rats *** about a “good” deal they just want to be the ones that “make” that deal.

And both of you are incredibly naive to think that any Democrat can pass a deal and it not be rejected by Republicans. It’s like the Reformists in Iran trying to pass a deal.

In Iran if you want to make a deal, you make it with the hardliners and conservative base because they are the ones with power. Also they usually take the toughest stance. If you can convince the toughest group in a power structure to back a deal then the weakest group (democrat or reformist) will never challenge it.
Get over it. Iran is not going to negotiate with the likes of Trump or any other Republican similar to him.

Right from the mouth of the highest leader in Iran :

4 August 2020

In a Friday speech marking the Islamic holiday of Eid al-Adha, Khamenei refused President Trump's offer to negotiate with Iran about its nuclear program. He claimed that the offer was merely bait by the president to score political points ahead of the November presidential election.

"He is going to benefit from negotiations," Khamenei said, according to the New York Times. "This old man who is in charge in America apparently used negotiations with North Korea as propaganda."

Get over it. Iran is not going to negotiate with the likes of Trump or any other Republican similar to him.

Right from the mouth of the highest leader in Iran :

4 August 2020

In a Friday speech marking the Islamic holiday of Eid al-Adha, Khamenei refused President Trump's offer to negotiate with Iran about its nuclear program. He claimed that the offer was merely bait by the president to score political points ahead of the November presidential election.

"He is going to benefit from negotiations," Khamenei said, according to the New York Times. "This old man who is in charge in America apparently used negotiations with North Korea as propaganda."


It’s called negotiating tactics. Something that totally escapes your comprehension.

If Trump gets re-elected they will negotiate. If he doesn’t get re-elected they will negotiate. In the end Iran will negotiate.

Just wait and watch.
It’s called negotiating tactics. Something that totally escapes your comprehension.

If Trump gets re-elected they will negotiate. If he doesn’t get re-elected they will negotiate. In the end Iran will negotiate.

Just wait and watch.
You clearly lack any understanding of the Islamic Republic system and its ideology. If Khamenei says no, it is no.
He already showed flexibility once https://www.ft.com/content/33a7545c-249b-11e5-9c4e-a775d2b173ca
And we all witnessed what happened after that. He is really not going to give the Americans a second chance. I am sorry if you can not accept this.

How many years more do you really need to understand it ? I will make sure to remind you on this at the end of Trump's second term (if he wins it).
You clearly lack any understanding of the Islamic Republic system and its ideology. If Khamenei says no, it is no.
He already showed flexibility once https://www.ft.com/content/33a7545c-249b-11e5-9c4e-a775d2b173ca
And we all witnessed what happened after that. He is really not going to give the Americans a second chance. I am sorry if you can not accept this.

How many years more do you really need to understand it ? I will make sure to remind you on this at the end of Trump's second term (if he wins it).

Yes, I’m sure your idea is that Iran will watch it’s currency depreciate from 3,000 to 25,000 then to 50,000 then maybe 100,000?

You think Iran has a massive cash reserve that it can just wait forever? It just burned another $150M to stabilize the toman in the 20,000’s. You think that US will return to nuclear deal and Iran will have to give up nothing?

You clearly don’t understand how politics work nor how economics work. Iran’s own economists have warned the situation is dire and the worst in history of republic and one of the worst in history of Iran going back to Mongol invasion.

But of course keyboard warriors say Iran should continue to hold out and never negotiate that things will magically get better. Meanwhile our fellow brothers continue to suffer in Iran from draconian economic warfare caused by the West.

There will be some type of negotiation in the future wether Trump or Biden. I’m not optimistic about Biden because the democrats lack a lot of power in the US geopolitical power structure.

Iran would be in a much better Negotiating position if it built more than one Fordow or didn’t mothball Arak. Right now it’s nuclear leverage is very little.
Yes, I’m sure your idea is that Iran will watch it’s currency depreciate from 3,000 to 25,000 then to 50,000 then maybe 100,000?

You think Iran has a massive cash reserve that it can just wait forever? It just burned another $150M to stabilize the toman in the 20,000’s. You think that US will return to nuclear deal and Iran will have to give up nothing?

You clearly don’t understand how politics work nor how economics work. Iran’s own economists have warned the situation is dire and the worst in history of republic and one of the worst in history of Iran going back to Mongol invasion.

But of course keyboard warriors say Iran should continue to hold out and never negotiate that things will magically get better. Meanwhile our fellow brothers continue to suffer in Iran from draconian economic warfare caused by the West.

There will be some type of negotiation in the future wether Trump or Biden. I’m not optimistic about Biden because the democrats lack a lot of power in the US geopolitical power structure.

Iran would be in a much better Negotiating position if it built more than one Fordow or didn’t mothball Arak. Right now it’s nuclear leverage is very little.

Unfortunately the reality is far from our expectations. This is not about if i want the negotiations with the US to continue or not. All i am telling you is that the Iranian ideological estabilishment operates far different than you normally expect from a US-dominated ''normal'' nation state.

You are facing with a estabilishment that never lost its revolutionary spirit and till this day continues every pillar the first founder Khomeini has set. So yes, when the leader says there will be no negotiations with that man (Trump) it is the final say no matter what.

Iran can weather this crisis too until the US simply gives it up. May i remind you the worst crisis the IR went through, the 8 years war with Iraq. Hundreds of thousands of life, a shattered economy, destroyed oil infrastructure, political divisions and fragments and many other obstacles. If they survived that what makes you think they can not survive during peace time ?

We are going off track here. The main point i tried to tell you was that the highest authority in Iran himself said that he rules out talks with the US, atleast till Trump is in power. It will be a different story with Biden.

There will be no negotiations with the killer of Soleimani.
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Iran needs to negotiate a nuclear deal the hardliners conservative Republican base. Negotiating with democrats is a waste of time because a Republican hardline president can always rip it up.

If Iran gets a new deal with a Republican president no democrat will touch the deal and future Republicans wouldn’t either because it’s a massive boost to their party’s status for negotiating an nuclear arms control agreement.
No agreement what so ever
Not even official talk
Nothing wait for Americans in next 5 years
there is no sense to negotiate with someone who wants to destruct and enslave you.
It doesnt matter if there is an republican or democrat president, the zionist goal is the same.
Furthermore everything signed by the US is not worth a toilet paper as we learned, so which sense does it make to talk to them beside winning more time?
not only they broke the deal they signed, this bastards also killed Soleimani, f.. them!
They want to talk? Lets firtly remove all sanctions and than we have a basis for talks....
brother I 100% agree with you
But if you talk in secret and it’s for entrapment there’s nothing wrong and if the talks has zero big zero outcome is even better
There will be no agreement between Iran and United States zero next five years nothing talk for wasting time It works in our advantage and to detriment of United States

I’m not sure but maybe remember maybe their maximum damage campaign maybe will start after October in all aspects
Unfortunately the reality is far from our expectations. This is not about if i want the negotiations with the US to continue or not. All i am telling you is that the Iranian ideological estabilishment operates far different than you normally expect from a US-dominated ''normal'' nation state.

You are facing with a estabilishment that never lost its revolutionary spirit and till this day continues every pillar the first founder Khomeini has set. So yes, when the leader says there will be no negotiations with that man (Trump) it is the final say no matter what.

Iran can weather this crisis too until the US simply gives it up. May i remind you the worst crisis the IR went through, the 8 years war with Iraq. Hundreds of thousands of life, a shattered economy, destroyed oil infrastructure, political divisions and fragments and many other obstacles. If they survived that what makes you think they can not survive during peace time ?

We are going off track here. The main point i tried to tell you was that the highest authority in Iran himself said that he rules out talks with the US, atleast till Trump is in power. It will be a different story with Biden.

There will be no negotiations with the killer of Soleimani.

Rial was 700 at the start of the war, it is now 25,000 (toman). Iran was trading with almost all nations during the war versus very little today. Iran’s banking system and oil sector was free from sanctions during the war versus today it is cut off from the world.

The situation is MUCH worse than during the war. If you don’t believe me go read what Iran’s own economists are saying.

Let’s just wait and we will see who is right.
An ex CIA agent stationed in UAE said whenever he had a meeting with the Iraqis, there were Iranian minders and intelligence agents in the room. And he said. "If you're sitting even in the green zone, and you're making a big decision, you have to go to Tehran for reference"

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