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Are Muslims enemies of Peace?

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Simple deduction by reading comments on TOI and even this site :whistle:
Oh and some fanatics who represent some percentage of India (lets say you are intelligent enough to guess this) comment on a site and you generalize it to the entire Indian Hindu population.. wow, now I understand what you accept as 'uncomfortable proofs', will keep in mind.
Hey guys!

It's 12 midnight here in NY. I just went out to eat a tuna sandwich. Just got home and smoking a cigarette. I am getting an urge to go kill Hindus. I will not be able to go to sleep without killing some hindu or kafirs. Man! What should I do? I need my sleep.
Tell me if a Hindu said your Gods were not real would you consider him as a Hindu? (No offense)
Yes I would because you can be a Hindu without praying to the gods too, which have been created just to keep people not to self destruct themselves and for obviously some fanatics who wanted nothing but war and destruction (I think you know these kind so i do not have to substantiate further).

Any meat is haram as long as its not prepared by a Muslim :disagree:
This thread is rapidly turning out to be an anti-Indian Muslim thread. Unfortunately by Pakistani Muslims. when the topic revolves around muslims worldwide
Oh and some fanatics who represent some percentage of India (lets say you are intelligent enough to guess this) comment on a site and you generalize it to the entire Indian Hindu population.. wow, now I understand what you accept as 'uncomfortable proofs', will keep in mind.

I admit to being a cheeky there :cheesy:

But I do base it on news reports of RSS/ other hindu extremest groups.
Speeches against Pakistan and Muslims by these people
and of course, comments and attitudes by Indians online.

Every time we have a thread about Islam, it instantly gets infested by Indian trolls.

And finally, I saw a documentary on the CBC about these Hindu extremest groups and one of the leaders was extremely sad becuase "India had a chance to wipe out the Muslims in 1947, there were only a few million then. We could have solved our Muslim problem then but we were weak"

For the life of me I cannot find this documentary online tho :(
I really wish I could.
As long as muslim population is around 3%. They are peace loving. Once they cross 10%. No peace.

They love peace so much that, they take peace from others. Of course Indian muslims are far better except some nut cases.
As long as muslim population is around 3%. They are peace loving. Once they cross 10%. No peace.

They love peace so much that, they take peace from others. Of course Indian muslims are far better except some nut cases.
Dude can you take your hateful Hindutva *** out of here? You are a saffron terrorist sympathizer, and you will find no friends amongst Pakistanis or sensible Indians.
As long as muslim population is around 3%. They are peace loving. Once they cross 10%. No peace.

They love peace so much that, they take peace from others. Of course Indian muslims are far better except some nut cases.

Another evidence... @samantk
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