Surrounded by Uttar Pradesh Dalits? Indian Punjab is bordered by Pakistan Punjab to the west , Haryana to the south, Jammu and Kashmir to the north and Rajasthan to the south/southwest. To further my point, Indian Punjabis still look at caste/occupation when intermarrying so what would it matter if Indian Punjabis were surrounded by Uttar Pradesh Dalits? Your anecdotal evidence of seeing the difference means nothing. Your the one with agenda trying to separate Pakistan from India as much as possible and going to the extent of saying Pakistani Punjabis are ethnically different than their Indian Punjabis counterparts without a shred of evidence.
If you can prove to me that Afghan Pashtuns and Pakistani Pashtuns, Iranian Balochis and Pakistani Balochis and North and South Koreans are genetically much different from one another, then you have a point. Until then, your shouting agenda driven bullshit.
An agenda to play in genetic work nowadays? I'm sure Noah Rosenberg has an agenda regarding South Asian genetics. Oh wait, since your saying the chart means nothing regarding genetic clusters and similarity, then there would be no problem if there was some ridiculous agenda.
If there is anyone with an agenda, it is you Roadrunner. You can't accept the fact that Pakistani Punjabis and Indian Punjabis are the same population separated by an imaginary border or that Pashtuns are so genetically similar to their Pakistani brothers and other northwest Indian populations.