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Are Muslims enemies of Peace?

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ur post means u think in ur mind that hindus, jews and christians hate u. because of that u hate them all. so one day a maulvi will come to u and say blow urself up and take revenge of hate or hit a building with a plane and u will. this is what u pakistani muslims are. crazy and hostile. u guys are insecure, no matter where u live u always behave like ur not a part of society and ppl wont like u coz ur pakistani muslim and have a long history of blown ups. i dont know bro but ur post really made me sad. if ur not an india better not make any comments between hindu muslims relation in india. it is different than in other parts of world.

Who are you mate? Remember Canada flight that was blown up by Sikhs? Lol, talking about us when you Sikhs are notorious for that...

Btw sad that you don't have seperate country so you have to lick Hindu's a$$...
Listen Sikh. If you keep talking that **** I will seek you out in Vancouver and behead you.

list bro, u dont need to bring my religion up in every thread allright.

on topic:
u guys hate us and think we r not secure with them, that is ur problem. this is a common muslims problem in every country.
I'm sorry mate you have been brainwashed into thinking Ahmedis are Muslim and you think Hindus love you... Sorry mate...

Thats wat is difference between u and me ,,,, pakistan is naturally an anti-hindu country where all the hindus are considered as enemies of Islam so naturally u are born with a same mind set .... but for us we live with them in our neighbourhood ,schools work places get togethers and almost all the ocassions ... i agree there are anti-muslim elements but that doesn't make a majority of hindus ..... same with pakistan there are extrimist elements who are muslims but do we associate them with a common civilian muslim just because they belong to same religion if i do so then will am a brainwashed .so such mindset exist among both the people of countries which needs to be corrected .
Who are you mate? Remember Canada flight that was blown up by Sikhs? Lol, talking about us when you Sikhs are notorious for that...

Btw sad that you don't have seperate country so you have to lick Hindu's a$$...

i dont spport that incident and 99% sikhs wont. and dont my religion into this. u guys simply divide ppl in religion, that is ur job.
list bro, u dont need to bring my religion up in every thread allright.

on topic:
u guys hate us and think we r not secure with them, that is ur problem. this is a common muslims problem in every country.

Get ready to be beheaded. I will be there in 5 minutes. Just lay your neck gently on the chair.
Thats wat is difference between u and me ,,,, pakistan is naturally an anti-hindu country where all the hindus are considered as enemies of Islam so naturally u are born with a same mind set .... but for us we live with them in our neighbourhood ,schools work places get togethers and almost all the ocassions ... i agree there are anti-muslim elements but that doesn't make a majority of hindus ..... same with pakistan there are extrimist elements who are muslims but do we associate them with a common civilian muslim just because they belong to same religion if i do so then will am a brainwashed .so such mindset exist among both the people of countries which needs to be corrected .

First tell me why you think Ahmedis are Muslims...

i dont spport that incident and 99% sikhs wont. and dont my religion into this. u guys simply divide ppl in religion, that is ur job.

So why are you acting like Muslims support blowing up people? You are a hypocrite...
Thats wat is difference between u and me ,,,, pakistan is naturally an anti-hindu country where all the hindus are considered as enemies of Islam so naturally u are born with a same mind set .... but for us we live with them in our neighbourhood ,schools work places get togethers and almost all the ocassions ... i agree there are anti-muslim elements but that doesn't make a majority of hindus ..... same with pakistan there are extrimist elements who are muslims but do we associate them with a common civilian muslim just because they belong to same religion if i do so then will am a brainwashed .so such mindset exist among both the people of countries which needs to be corrected .

You are an ignorant person Faiz. Don't judge Pakistan when you have never been there.
Get ready to be beheaded. I will be there in 5 minutes. Just lay your neck gently on the chair.

sorry bro i am a jatt sikh with a decent built body, make sure come prepared, i have an exam tom so wont have much time to kick ur ***. make it quick...
sorry bro i am a jatt sikh with a decent built body, make sure come prepared, i have an exam tom so wont have much time to kick ur ***. make it quick...

There are more jatts in Pakistan than in India....
First tell me why you think Ahmedis are Muslims...

So why are you acting like Muslims support blowing up people? You are a hypocrite...

i never said they support, they want peace, but even living in peace they think other hate us and then inturn feel insecure with them. this is the truth man accept it. u know it. u live in america. and i agree this sometimes happens with sikhs too but sikhs dont goo as far as blowing up/
Extremely Stupid OP.... No religion preaches violence including islam.
But some countries & sects are using Islam & its obsolete verses for their political, strategic or imperial gains ignoring the real essence of islam.
Radicalism is possible of every religion we have, its just some selfish peoples are using Islam more often which in turns gives bad image of islam.
sorry bro i am a jatt sikh with a decent built body, make sure come prepared, i have an exam tom so wont have much time to kick ur ***. make it quick...
Dude, RazPak , as far as I know is being sarcastic.. please no fighting everywhere..

This is the problem, religion comes up and fighting start instead of dicussion.. hot headed South-asians! :angry:
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