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Are Muslims enemies of Peace?

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Three Muslims killed over cow rumour
this happend in 2005.
you were saying :wave:

And it's funny to see ignorant people use words that they don't know the meanings to.
Do you guys even know what "wahabi" is?
Do you know their real names?
Do you know what they actually believe in?

It's easy to be sheep and hate because someone told you to.
The true test of intelligence is to know why you believe what you believe.

I meant to say A massive Riot Like Gujrath i think u did not get My point .

Well About Wahabis Bieng called as terrrorist I Strongly disagree with that i consider it nothing but a misconception .
yes there are militant group operating in the name of WAHABIS but that doesn't mean Wahabis are a terrorist group
This thread is rapidly turning out to be an anti-Indian Muslim thread. Unfortunately by Pakistani Muslims. when the topic revolves around muslims worldwide :hitwall:
I meant to say A massive Riot Like Gujrath i think u did not get My point .

Well About Wahabis Bieng called as terrrorist I Strongly disagree with that i consider it nothing but a misconception .
yes there are militant group operating in the name of WAHABIS but that doesn't mean Wahabis are a terrorist group

I'm sorry mate you have been brainwashed into thinking Ahmedis are Muslim and you think Hindus love you... Sorry mate...
Stop your bickering. Tell me how I can capture Hindus and kill them so that I can sleep tonight.

if its a fish tuna then its not haram but ,, if its meat tuna then definetly it haram if u eat that in american outllets

I never eat from outside, but when I do it's halal gyro or fish. I don't know what is meat tuna?? Thanks.
if its a fish tuna then its not haram but ,, if its meat tuna then definetly it haram if u eat that in american outllets

Don't worry bro, you dont need certification from others when your other countrymen are with you :coffee:
if its a fish tuna then its not haram but ,, if its meat tuna then definetly it haram if u eat that in american outllets

Slightly off topic, but can fish be halal at all?
I'm sorry mate you have been brainwashed into thinking Ahmedis are Muslim and you think Hindus love you... Sorry mate...

ur post means u think in ur mind that hindus, jews and christians hate u. because of that u hate them all. so one day a maulvi will come to u and say blow urself up and take revenge of hate or hit a building with a plane and u will. this is what u pakistani muslims are. crazy and hostile. u guys are insecure, no matter where u live u always behave like ur not a part of society and ppl wont like u coz ur pakistani muslim and have a long history of blown ups. i dont know bro but ur post really made me sad. if ur not an india better not make any comments between hindu muslims relation in india. it is different than in other parts of world.
ur post means u think in ur mind that hindus, jews and christians hate u. because of that u hate them all. so one day a maulvi will come to u and say blow urself up and take revenge of hate or hit a building with a plane and u will. this is what u pakistani muslims are. crazy and hostile. u guys are insecure, no matter where u live u always behave like ur not a part of society and ppl wont like u coz ur pakistani muslim and have a long history of blown ups. i dont know bro but ur post really made me sad. if ur not an india better not make any comments between hindu muslims relation in india. it is different than in other parts of world.

Listen Sikh. If you keep talking that **** I will seek you out in Vancouver and behead you.
I admit to being a cheeky there :cheesy:

But I do base it on news reports of RSS/ other hindu extremest groups.
Speeches against Pakistan and Muslims by these people
and of course, comments and attitudes by Indians online.
I will add that fanatics are present everywhere, I will show you videos from the most liberal nations where you will find the same material.

Also, RSS when people say that they are a terrorist organization I 'sometimes' laugh because there have been what 1 or 2 cases where they were accused(not conviced). Now you would say it is propaganda, I could immediately add what you heard was propaganda too, will it make us correct? they are a populist organization which has its faults too. No, we have to go by facts, Muslims hold equal position in any Indian society bar some fanatics which you will agree are everywhere.

Every time we have a thread about Islam, it instantly gets infested by Indian trolls.
true that I infested many of them too, but then again were you expecting to have a serious no nonsense discussion on defence.pk? People come here to pass time dude...

And finally, I saw a documentary on the CBC about these Hindu extremest groups and one of the leaders was extremely sad becuase "India had a chance to wipe out the Muslims in 1947, there were only a few million then. We could have solved our Muslim problem then but we were weak"
Sicen I have not seen the video I will not comment on the authenticity and will believe you. Tell me, did that happen? The guys who stoke the religious debates in India are pushed down simply because all the minorities were promised equal rights and they do have them.. Just check when a political figure makes anti-religious remarks, the political fraternity distances itself as quickly as possible.

For the life of me I cannot find this documentary online tho :(
I really wish I could.
It does not matter as I said I would believe you but it really does not matter and has not mattered. The Muslim population is growing, should give you some idea about the situation.
Islam is all about peace; Islam means submission to the almighty creator of all things will : as if you go to a forest and sit by yourself under a tree, you will obviously be in peace with yourself and your surroundings, because everything around you is submitting to the will of God and his laws set for nature. Hence Islam is synonymous to Salam which literally means peace.

But let's say that all of a sudden you hear some threatening noise, like some heavy steps on the leafs and branches on the ground and it is close to you, than your reaction will be obviously a defensive one, you'll get up and try to find what is it and evaluate the threat.
Let's assume that the threat is real and it is a question of life or death, you will certainly be compelled to defend yourself what ever the animal is, or flee -If it is possible- in this case, but as a nation or a civilisation and a powerful one at that, Muslims couldn't and weren't /aren't willing to flee since they cherish their closeness with God and the peace he provides them, more than anything else. And they are right about it, since, ounce you experience peace with yourself and around you, it is very powerful and I will say more addictive -in a positive way- than any drug in existence, and the natural thing is to try to keep this state of mind against all odds.
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